Activities saved as draft
When creating an activity, it would be really helpful to have that activity saved as a draft if you inadvertently leave the activity before saving it. If nothing else, a pop-up asking whether you're sure you want to leave an unsaved activity would help keep us from forgetting and losing all of the activity detail we already entered.

The suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Michele Tomlinson commented
Please please please add this feature. It works great for notes but is not available for activities.
Michele T commented
This would be quite helpful! We type detailed notes in our appointment activities before saving and closing - it is frustrating when the "red unicorn" appears when we hit that button and the activity, with all our notes, has not been saved. Please create a "draft" that gets saved like in the note section or do an "auto-save" every line.
Don G commented
Thought I'd update this thread, since I was looking and came here and assumed this hadn't been updated yet. Upon further research I found that Drafts are saved now. If you've lost a note because it wasn't saved before an exit/logout, go to the contact and add a new note. Towards the bottom of the note screen you'll see a 'Show Drafts' link. Click on it, and if you were editing a note in that contact before, you should see it. You can then copy and paste it into your new note and save it. See
Lisa commented
We type all of our appointment notes into the activity description before completing. I can't tell you how many times I have been in the middle of that process and get interrupted with a call or question and end up leaving that screen without saving first.
PLEASE either add a Saved as Draft option, an Auto Save feature, or at least a notification pop-up that asks if you want to leave without saving!!!
Josh C commented
While in an activity typing a linked note, if you accidentally click somewhere outside of the note area, the note goes away and is lost forever. Can we get some kind of confirmation box that asks if we are sure we want to delete/cancel this note?
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
save text in note box of activity or at least prompt to save before clicking print button or off screen. Grrrrrrr. Lost about 8 paragraphs
Christina Perna commented
Please allow drafts for notes in activity description. Quite frequently we get interrupted in the middle of adding information in the description section of an activity. Having a draft of that information would be extremely helpful.
Joseph Caputo commented
When session times out the email you are writing gets lost and no way to recover. Please fix. Also add a way to recover lost emails in the dropbox section.
Deanna Pickering commented
PLEASE give us an update on this fix. This is a major problem!!!!!
Anonymous commented
We either need Auto Saving OR Confirm OK to Leave Page Alert when working on task. If you take too long or hit the wrong button, everything typed may delete.
Anonymous commented
Try opening more than one Redtail page at a time. Keep one as calendar, and one for everything else.
Josh C commented
While typing a Linked Note, the note disappears with no draft if you click anywhere other than the white note area. Please fix this. It has caused several people in the office to have to retype notes multiple times on many occasions.
Jeffrey commented
After spending a few minutes on updating a calendar activity item, with corresponding typed notes, one click of the surrounding greyed-out area deletes the open window, without saving all the typed changes.
(It's especially easy to accidentally click the grey area, when switching back and forth between windows with other software programs). -
Jackie A commented
Tiffany Person commented
Frustrated that when I double-click on calendar to add an event/appointment/etc, the pop-up window disappears as soon as I navigate away from it! So if I get a phone call in the middle of setting up someone's appointment and have to navigate to, say, Outlook or something, when I come back to RedTail the appointment I was working on is gone! It needs to stay up as an active tile in the background.
Grace commented
While typing a task, can redtail automatically save during new task, so nothing is lost?
Anonymous commented
I just spent at least 30 minutes recreating the information I put in a project. I left the project to check on a client's information and realized that I had lost all of the information I had just entered. It should pop up and ask if I'm sure, or save a draft.
Jeanne Gibson commented
Or at least say - this has not been saved, would you like to save it?
Nicole Bailey commented
When you are in an activity after making changes and you leave the page without saving a, "are you sure you want to leave this page without saving" dialog box would be appreciated. It's common to be interrupted while in the middle of making changes to a task and have left a page now the activity that was just updated is not saved.