Add more fields under beneficiaries
Add fields under beneficiaries for address, relation, DOB, and social security number for each beneficiary. Beneficiary information is extremely important and should be easily accessible all in one location.

Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Lance Heimsoth commented
474 votes, with comments dating back 10 years!!! What the heck is going on? Why is this issue taking so long? I see Hayley responded 4 years ago with internal discussion????
Suggestion is open and gathering votes???
This is beyond frustrating and is unacceptable. It is not difficult to change the options fields in that section. Please respond with an answer. -
Anonymous commented
I agree that being able to link to a contact for beneficiaries would be great!
Mark Kerwood commented
Or even link to a Contact that contains these details.
Tom M. commented
+1 for per stirpes and per capita! Great suggestion, Leo.
Leo O'Connor Jr commented
Also let us designate 'per stirpes, per capita, etc'
Leo O'Connor Jr commented
I agree. Right now, for a 529 for instance, I have to add the account under the parent and for the option to also see it under the kid I end up calling the kid a joint owner, which is not accurate at all but the only way to easily get the result I want.
Leo O'Connor commented
For filling in beneficiary field under accounts, allow us the choice to link an existing contact of just manually enter a person who otherwise may not need to be in the system. Or allow us to enter the person and then cross reference what we put with what is in the system to see if an contact already exists. This will help us keep the SSN and DOB information that we need on record.
Scott Sirois commented
This would be an outstanding and much needed enhancement to the CRM! There is currently no good place for this valuable and vital client account information. The sooner the better! Please!
Anonymous commented
And be able to easily generate a report like the client profile.
Carole Gardner commented
In that same line of thought...I would love to use a printed Client Profile form when filling out applications to add the beneficiary information. This form will only list spouse and child(ren) within that household. So, if your child(ren) are grown they do not appear on that form. They are still your children...shouldn't that profile form reflect that? It is just another time consuming task to keep switching back and forth between screens to get this info!
Shannon Daily commented
The beneficiary information should be on the right side of the Contact Overview page below the Contact Details box. The user should be able to add as many beneficiaries as needed with an area for information including first name, middle name, last name, birthdate, social security number, address, phone number, email address, relationship to contact, primary vs. contingent, etc...
Suzanne Rodriguez commented
I agree. The ben report that is available only allows names. It is frustrating to have to pull up prior forms to see bene info if we are doing a new account.
Andrea Maher commented
Create a place where beneficiaries can be listed for the clients, with respect to their various accounts. This would be extremely helpful to us advisors having all of the relevant information such as birthday, SS#, address and phone # included in the client profile as opposed to creating a new contact who we do not have separate accounts with. Most often the beneficiaries (Primary) are the Spouses and then (Contingent) are their children, brothers/sisters, nieces/nephews) and are most often not clients of ours and in some cases are children. It would be great to have a place to enter this information in Redtail so we could track it and update it and keep records of when the updating took place. Beneficiary information is very important on out business.
Suzanne Rodriguez commented
Well, since you have to type the name anyway, why dont you just type "Jane Doe, Granddaughter".
Anonymous commented
We would like to be able to say who the beneficiary is to the client. Such as "grandchild", "sister", "significant other"