I need additional Mail Merge Fields
We want to create a custom mail merge template to use in place of the Confidential Personal Profile Form. There are multipe fields that I want to merge into this custom form that are not available in the current mail merge fields and therefore I will have a lot of info to add after the merge is complete.

The suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Kerry commented
Please provide a custom export option for opportunities.
Anonymous commented
I agree with the mail merge. It'd be nice to not have to resave a document from the original .docx version into an older version of word so that it works with Tailwag. There are so many extra steps we have to take in Tailwag... please upgrade this.
J Hansen commented
I would also like to request these fields:
Mobile phone
Spouse mobile phone
Spouse email
Spouse birthdate -
Anonymous commented
We have experienced several incompatibility issues with Redtail. We have been told that the email archiving is not compatible with Office 365 and that the newest version of Word that we can use for mail merge is 97-2003? .doc files are the only file type allowed. Please bring your compatibility to current standards. I want to be able to use the form controls available in .docx along with my mail merge templates. Thanks!
Anonymous commented
I will add again that ALL fields should be available for Mail Merge within the system... We should not have to export a contact or list of contacts, then import into Word to do a mail merge.
Don Rogers commented
Having this field accessible to mail merge would allow its use in a Pre-Approach letter to let the a prospective client know which friend referred him/her to the company.
Anonymous commented
All fields in Redtail should be available for mail merge!
One that would be particularly helpful for us is the target date. We are trying to automate some of our paperwork processes through the use of workflows, which allows mail merge, but the date is very important! The target date being a mail merge field would allow us to date our materials instead of having to go back and manually update them.
John Arnold commented
Please create a mail merge field for cell phone (mobile phone) numbers
Anonymous commented
It would be wonderful if ALL available export fields were applicable to the mail merge templates.
It also seems to me that they should be labeled the same as if you were to do a manual export, so that mail merge temple would work wether you di it within the system or without. For example, if you export the home phone to a spreadsheet it comes out as "home_phone" but within Redtail you have to us "HomePhone". This would be simplify the system.
Julie Hey commented
The excel export is not very helpful because it is still very limited in what fields we can export. I would expect a CRM to allow users to be able to export all the information inputted into the CRM. I really like how detailed Retail is and the amount of client information that can be stored. But if I cannot export the information into my reports for client meetings I am not able utilize Redtail to its full potential because I am still needing to type the same information duplicate times into my different reports. Would love to have this fixed ASAP. This would save many of us a lot of time. Thank you. this is the only drawback I have found with Redtail currently.
Anonymous commented
If there is a fillable field in Redtail, there should be a mail merge field available.
Please and Thank you!
Justin commented
In getting acquainted with Mail Merge for Redtail and trying to integrate it with our desired paperwork we were hoping there would be more fields that would auto-fill through Redtail. A few are Tax ID, Age, Mobile Phone, and other Spouse information.
Monica McCracken commented
I do not understand why you would have us fill in a mailing address and then when I go to do a "MAIL" merge it pulls only from what you check as a primary address. If I am sending "MAIL" I am pretty sure I want it to go to the address I put into the "MAILING ADDRESS" section. Please either call it Mailing or Primary but let people know where you will be pulling mail merge items from!!! Just logic says Mailing address is for mail.
Mitch commented
Additional of ability to pull SpouseEmai1Address, IPS Date, Review Frequency, Client Since, Anniversary Date
Shane DeLorme commented
I would like to see every possible field added to Export, and every possible Export field also be a mail merge field. I understand that you can work around it and export to Excel then run the mail merge in Word, but the time for that extra step starts to add up on a daily basis. I would like all the fields to become mail mergeable.
W.C. Moore Financial Services commented
Responding to Tara: the work-around only works if the fields are able to be exported from Redtail. Please allow all fields to be exported instead of trying to determine which ones your users need.
Heather Blanchard commented
More merge fields for mail merge docs please! SSN, DL#, Spouse/children details especially. The 2-step export to Excel, then merge in Word is way too time-consuming for everyday tasks like account opening/profile sheets. Custom profile reports would be great as well.
J Hansen commented
Yes! We vote for:
Spouse SS#
Spouse DOB
And most importantly:
Justin Kelleher commented
As Sonya mentioned, if it is in the client record, we would like the ability to use it in a mail merge. Spouse versions of phones, emails... cell phone numbers in general, etc.
Timothy James McNeely commented
And allow me to do this from email :)