Open Activities from Today screen - order of Past Due
When you choose "Past due" activities, it starts with the oldest, and separates them onto multiple pages. When you try to order newest to oldest, it only orders THAT PAGE, which is useless. I need to see my Past Due from the most recent to the oldest. There is no way to do that efficiently. You have to find your last page, order that page, work through that, then go to the next page and work through that. It's very clunky. Please allow ALL Past Due activities to be ordered from newest to oldest, not just the current page.

The suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added. This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Kristin Michel Rdriguez commented
Currently, the completed activities are listed in chronological order from oldest to most recent (at the bottom). If I'm looking at this list, I want to see the most recent first. I can't see any way to change the order. Please make it so that we can change to order easily or just change it so the default is most recent on top.
Anonymous commented
This would be a great improvement. Completed activities should be sorted newest to oldest. Even better, add the sorting back to the columns and let users choose how we view completed activities.
Greg Hanson commented
Hey, it's a database so flipping the date order should be easy.
Tech Support told me the old Redtail has this feature but it has not made its way into Tailwag yet. -
TT commented
It would be very helpful if the completed activities, for clients, were listed with most recent first. It seem unnecessary to scroll thru completed activities when most will want the most current one first.
Patrick Van Sumeren commented
Most recent activities should be listed first or their should be a away to customize it so they are. This is very frustrating and takes a lot of extra time to find the most recent which is what you would normally like to see first. Especially for completed activities, you have to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page, click on the last page number and then scroll to the bottom again.
Kristine commented
I agree. This is frustrating!
Sonja Cantu commented
PLEASE add this feature. I could care less about activities closed out in 2008. I want to see the most recent closed activities as my default. Thanks!
Natalie commented
Ha! Sorry I miss typed completed in the title, Can I also suggest that they add an edit field to the recommendations page. =)
Natalie commented
When looking at Completed Activities from the Client Record, It would be nice to have an arrow button to flip the order from Newest to Oldest. It currently lists all activates from Oldest to Newest. I think it’s more important to see the most recent activates on top rather than have to scroll down to the bottom of the list. Also adding a One Year sort filter would be helpful. It would be nice to see a sort function for the activity type too without having to run reports. This could be done by a simple alpha sort under the Type section so it groups the appointments, tasks, and what not together.
Paulette Pasquale commented
I migrated to Tailwag. I discovered that when you want to search completed activities, it shows the oldest activities first. On the other version, newest activities were first. Since I have clients with several pages of activities, I would really prefer to see the newest items first.
Mariette Rake commented
Completed activities should have a feature to sort starting from the top by either the most recent completed activity date or oldest date. It is inefficient to click through pages of activities to review a recently completed activity.
Lisa commented
Task list under client is currently only available from oldest to newest. We would like to have the option of viewing tasks from newest to oldest as well.