Allow Color Coding on the Calendar by Advisor/Employee
It would be nice to be able to color code our calendar by the person the task is assigned to rather than the type of appointment. I know others like the status quo so if there would be a way to choose between both features that would help out our company nicely.

We gave users the ability to color code the attendees to an activity via bubbles on an activity. If users dont want to leverage the bubbles there is an option in the preferences menu named "Allow Attendee Bubble View" which can be disable the bubbles and go back to a "Classic" version of the calendar.
Operations Manager commented
Hi Matthew,
In my opinion, having the attendee bubble on the right side of the appointment would make it appear less cluttered. -
We made a change in the CRM based on this feedback that shows the meeting attendees in bubbles that can be customized. Does anyone like this change?
Mike Ramey commented
This feature appears to have been executed and it is terrible.
Bethany Beebe commented
PLEASE add this feature! It would be so much more convenient if we could instantly differentiate which advisor is scheduled for what. This would be our main reason to move to a different CRM if this can't be done through Redtail - it is THAT aggravating. Thank you!
Toni-Lynn commented
Can we please make this feature a priority? It has been 2.5 years and it still not a feature. This is one reason my company uses a google calendar instead of the redtail one
Anonymous commented
Redtail team - can we get a status update on this feature? This would clearly be a HUGE value add for several Redtail users on your platform.
Anonymous commented
Hey RedTail, this has been open for quite awhile. Is this going to be looked at again any time soon? As you can see there are many people that this would be a life-saver for.
Anonymous commented
PLEASE add this feature. It would be so much more convenient if we could instantly differentiate which advisor is scheduled for what.
Anonymous commented
This would be so helpful to have it color coded by person than task. Please implement this.
Ryann Frontera commented
This would be an enhancement that would provide tremendous functionality. It would allow users to see the firm's entire calendar in one snap shot, but also ses the activities by user at the same time. As an admin, it would allow me to ensure our reps and myself are staying focused on our most urgent work without letting anything slip through the cracks by toggling back and forth between users. I understand this may not be the preference for everyone, so users could check off a box to allow this functionality.
Lindsey commented
Giving the option to color as your office needs would be ideal. On my personal calendar, I need different colors for different items but I also need to see my partners calendar, but would prefer it just as one different color. Each user should be given the option to change their own colors by activity type, person OR both.
Anonymous commented
That is a good idea Nicole, but would not work for the way our office and CRM is set up. We need the Admins to be able to distinguish between their tasks and appointments and the reps and we don't want to see everyone else's tasks and such. We have 5 Reps and 3 Admins with very full calendars. I work with 1 Rep and we utilize workflows and automations to the max. The other Admins have 2 Reps each. We all have to click back and forth between our Rep(s) and our own tasks and schedules. Appointments aren't even an issue. It's all the other stuff. Thank you for your idea though.
Nicole commented
Tip: For each advisor, create an APPT "Advisor Name" activity type. You can then change the color for that activity type. So to create the appointment for Bob, create the activity and use the Type: APPT Bob. We have 5 advisors and have no issues with color coding. An admin will need to add the activity type since not all users have the option.
Anonymous commented
How is this STILL not a feature??!?!
Anonymous commented
How is this not a feature? This seems like a basic function for a calendar.
Anonymous commented
I can’t believe this is still not part of the platform. With multiple advisors it’s very difficult to use without it.
Chris Horvath commented
This feature is very much needed in our organization!
Anonymous commented
I actually did not know this wasn't an option yet. Seems like it is obvious this needed to be a function. Came on here to explore to depths of the forums to uncover the truth that this is indeed NOT a function of this 'new and improved' tailwag experience. Sad :'(
Anonymous commented
Been asking for this for years. Very needed in an office that supports 4 advisors.
Jenny Switzer commented