When creating new activity, give users the option to make the "more details page" the default.
Currently, there are lots of suggestions for fixing the abbreviated activities dialogue box. Many users are unhappy with the multi-step process for assigning activities to other users, adding notes, etc. It's very inefficient and lots of users prefer the Leapfrog approach to adding activities - one dialogue box with all the details on one page. It was very efficient.
Maybe the best solution to making the process more efficient in Tailwag is to bypass the abbreviated dialogue box. There are two options.
Get rid of the abbreviated dialogue box Altogether. When the user clicks add activity, Tailwag goes directly to the detailed page with all the options available (add notes, assign to, add contacts, etc). This is my preferred option.
Add a user preference to allows users to choose the default setting.
Option 2A: For users who like the abbreviated box, they can leave it as it is. No change.
Option 2B: For those who prefer seeing all the details (like leapfrog), make it possible for them to make the default setting go directly to the more details page.
Either of these options would go a very long way in helping users improve the efficiency of adding new activities. These would save time and reduce user frustration.

The suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Cody commented
This would create some efficiencies for our team but, more importantly, it would reduce duplicate email notifications for activities.
For example, right now, when we click "Add activity" and add the relevant details in the abbreviated "Create Activity" window, attendees will get an "activity assigned" notification email as soon as we click "create & edit" and then another "activity updated" email once we actually have the opportunity to get to the activity details screen to add a description and additional notes, etc.
Is there a recommended workaround for this or planned feature update that would allow us to bypass "create activity" and go straight to "activity details" window?
Chris Makosch commented
when clicking the add activity the system generates a shorten version and eliminates repeat functionality and other areas. I find myself after adding activity going back to the activity to edit it to make necessary additions. I would prefer the long form over the abbreviated shorten form.
Becky M commented
I actually like the abbreviated box. It's easier to use and you can always go to the 'full' version if necessary. I just wish the default place for the cursor would be the first field on the screen, not the second one. It makes no sense!!
Dan commented
Has this really been under review since 2015? Please, please add the description box as the default for adding a new activities. Assigning activities is one of the most common things every single user does on a daily basis.
Angie commented
If our office used the details box as the default this would not generate one email notification when we select create and edit then another email notification once we've filled in the details or added another user and hit save. I know we can turn off these email notifications but we do not want to but would like to only receive one email for one activity unless of course there's an edit to the activity after it has actually been created.
Dan commented
Please make it easier to assign activities to other users by adding the description box.
Jennifer Goodworth commented
You should be able to enter any and all pertinent information for an activity right from the original pop-up box. Having to click "create & edit" is not efficient, and it also creates multiple notifications for the same activity. At the very least, you should be able to add a note or description and also select who should be notified. Once.
Anne Dumas commented
We used to be able to select more than one attendees at a time when scheduling something on the calendar for several advisors or all of us. We would like that option back - it is a real pain to add each attendee one at a time.
Dan commented
Please include the Activity description field when doing a "Quick Add Activity"
Jennifer Goodworth commented
It would be nice if you could input everything that might be needed on an activity right from the first screen, rather than having to "save & edit". For instance, if I want to notify certain groups of the activity, I have to save and edit simply to notify them. I should be able to do this all from one screen.
Angela Dittmer commented
Still requesting to have the Description Box back during the first step of creating a task so we aren't sending advisors/assistants two emails for every task! That is not efficient!
Ryan commented
While I understand the idea of 'speeding up' activity creation by using the initial trimmed down screen, this has really added extra steps to creating an activity for me as we almost always have activity notes to put in when creating the activity. To have to create the activity and edit just takes us a little bit longer for each activity. Please add the activity notes section to this first screen. Thanks!
Angela Block commented
There is another topic out there specifically regarding this called "create activity put description box back please". It has more votes, so maybe this can be consolidated with that one??
Angela Block commented
Angela Jolley commented
We need this, it is very time consuming to have to go to an additional screen for every activity to set the priority and importance
Stephanie Lutz commented
I hate that this new version takes you away from the calendar. If your job is scheduling all day like mine is, you need to be able to see ahead. I actually had to get a paper calendar for my desk to work around this.
Anonymous commented
I STRONGLY agree. Since there is NO description box, I then select "Create & Edit" bc that opens a large description box. But my assistant then receives 2 emails. Not efficient at all.
Anonymous commented
Add the note box back when creating an Activity. Should not have to click to create the activity, go back and edit activity to add the notes of an upcoming meeting or webinar. TODAY would not be too soon.
Angela Dittmer commented
I vote for the Description Box to be added when we are first creating an activity because if you do it in the second part (after clicking Create and Edit), the person assigned to the task is receiving TWO emails, one with only the subject line and then a second one with the subject line and the description box information. For some individuals in the office, this is creating a lot of extra/duplicate email notifications. We really can't correct it by changing the notifications under preferences because sometimes all that is needed is the Subject Line, i.e. Call Client, and I want the person to receive those types of notifications as well as notifications for updating an actiivity
Anonymous commented
Why in the world are you making it so we have so many more steps to do simple everyday tasks than we used to in Leapfrog? Each day I seem to find a new way in which this is worse. Why do I have to go through a new additional step to make an activity repeat or put an account number on it? Or just bring back Leapfrog, that would be best.