Allow customization of "Written Agreement Review" types
Would like to have the ability to edit names of the written agreements and add more types of agreements/reviews.

The suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Anonymous commented
Agree! We would love to be able to add additional documents and/or change the names of the options available.
Kim Baumler commented
Any chance this is happening soon?
Anonymous commented
Any updates redtail?
Cara commented
I really think this suggestion should be revisited. This would be extremely helpful. Especially if the user could somehow link the document to it as well (but just allowing customization of the agreement name would be fantastic!).
Hilaire commented
The whole team where I work would really love to be able to have a date for Financial Plans under Written Agreements. We do not use IMA/WMA Date.
Chris Briamonte commented
This should be a high priority improvement!
Updating account agreements is a FINRA requirement for many of us....presently there is no where in Redtail to track this and report on it.
Corine commented
Edit capabilities would be wonderful for the Agreements we use!
Jodi Jones commented
Can someone revisit this suggestion? Having the ability to edit the names of these agreements would be a welcome enhancement.
Anonymous commented
Seems to have been a recommendation out there for quite some time. I would like to add my name to the list who would like to see this done.
For example, I don't do IMAs but I do track the basic Customer Account Forms and need to update these every three years.
Anonymous commented
Need an option to add more date boxes and customize them so we can have all the important dates we need in one place. This would be very much appreciated. Also, can the IMA/WMA box be edited to say something else?
Anonymous commented
This is definitely a big issue- one client may have accounts with multiple companies that all have separate fee agreements that we need to keep track of as the date signed- so if there was a a way to change the label and add more written agreements that would be AMAZING!
Chelsea Heintschel commented
Agree with this suggestion. We were really surprised to see there isn't a space for Suitability Form signature seeing as that's a major compliance necessity
Anonymous commented
Would be nice to have the ability to update the labels under Written Agreements Review be changed from signed fee agreement to what we use Investment Management Agreement. Same with other items below.
Anonymous commented
In addition this should be tracked like you do insurance. These are annual contracts with a dollar amount associated with them. We would like to track financial plans or consulting contracts with dollar amount, start date and renewal date.
Kimberly Jungas-Samson commented
I would also like to see an option to add a dollar amount and frequency. If we have clients set up to make monthly payments I would like to be able to customize the dollar amount they owe and to be able to mark monthly, quarterly or annual pymt method.
Kelly commented
I would also like to see an option for how some of the items were sent. We have a word list keeping track of how the ADV was sent: e-mail, delivered at meeting, etc. AND then be able to run a report of these. So I can still have my "list".
Joseph Caputo commented
There needs to be more customization here. Not everyone calls it a "fee agreement" or "IPS Agreement". Allow us to change the name to what applies in our office, like "Service Agreement", or Financial Planning Agreement". Allow us to edit the name of the agreement in these fields. Even allow us to add multiple agreements for companies that that have more than one service.
Marcia commented
Yes, there needs to be a way to do a BULK change for the last ADV Offering and Last Privacy Offering. Investment Advisors need to provide these on an annual basis, so going into several hundred contact records to make the change every year is going to be VERY difficult and time consuming.
bquinney commented
Add a field for 17a3 offering under the "Written Agreements Review" section. Also adding the ability to bulk add a date to that section would be beneficial in that we send our privacy policy in bulk to all our clients once a year.