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227 results found

  1. Activities - Show On Main Page Past Due And Today's Activities

    Activities - Show On Main Page Past Due And Today's Activities. I do not only want to see today's activities, I want to also see the past due activities that people have snuck into my activities list that I don't know to check for.

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  2. Past due tasks stay on Today screen

    When I assign a task to myself or someone else, it will be on my today screen until the due date. If I don't get to it, and it goes to past due, it goes in the past due section. This would be fine, except every single calendar event goes there too, and it is useless for finding past due tasks. Like any good task list, they should stay on the Today screen until they are actually marked as complete. Unless I'm missing something, which is very possible....

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  3. Icon to show another user is in the same activity as you

    We have an issue where two or more users are in the same activity at times (unaware someone else is in there as well) and because of this, notes that we type in are not saved. Can you show an icon or box or something to show that there is another user in the activity at that time? I know it would be difficult to save both user's notes or show real-time updates without saving, so an icon or notification would be great!

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  4. filter activity by category

    Please add a function to Filter Activities by Category on the activities dashboard. Currently, we can only filter from Calendar view.

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  5. Extend Future activities view to 12 months for a client

    Having the activities button say Past due and next 12 months would be wonderful. It would be very helpful to see what the future activities scheduled for a particular client are with the click of a button. The button there works fine, but it's not long enough. If I have something scheduled 6 months out and I wanna know what that is....or even know that it exists frankly, it's hard to get too.

    Thank You
    Mike Traxler, RT User at Tradepmr

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  6. Add account number field when creating an activity

    We always have to click "create & edit" to add account numbers to a task. It would make it a lot quicker if we could just have an account number drop down field in creating a task so we can just click "create activity".

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  7. Add/Remove Activity Attendees in Bulk

    Currently, users can only Reassign attendees, which has the effect of removing ALL current attendees.

    Users need a way to add/remove particular attendees from activities in Bulk, similar to how Permissions works.

    This will help with users who are being disabled, and their activities to be a reassigned to another person, without replacing any other attendees on those said activities.

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  8. color

    Would be useful to have CHANGE CALENDAR COLORS option for "Category" on an activity.

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  9. past due activities view should be default view

    When looking at Today, I'd like to see "Past due" as well as "tue today" activities as a default

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  10. Allow activities to automatically roll forward every day

    We just transitioned from ACT. In ACT all activities that were not completed during the day automatically rolled forward to the following day. There was no need to check for incomplete activities in ACT. It would be very helpful to incorporate this feature into RedTail.

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  11. Completed by

    Perhaps we can add a “completed by” line to reflect on the details box? this would be helpful for shared users to know who created and who completes the task rather than digging way down in the time line .

    Created by: abc

    Created date:

    “Completed by:xyz”

    I would prefer to see it on the front without having to dig too deep.

    Like when you look at the notes section of a contact. It shows completed activities, start date and complete date but not who completed the task.

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  12. Under Activities, Displaying Both names rather than "2 Users" .

    We have numerous couples that are clients. When assigning activities, I must do a 2-step process in order to get them both on the activity. Once both clients names are on the activity, the activities section shows "2 users" linked to the activity rather than both names forcing me to do ANOTHER step in order to view who the activities belongs to. Can we please change the "2-users" to display the actual names of both contacts tied to the activity as well as the "assigned" users to display the agents working on the activity.

    This would be very helpful and…

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  13. checkbox

    Add the ability to use check boxes and drop downs within Activity Templates.

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  14. Click and Drag Activity to a Trash can

    It is cumbersome to have to open an activity then delete, when the calendar can have this feature to facilitate a smoother workflow.

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  15. Option to choose privacy for activities when creating them

    Notes let you choose the privacy options while creating. It would be nice to have that feature when creating activities.

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  16. Activity - "Waiting for" field

    Activities are often delayed when waiting for a response or action to be completed by a non-Redtail user. I would like a "Waiting for" field that displays as part of the activity list to indicate why an activity isn't being completed.

    I currently do this as part of the Activity description, but I have to remember to delete that part prior to completing the activity so it doesn't become part of the permanent Note title.

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  17. Recurring Activities Options

    When it comes to recurring activity options, it would be very helpful to have the added option of "Business Day" so that you could choose the 1st Business Day each month or the Last Business Day of each month, for example.

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  18. be able to choose multiple categories on an activity

    Would like to be able to assign/choose multiple categories for an activity or note. Sometimes more than one category applies.

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  19. Activity Template

    Allow activity template categories as an easier way to organize our seemingly endless list of activity templates. Maybe allow them to be categorized by department or team

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  20. activity

    Activity Edits/Formatting
    I accidently saw an expanded version of activity formatting options when there was a glitch and now we want the options!
    It would be great to have options to add pictures, different bullet points, printing options before saving the activity, highlighting, and colored font options -- all similar things that you can find in word.

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