When creating new activity, give users the option to make the "more details page" the default.
Currently, there are lots of suggestions for fixing the abbreviated activities dialogue box. Many users are unhappy with the multi-step process for assigning activities to other users, adding notes, etc. It's very inefficient and lots of users prefer the Leapfrog approach to adding activities - one dialogue box with all the details on one page. It was very efficient.
Maybe the best solution to making the process more efficient in Tailwag is to bypass the abbreviated dialogue box. There are two options.
Get rid of the abbreviated dialogue box Altogether. When the user clicks add activity, Tailwag goes directly to the detailed page with all the options available (add notes, assign to, add contacts, etc). This is my preferred option.
Add a user preference to allows users to choose the default setting.
Option 2A: For users who like the abbreviated box, they can leave it as it is. No change.
Option 2B: For those who prefer seeing all the details (like leapfrog), make it possible for them to make the default setting go directly to the more details page.
Either of these options would go a very long way in helping users improve the efficiency of adding new activities. These would save time and reduce user frustration.

The suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Jonathan Sard commented
It is now a two step process to create an activity whereas on the old version it was one step. Furthermore, we now have to go to two screens to create a task which is very inefficient. Also, the process of switching tasks to other users/employees is very inefficient compared to the old version.
Anonymous commented
The update created more step when adding an activity. Please bring back the description box!!
Anonymous commented
We are getting double notifications for tasks when we have to edit the notes section in the detailed screen. We should be able to edit the activity before creating it to not get double emailed. This is an issue that just started with the new update
Jackie Thompson commented
When you go into the actual client folder to add an activity, you cannot add the description until you save the activity and then open it back up. Then the description box shows up. This makes no sense. You should be able to add notes in the description box from however you open up an activity page. Double work makes no sense.
Angel commented
This feature would allow you to click to add a new appointment, then click 'edit' to get you to the larger appointment creation field without having to enter information on that front screen.
Emily Dibbens commented
Agree! When you want to do a quick add of an activity- it used to bring up the whole thing with every option. Now you have to put in a few bits of information and then hit create and edit? We always put in as much information as possible so others in our office don't have to guess about anything. This is just an extra unnecessary step.
Alanna Mauch commented
The new version is inefficient for adding activities with descriptions. Though "streamlined," it is a hassle to have to create & click in to edit the activity in order to add a description of the assigned activity.
Additionally, the ability to add multiple attendees at once (in the old version) was much more efficient than opening the selection menu multiple times
Anonymous commented
First we have to add an activity then create it. Aren't we creating as we add?
Anonymous commented
Since the update, you have made us now have another step to creating an activity. Why isn't there room for notes on the first activity page you come to? Why do we now have to hit another button to put in notes for the activity? Seems less efficient.
Anonymous commented
Right now with the newest update you have the small activity box that pops up which you MUST fill out prior to expanding to add notes. Only problem is, that when you hit "create & edit" to add your notes/instructions, it send an email notification to the person you assigned the activity to. So they get an email with basically a blank activity AND THEN they receive an additional email notification once you add your notes and save the activity again.
Angel commented
I want to be able to select multiple attendees for an appointment at once.
Anonymous commented
Instead of clicking "creat activity," click "edit and create activity." This will open up the activity as you are used to seeing it, with a description section (although it is annoying to have to do an extra step, but better than trying to hunt down the activity you just created.)
Anonymous commented
When adding an activity for a client we can now only put in a subject line. The box for description is gone. We can only now put information in the description box if we first create the activity with a subject save it and then go back to open it and edit it. This is not helpful. Please bring the description box back!
William Mertes commented
Please roll back Tailwag 2.0. Everything I do now is harder than it was yesterday. Adding an activity? It's now an extra step to add details to that note. Want to see you current and past due activities? No longer an option from your home screen (TODAY). ANOTHER extra step.
Please turn back to the clock to yesterday!
Anonymous commented
When initially creating an appointment on the calendar, it would be helpful to have the following options: location, importance, priority & description. These features only appear after the appointment is made on the calendar. We have to go back into the appointment to fill in those items/fields. It would be a time saver! Thank you!
Anonymous commented
I agree, having to go to another page for add attendees is hugely time consuming! Please help!
Tammy Mueller commented
I would like to be able to choose a setting that would allow me to choose to go right to the edit screen on calendar. When I double-click on a time in the calendar I get the smaller choice and have to click on Edit every time because I always need to use edit to enter the location of the appointment. Somebody already asked if location could be added to the smaller window and it was declined as not possible. The location is being missed on appointments often in our office because people aren't taking that extra step. This is causing major problems for us. Either add location as an initial option since it is extremely important, or bypass the extra clicking by defaulting to the larger box right off the bat.
Jim M commented
And while you're at it, add the ability to select multiple contacts from the dropdown list of "Linked Contacts" in "Add Activity"!
Terri Sexton commented
please put attendees that are assigned in an activity on the first page without having to go to more details page.
Anonymous commented
This is too time consuming...not an efficient process. There should be a drop down list of users.