Creating an Activity Should Send ONE Notification
When creating an activity... Why does person you are assigning it to receives more than one email notification on the activity? You need to click on edit to add the location and notes, therefore I didn't save the activity so the email shouldn't be sent. If I didn't "Save" it I'm not done creating it.

The suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Bekah M commented
After a conversation with a Redtail support staff member, I did find a way to work around getting two emails. Do NOT assign anyone to the activity before clicking "Create & Edit." That avoids having the first email sent out which has no details.
THOUGH, it would be REALLY great if there was a "Description" box in the abbreviated "create activity" box. -
Angie commented
When you go to add an activity, only have the main box, no need for the small box, then create, then large box, then save.
Jackie A commented
Yes!!! same here!! They need to fix this ASAP!!!
Leo O'Connor Jr commented
This, again yes, this. I sometimes get asked what an activity is about because someone got the email notification before I have even finished writing in a description.
Scott Stevens commented
To assign a task and actually list task(s) that are needed 2 emails are generated with the new set up. To assign a task with instructions you have to click the "create and edit" button. AS soon as this happens a task is created with just the subject and then when the task is spelled out in the newly created editable task another email is generated as the task is "updated" even though it was all done at one time. Ridiculous 2 emails are generated or you have to type a long book in the subject line that you can't see or edit.