Please add a "private" workflow area that is not visible to the whole staff, just visible to the user.
Please add a "private" workflow area that is not visible to the whole staff, just visible to the user.

The suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Anonymous commented
as stated previously, it seems only logical that the system should allow for the same privacy settings allowed in tasks to be set on workflows as well. For a team with multiple advisors, this is absolutely crucial to operation concerns
Anonymous commented
Redtail - can you provide some additional information? Either is it planned or it isn't. There is no "may be planned" If it is planned, there should be a timeline. If it isn't planned, then why not?
Anonymous commented
This suggestion has been out since 2015. There are currently 141 votes to for this suggestion. Do we have an update as to when it will be implemented yet?
Anonymous commented
Is there a way to add permissions to workflows so that only certain users or teams have access and are able to see and edit them?
William commented
This is a much needed addition. I want reps to see rep workflows and employees to see employee workflows and admins to see everything. Can we have a status update on this?
Anonymous commented
Even if you duplicated the same privacy options available in activities, that would be helpful. Can we get a status on this request. it is desperately needed.
JP commented
It would be helpful if admins could designate workflows private for themselves and other users as needed. As Chief Operating Officer, there are some workflows that I need to create, but can't because they would be viewable and accessible to everyone.
JP commented
This would be helpful for individuals with repetitive daily routine(s) or work tasks and for non-client facing personnel.
Mike Tarrant commented
Please add the same filtering functionality that is in the "To Do" section of the Today screen to the Workflow section of the Today screen.
Gordon commented
I agree 100%
Anonymous commented
Seems like a "no brainer", someone should not be able to see anything that they don't have permission to see...
Jim McMahon commented
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Mike commented
Anonymous commented
Yes, but model workflows for the firm should be viewable by everyone.
Angie commented
It would be great if we could set privacy options for workflows just like we can with activities like tasks and appointments.
Camille Johnson commented
Please add a filter (similar to filter on calendar page) to the Workflow screen so that we don't have to look at all users workflows to see our individual (or team) list. We would also like to see permissions added to workflows eventually.
Karl commented
I agree - this should be a high priority to get this done
Tammy commented
Not sure if workflow is the same as adding a note. When adding a note, I have to go in and select permission type to keep it from being viewed by all users. I think it should default to the user and if I want to share with others, I should choose that. I actually feel the same way about all permission related entries.