It would be exponentially helpful to expand triggers to include options related to office processes! (ie, 'appointment completed', certain activity added to a calendar, workflows). This would create a lot of efficiency through automating those processes, versus the automation related to data that is currently offered.

Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Mark commented
Would be great for any field new value, specific value, or change in value to trigger an automation, including user defined fields.
Colleen Weber commented
Could the trigger "activity added" include activities generated from an integration - Calendly, Acuity, etc. Currently, only activities originated within Redtail are available to trigger a workflow.
Brittany Cox commented
I would like to be able to use a trigger for Investment Objective Change for the use of sending out 30 day letters.
Greer Gibson Bacon commented
I would find it extremely valuable to have the completion of one workflow trigger another workflow or workflows. This would be a huge time-saver for our firm, especially because so many processes involve different systems (Fidelity, Advent, Tamarac, eMoney and so on).
Denise Salzman commented
As Redtail reviews this option, please also look at the suggestion"Custom Trigger Events" that would allow us to create our own additional trigger events.
Zoe commented
This is exactly what I came here to say! Other Trigger suggestions: Contact Category Changed, Marital Anniversary, and Birthday.
Ryan commented
Please add some options for account level alerts... it would be invaluable to have notification sent out if an account value went to zero.
Anonymous commented
It would be extremely helpful to have an automation that triggers based on reaching a particular age.
Brett Sutherland commented
Triggers for reports would be great as well. It would be nice to have a birthday report emailed every month on a specific day to a specific user.
Derek Cockrell commented
Completely agree. We need much more flexibility in the automated process triggers. It would be nice to be able to have a separate trigger for Contact Status change, Contact Category change, and it would be nice to have a trigger for Send to eMoney the way that there is one for MoneyGuidePro.
Hannah Groom commented
I agree with Susan. We would find this very useful in our day to day business.
Craig Joncas commented
Yes, please do this and add "activity completed" as a trigger...Very important.