I need additional Mail Merge Fields
We want to create a custom mail merge template to use in place of the Confidential Personal Profile Form. There are multipe fields that I want to merge into this custom form that are not available in the current mail merge fields and therefore I will have a lot of info to add after the merge is complete.

The suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Andrea Reitman commented
It would be great if I could return just the birthday month and day as opposed to the whole birth date.
Anonymous commented
Great Idea. I currently pre-book all my appointments and run bi-weekly mail/email merge reminder correspondence in 2 week increments. This seems like a simple thing but is a critical function of my business and I'm not sure I can justify switching CRMs without it.
John commented
Please consider adding the ability to have multiple physical addresses available for mail merge. I have many prospects for whom I am sending drip letters to both their BUSINESS (e.g., group benefits, 401k plans, etc.) and their PERSONAL (financial planning, wealth management, etc.) addresses. However, the mail merge capability only allows me to pick their PRIMARY address.
We need to pick the address we want, depending on the campaign we are running. Tech support told me to switch the PRIMARY flag as needed. This could potentially be feasible for occassional campaigns in single-advisor practice, but not practical as an ongoing process for a dynamic multi-advisor practice.
Tari commented
Please add:
Spouse Designation
sonya commented
I think that if it is in the client record you should be able to merge it! Make all info on the client record mergable!
Suzanne Rodriguez commented
I dont know if this will help, but I always create my mail merge documents with "Family name" instead of just first name and spouse first name. it seems to work really well, but your records have to reflect the family name on the head of household only. you cannot have a family name on both client records or it messes up. there is a trick to adding the salutation that I can ehlp you with if you need it.
Sonya commented
I agree! We also would like to be able to merge the clients account info into letters. Like the investment name, account number, balance. etc.
Kala commented
Per user:
Please add: Spouse date of birth, Tax ID and Spouse Tax ID -
CDR commented
It will be a bit complex but inside your word document you could use a merge field as if(servicing advisor = X, "DO THIS", iF(SERVICING ADVISOR = Y,"DO THIS"))
Brett Sutherland commented
Additonally, it would be great if the user record had a disclaimer field that could be merged. We are in the same position of having multiple advisors who have different licenses. Therefore, their disclaimers are different. Currently we would have to have 12 different versions of the same document to address their differing disclosures.
Marcia commented
Cell Phone Numbers are a MUST for mail merge fields! Thanks for your consideration.
Mark commented
In addition, I would like to be able to add any linked client's information (such as spouse or child) into a mail merge document including SSN, Birthdate, DL number, etc. We use this information to request quotes for auto insurance, etc. for our clients and need to combine the family information onto one document.
Jacob Kuebler commented
I agree, but this needs to ability to filter by appt. type/category
CDR commented
I agree but a work around is creating conditionals. I create code in MS Word that says if(advisor =X, "email is X", "Y") Hope that helps!
Noy Botier commented
add a mail merge field for the writing advisors email address and phone number info. and designation
Kollette Kirton commented
We would love to see you add additional merge fields that pertain to the spouse and children. For example: The spouse's date of birth, spouses occupation, SS#, and spouse's income. Also, merge fields that allow us to pull the children's names, date of birth, gender, SS#, income, etc. Thanks!
Kollette Kirton commented
I agree! That would be great as well. Thanks for the suggestion.
Kollette Kirton commented
We would love to see you add additional merge fields that pertain to the spouse and children. For example: The spouse's date of birth, spouses occupation and spouse's income. Also, merge fields that allow us to pull the children's names, date of birth, gender, income, etc. Thanks!
Kala commented
Also please add:
Next meeting dates
Next meeting time
Next meeting LocationSo that reminder cards can be set up for client meetings.
Hi Leah,
There aren't yet instructions for adding UDFs in Leapfrog, but you can see these instructions for adding UDFS in Redtail Classic:http://helpdesk.redtailtechnology.com/crm/?id=10974
Paul Cantrell
Redtail Technology