Automation templates & recurring workflows
Please add the ability to automate templates based on time periods/dates. Right now, templates can automatically be applied based on certain actions (i.e. adding new clients). It would be a tremendous help to have the ability to set templates to automatically run every quarter (or other time frame). For example, I run a client invoicing template every quarter and the process can be automated by applying this template automatically each quarter.

The suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added. This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Jill Curran commented
I agree! I want to be able to schedule workflows just as I can schedule activities by dates. As an alternative or in addition, it would be great to be able to create an automation template that triggers when an activity becomes due. For example, I often have trading activities on the 15th of the month. I could create a recurring activity called trading for the 15 and would like to then set up an automation template to create trading workflows for various clients every time the activity occurs (not when the activity is added).
Wendi Hall commented
With many firms working in both wealth management and accounting/tax, this feature is critical to allow these firms to use ONE task/CRM system to monitor and track projects and tasks.
Steve Cline commented
Is there any update to this? Been nearly two years since the last Redtail response. Or is this yet another issue that requires user-workaround instead of expecting any developer attention?
Anonymous commented
Did we do this yet? I would love to have the ability to do a repeating workflow just like a repeating calendar activity.
Lindsey commented
I just sent a question about this - PLEASE let us set up repeating workflows! We have multiple workflows that need to be recurring and would be amazing if they could be automatically initiated like activities can. Thanks!
Carrie Eacker commented
I need billing workflow to be able to run monthly, every month. Do I have to go in and add a workflow for EVERY month of the year?
Rachel commented
Yes! This would be extremely helpful for our efficiency. For example, we would like to be able to automate a workflow to start at every month end
mike commented
Yes, agree! We would love to have the ability to setup a workflow to trigger to automatically start at a certain date and frequency (i.e. the first of every month or quarter for month end or quarter end processes). This would be a huge efficiency gain in our office!
Rachel commented
AGREE! As we break out a procedure for each task we do, we are using activities less and workflows more. We need the same functionality as activities in our workflows especially when it comes recurring but also for the ability to assign more than one person to task versus needing to build every combination for a team.
Trang commented
Workflow Alerts-until the task has been completed, the alert should be sent as a pop-up or reminder to complete the task
Workflow Repeat - for events that are on-going
Heidi Bringhurst commented
Wholeheartedly agree. Had Workflows set up to just run back through themselves every appropriate period, in Leapfrog, because you could set a time frame between steps, instead of due dates based on an overall target date. When the last step was completed, it just went back to the first step with a due date a certain amount of time out (for instance, a month after completion of the last step). Once we switched to Tailwag, and they started using target dates and took away the option to use a certain time frame based following completion of a previous step, it made a LOT of our Workflows practically useless. We have to go in to each one now and manually assign a due date to the Tasks under each Step. Cumbersome!
Jennie Sanders commented
I just added a suggestion that I think is similar to this one.
Jennie Sanders commented
Certain tasks must be done every month with end of month deadlines. Currently, creating a Workflow does not allow for the repeating feature. It would be helpful to set a repeating feature so as to create a workflow tying together a broad theme (such as Compliance) with the reoccurring monthly activities and tasks assigned to various folks. This would allow us to produce a timeline and all of the other big picture features available in Workflow.
Audrey Petrus commented
I would love this. Date specific would be great. Such as, "Every January 1st, if B clients, add X workflow."
karen firebaugh commented
No one in my firm is using workflows, except me, because of this. Please make workflows seemless and integrated with the rest of calendars, activities, and notes.
Stephen Crabb commented
Agreed. This is EXTREMELY important to our firm. Having the capability to see the entire workflow while it is in process (being used for a client) and re-assign steps to different people on the fly (while the workflow is in use) is very, very important.
Also, the notes of all the previous steps at a glance without having to switch screens, thus seeing the entire workflow as it is being used, is critical to using these workflows.
Without these changes, workflows are extremely difficult to use as they require more accommodation to the process by the user than they provide accommodation of the process to the user.
taylor lane commented
Workflow will work great for our quarterly/annual reviews, but we would like the option for them to automatically start (appear on calendar) in a recurring fashion (quarterly, annually) so that we don't have to re-attach a work flow every few months.