need all fields available to select from for custom reporting
We need to option to select from ALL fields within a client record and their account records for custom exporting, and would love to have the option to run it in a nice PDF format.

The suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Traci commented
Going on 2.5 years since this suggestion and was presented and over 800 votes...and stil no progress.........
Nancy Henn commented
The advanced search tool is very valuable to our firm. However it is very frustrating(for 6 years now) that we can search for a specific holding (asset) within a brokerage account, but then cannot create a custom export to print the account those assets are held in.
PLEASE update the custom export tool to have the capability to report on all the fields in the Data Base.
Dave commented
The account reporting is particularly weak and needs improvement
Anonymous commented
We really need the assets/liabilities/net worth etc added as fields in the custom export. We run these by clients every single meeting and it would be really nice to be able to just generate a quick document for what we need.
Anonymous commented
I don't understand why we don't have all the fields available. I went through the trouble to add the networth and other financial info under KYC but can't export the data for compliance. Why????
Michele Tomlinson commented
Work address would be awesome
Charles commented
Account Level UDFs need to be added to this so badly. There are certain pieces of information which are not included in any good reporting function for an account by account basis, which could severely improve reporting to advisors and also keep them from doing double data entry.
Information like annuity Maturity Dates, Change of Broker (COB Date) taken over, RMD systematic payment information, Automatic Withdrawal plans, etc.
We keep track of this info on an account by account basis. Contact UDFs are available in Custom Exports, but a single Contact UDF isn't necessarily good enough because one client may have multiple VA accounts, each with their own separate pieces of Custom Account Level UDFs which would need to be reported on.
Either build out the types of accounts with the proper tracking fields such as these whether qualified or not, or at least let us be able to do a custom export to see where our business is at with multiple accounts at a glance.
We can't afford to waste time doing individual Account Level UDF report exports and combine them on a client by client basis.
Please read this sincerely, as I want to get the best out of Redtail and all of the many wonderful things it does for us.
Anonymous commented
Please also add the following fields:
Spouse Primary Email
Spouse Home Email
Spouse Other Email
Spouse Work EmailThis would be a big help to our seminar/event planning process.
Laurie G. commented
Need to add the field for Attendee Status as field in the custom template report builder. The current 'canned' reports cannot be manipulated in any way and we often have hundreds of attendees that we are trying to sort through (confirmed, declined, no response, etc.). We need to be able to build a report that can be exported and sorted as needed. It would also be useful to build in a Seminar section under the Advanced Search feature so that we can select a seminar and then select the attendee status.
Lindsey commented
As a Financial Advisor we need to be able to capture these fields. We use Redtail because we can store all information per client in one place, but the inability to retrieve it in bulk is unhelpful. Thank you.
Anonymous commented
Any field should be exportable, but the account - related fields are critical to building templates for investment policy statements etc.
Leo O'Connor commented
Make every place I can enter data for a client or account exportable from the custom template field
Anonymous commented
We need the ability to export all the data fields available to create things like investment policy statements. For example, we would need to be able to export all the account-related fields so that we can then populate an investment policy statement template. The fields would include the registration, owners, model, etc. along with the risk tolerance fields for the client's record.
Joy Kuvareewong commented
It would be nice to add Spouse email address to the custom expeort
ryan commented
users would like to break up the start and end date for the last activity so the dates can easily be filtered on custom exports. Also it would be nice to have the html coding removed from the last note field in the custom exports.
Anonymous commented
Add the category "Mailing Address" to the contact info section in the Export Builder page so that when producing a custom report in excel, the information is readily available. Note: the mailing address is not necessarily the same as the primary or home address.
Meghan Tait commented
Add the option to add spouse's age (not just birthdate) to a custom export template.
Laurie Miranda commented
Completely agree. I was trying to run an export for the Objective field and it was not possible. As a database program, your clients should be able to export any and all fields. All the fields can be listed like the ones you already have on the custom export page so the client can select whatever odd combination they desire. Just a simple export file would work and then we can do all of the editing and making it pretty after we export it. But to do the time to data enter all the information into a field and then not to be able to run reports on it is extremely frustrating. This would be one feature that would be incredibly helpful and make our lives and your program much much better,
Anonymous commented
Please add coverage amount (death benefit) to the custom export report.
Anonymous commented
My manager just wanted me to run a test report utilizing data from Account level data of the "Strategic Allocation Model" area.
I said, OK! No problem! There's a custom export option for just about any field!
I went to go customize the custom export to include Account Objective, Time Horizon, and Risk Tolerance (all of which should also include customized items like a UDF), and I found out I was going to have to tell my manager she couldn't get that information. Anywhere.
If we are going to spend the time entering data and not be able to run a report off of its data entry, why bother entering it to review which clients fall into a certain area or not??
Please take a new look at perhaps some of these newer fields and please include them as at least custom export features, if not standard reports. Thanks for all of your hard work!