add a workflow to bulk actions
Since you don't have triggers for every situation. It would be nice to bulk add workflows to contacts. Adding multiple clients to a tax season workflow let's say. It could either be add workflows in bulk or attach them to multiple clients in bulk.

Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Nancy Buck commented
The whole idea of automation is to minimize manual intervention. If I have workflows that I always add to a new prospect record, and there is automation that triggers when I manually add a record, why wouldn't the bulk addition of new records trigger the automation, also?
Jess commented
It would be great to be able to send the workflows to search and then do a bulk name change, bulk task or bulk outcome change. Currently if the workflow name, a task or outcome within the workflow is changed/adjusted you have to individually change each record's workflow and or delete and reset up a new workflow. This is time consuming!
Dan commented
Bring back the bulk workflow assign so that each contact selected gets a workflow assigned but they move independently of each other. Currently, linking a workflow moves the workflow for everyone linked to the workflow once a task is completed.
Anonymous commented
Would like to be able to rollover (in bulk) past due workflow tasks, just like we do with open, past due activities. So nice that the workflow tasks appear on the 'today' screen!
Davy S commented
We would like to run a search, select the desired contacts, then add a the same workflow to each individual contact at once.
For example, one advisor in our office conducts a Medicare review with each of his clients 65 and older every year between October 15 and December 7. He completes the same process with all of them, and we have an appropriate workflow. However, adding the workflow to the search results would add all selected contacts to one workflow. If he completed one step for one contact, it would complete that step for all of them. Instead, we want to attach the workflow to each client individually, but in bulk. Per Redtail support, we cannot do so. As a result, I am currently adding the same workflow to 150+ contacts one-by-one.
Jessica Archer commented
Yes, please. I would like to be able to take a Contact record search and assign *each* contact the same workflow at the same time. Based on my conversation with Redtail support, I believe the current result would be a single workflow with multiple linked contacts.
- run Client Review Reminders Report of those due in next 30 days
- convert report to search results ("Send to Search")
- select all 18 records that need the workflow
- Bulk Actions > Workflow Link > select appropriate Workflow > Link to Workflow (green button)
- result should be 18 *separate* workflows... NOT a single workflow with 18 linked contactsIf certain contacts are related and *should* be on the same workflow, I imagine you'd add just one contact in the Bulk Actions portion of the procedure, then add the related contact manually after the workflow has been assigned.
Laura Benvenuto commented
Be able to bulk reassignment of all workflow tasks when you initiate the template
Curtis Ware commented
To clarify, you are stating that you want to add 18 separate WFs and not 18 Clients to one WF, correct? I would love to see this as an option in the Tailwag version as well.
J Hansen commented
It would be nice to be able to go to the My Workflow Tasks page, check a box next to a bunch of tasks, and bulk-complete them all at once. I realize this isn't a standard way of using workflows and could cause conflicts if there are custom outcomes associated with workflow steps, but here is how it would help us: We have an automation template that assigns a workflow to every new contact, reminding us to add permissions to the contact. I can bulk-assign permissions to them all at once, but then I have to go and complete each workflow, one-by-one, and it is very time consuming... Would be nice to do them all in one bulk action...
Kurt Reif commented
Previously, we would be able Bulk Add workflows. This worked great when we had 18 client meetings needed to set for August where we have a workflow to partition work. The previous version of Redtail had this feature. Tailwag does not. A new feature, using the drop down box to Add a work flow would be nice. Next to add a Activity... Note.
Kyle commented
I found a work-around for this problem. We just went through BD change and I wanted a separate workflow for each client household. Here are the steps to make this happen:
1.) Create an 'Automation Template' in the Manage Your Account area. The automation should start a workflow based on something such as an activity added. You can get creative by adding a custom activity type just for this task alone
2.) Search the list of clients you would like to have enter their own individual workflows
3.) Bulk add a new activity using the custom activity type you created. Set the activity to take place that day so it will be easy to delete later on.
4.) Double check to make sure the workflows have started for a few of the selected clients
5.) Bulk delete the 'activity' you created for each of the clients on the Today's Overview page. -
Bre Robinson commented
There should be function that allows you to assign the same workflow to multiple clients but yet allows you to see each instance of the workflow assigned to each client separately so that you can work one by one vs. in a group. Currently, when I apply my workflows to multiple clients it shows up on the calendar as one row not a row for each client i attached the workflow to. This would be very helpful when attaching a workflow to a multiple clients at a time, when each workflow will be worked individually vs, in a group. Will save a lot of time than how I have to do today, by attaching workflow to each client individually.