I need additional Mail Merge Fields
We want to create a custom mail merge template to use in place of the Confidential Personal Profile Form. There are multipe fields that I want to merge into this custom form that are not available in the current mail merge fields and therefore I will have a lot of info to add after the merge is complete.

The suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Tammy commented
I agree w/ Marci Zuercher & Jamie Hornback completely! RT why is it taking YEARS to get this resolved? Its been requested, voted on, its importance expressed.....
RT please hear us and address our needs. -
Jamie Hornback commented
There have been multiple requests for this throughout the years. How is this not done already? We have been asking for this since we joined in 2017! I actually voted on this way back when. If you took all the different requests asking for this same thing and combined the votes.....just saying, the Mail Merge today is USELESS! I create custom export templates and use Microsoft to get the job done, which is completely unnecessary. In today's technology this shouldn't even need to be an ask.
Marci Zuercher commented
I would like to be able to create an appointment reminder mail merge. To do that we need to have the activity date, activity time, activity location all be mail merge fields. Then we can use the Redtail calendar for scheduling and creating reminder appts.
Sonya commented
Would be nice to be able use excel as a merge document also.
Anonymous commented
Agreed. All fields should be merge capable. We cannot create custom reports, client documents, checklists, etc without it. Account information and all UDFs (so that we can customize) is imperative!
Anonymous commented
We really need to make each field merge capable. It's insane we cannot merge cell phone numbers and spouse work numbers :-(
James Kuxhaus commented
Ability to add office roles such as Client Service Manager, Client Service Associate to mail merge would save much time and allow for changing staff members.
Anonymous commented
Account information fields should be added. Things like balance, account name, product and company would be extremely helpful and save a ton of time filling in information after running a mail merge.
Tom Holbrook commented
I have made templates in Word, and like the formatting available within Word. These templates lose their format once I copy and paste into email templates. Please give this some attention.
Nick von Dohlen commented
SpouseMiddlename and SpouseMiddleInitial fields should be added. In general, every field on a contact record should be a mail merge field. There should be no need for an Excel export work around.
Debbie Meyer commented
I agree. We need a SSN field and DOB field. I have reps that use these fields all the time, especially for clients over age 70 and these are much more important to them than the email field.
Nathan Luman commented
Haha! Agreed Chuck. Our office has been waiting on them to fix a work order for 2 years. Each time they say they fix it, close the ticket, and we have to call and get them to reopen because it's not fixed at all. Now they're responding with a vague blanket statement of "thank you for your patience, we'll email you as soon as it's fixed." Attention Redtail: Y'all have a really system here. This online suggestion forum is amazing, but it only works if customers feel their needs are being met. This thread, along with my office's 2 year old work order, are proof that needs are not being met, they are being ignored. Thank you for all that you do, but please work on meeting client needs and expectations.
Chuck Vercellone commented
With so many households dropping land lines, mobile phone numbers are increasing becoming more important. As it stands, we have to copy the mobile number to the home number field in order to get a merge. This needs to be corrected! As usual, this issue has been under review since 2014 and no movement made in over 3 years!
Greg Garvan commented
add mobile phone, she is right, it is now our majority phone # for clients.
Susan commented
Has the Mobile Phone field been added to the Mail Merge List?
Susan commented
Has the Mobile Phone field been added to the Mail Merge List?
Anonymous commented
Would like to see a plugin to Office so that you can click a button to add fields rather than Insert, Quick Parts, Mail Merge, Type Field, and hope for the best.
Wade Johnson commented
1&2 above are very important to us. Word 2003 is a very old format.
Anonymous commented
Please enhance Mail Merge! We need the ability to utilize functions available in Word (such as If...Then...Else) without running a custom export and by passing the Mail Merge function in Redtail.
Anonymous commented
Add these mail merge fields: Work address, work extension, work email.
At the beginning of each year we send out a contact update sheet to our clients to update their information on file. Oftentimes we need a work address to open up a new account, so it would be good to be able to mail merge this information into the contact update sheet we created for the client to verify. Sometimes clients also like us to have their work email or work phone extension on file.
Thank you.