Automation Workflow from Keyword
Start an automation workflow from specific keywords inputted into a client's profile.

The suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Shane Thomas commented
This has come up many times, and the "fix" has been to look at Zapper to do it. Why not just allow automations from anything we want? Please add soon!
Jovanna commented
This was reviewed over 4 years ago and no progress!
Yvette commented
Yes, having a workflow or activity or email triggered from a keyword being added or removed would be a great help.
Jessica Taylor commented
This would be helpful when changing a prospect client to active and automatically creating a task to send annual letter and Christmas card (both keywords).
Tom M. commented
I would also like additional automation triggers. We do a lot of group benefits (401k, group medical, ancillary benefits), and are starting to add workflows for specific employer clients so the proper steps are taken for their specific group. I wanted to set one up to trigger when a new contact has a specific employer. I might start using Source for this instead, and use that as the trigger.
Anonymous commented
I would like to see Triggers setup for when a client is added to a specific tag group or assigned a specific keyword