Outcome of one workflow feed into another workflow
It would be nice if we could make outcome of one workflow step feed into another workflow.

The suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Rebecca commented
This request is in here under a few names, so it really has more votes than this - it's also basically under "Trigger a workflow within a workflow" and "Workflow Complete triggers additional workflow". There may be others.
This would be huge, as then users can daisy-chain workflows together based on conditions and modularize their workflows a bit, making them reusable and more valuable. Basically we'd just need two more automation triggers - one being "workflow complete" and one being "workflow added". Currently all of the triggers are around contacts or activities being added or changed. This leads mostly to workflows being useful for the beginnings of things, like new clients, but not once they are regular clients - we have to sort of force useless activities into their client records just to force the kickoff of workflows, which really clutters up their activity records over time. If you need use cases I can give you tons.
JClark commented
Yes!! This would be so helpful to be able to have an outcome start another workflow!
Molly O'Connell commented
Adding the ability to trigger tasks to certain individuals off completed workflow steps.
Anonymous commented
We would love if Redtail would allow you to use an "if, then" method with Workflow. If said client is this, then it would direct them to the specific Workflow. If not, then directed to another.
Kristen Wilson commented
We need a workflow outcome to redirect to begin a new workflow
Amy commented
Ability to have the closing of a workflow be an automation trigger. For example if a certain worklow is closed I can trigger the creation of a new workflow.
Anonymous commented
ex. workflow schedule meeting could have an outcome of review meeting scheduled which can trigger new workflow called review meeting prep
Anonymous commented
I was at RTU in Omaha and they taught us that we can launch a Task from a Note. We want to be able to launch a workflow from a note.
Andrea commented
Please create a "re-assigned activity" trigger to workflow trigger options-as well, allow a workflow to populate on re-occurring activities.
Also, currently the workflow activities show up in both "Today" on calendar AND in the "Workflow" activities below Today. So you have to complete it twice. Eliminate this. Just have the workflow populate in one spot for completion. -
Anonymous commented
Make it possible to have the completion of one workflow start another workflow. Case in point, an annual review meeting has the same 'follow up' criteria as an initial client meeting. It would be nice to have the ability to make the 'follow up' procedures be its own workflow that both the annual review and initial client meeting create as an automation feature when they are finished.
Chuck Vercellone commented
Or is this done with an automation? You complete the new client workflow (on-boarding workflow, initial appt workflow - whatever you want to call it) and now you need to start a new account workflow, hourly consult workflow, financial plan workflow - whatever the new client came to you for. It seems to be basic that one workflow may lead into another.
Peg Reid commented
Say at completion of enrollment workflow, spawn onboarding, census management and ongoing marketing workflows linked to this client.
Kami commented
It would be nice to have a specific activity open once a task is marked complete. I.E. task is schedule an appointment for 2 weeks out, mark complete and appointment activity opens.
Anonymous commented
I need to have the option to link workflows together. I want to have one step feed into another by choosing an "Outcome" or "Next Step"
Rafael commented
I want to be able to have a workflow automate from notes. So, if I speak with a client and make a note about the conversation. A workflow can be triggered directly from there.
Nick Weber commented
It would be helpful if a workflow step could trigger a checklist upon completing a step. I would like it if you could still go to the desired step but choosing that step upon completion triggers the desired checklist.
Anonymous commented
Would like to have one Workflow trigger off of the end of another workflow ((i.e. - on my after review appointment workflow, the last task is paperwork - would like to have that trigger one of our processing paperwork workflows automatically)...??
Anonymous commented
I would like you to add "add or change tax accountant (CPA) as a trigger event under automation templates.
Michelle A commented
It would be great to have one of the automation triggers be a certain step being reached within a workflow. Ideally I can think of multiple instances when I would like a certain workflow step - if the workflow goes that direction - to then kick off another workflow. While I know that I could instead perhaps decide to embed that second workflow into the first as tasks, that type of setup isn't always appropriate. Using automation would give me the ability to automatically tie two workflows together, without having one be inside another.
Julie commented
We'd love the system to be able to automatically attach a workflow upon adding a contact to at specific tag group