Customize Email viewing permissions
would like to have some controls over what emails employees can view within the CRM. Example: we want employees to see all emails within a client record, however, would like to restrict the viewing of emails within employee records. We do not want employees viewing emails from the principal of the firm or the compliance officer.
I know I can delete the emails from the CRM so that no emails appear in the history, however, an employee could simply type it back in to view emails.

The suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added. This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Anonymous commented
I agree with Jay. We are new users of the software and this is very frustrating issue. We may have gone a different direction if we knew ahead of time that this would be an issue.
Jay- if I may ask - does your firm have a workaround for this?
Howard -
Chris Long commented
It would be great to be able to search for emails from everyone at a particular company e.g. This would allow you to easily capture all of your communication with a company (e.g. your custodian) especially if you were dealing with a number of different people about a particular issue.
Right now you would need to enter in every persons individual email address under the business to be able to do this.
Nikki Schmelz commented
Additional email viewing permissions such as being able to place permissions on specific addresses or limit users/teams to only seeing specific emails in email history in addition to their own.
Carol Donnelly commented
There needs to be a feature for email archive where you can block certain staff members from seeing certain emails. For instance, if a staff member sends the advisor an email regarding another staff member this is going to be in the email history for everyone to see. There needs to be an option to block this without blocking that user from seeing everything.
Also, if my advisor sends a contact an email it is in his email history for everyone to see. You should be able to block certain ones. He may have personal emails that the whole company should not be able to see.
You can definitely enter more than 3 emails in the client record, and have them all captured in Email History. For more help with this, contact our email support team at!
Anonymous commented
I would like to know when Redtail is going to address their email privacy issues. Redtail may work in an open office where there is all staff that are allowed to see all communications; however, an office with multiple advisors or departments there is a privacy problem when every user can be exposed to emails with confidential information not particular to them. If two advisors have the same industry contact to which confidential emails are sent to by various advisors all emails to that contact can be seen by anyone in the database that has that contact with that email. Emails should only be able to be seen by team members of the people included in the email.
Clair Crossland commented
Currently RT only archives email from 3 addresses per contact. I get email from multiple senders at vendor companies. Please allow a wildcard email address, like *, that would archive all email from that domain. (you might want to program it so it wouldn't allow the wildcard on mass email domains such as gmail or hotmail, etc.)
Joseph Caputo commented
There needs to be several more user rights options. Add email viewing rights to this list (not every user should be allowed to see email history). We need this ability to turn on and off for specific database users.
Anonymous commented
there should be more than just all or none when it comes to permissioning who can see what emails. We have multiple teams using the same database and they should be able to see each other's emails. But with either everyone being an admin or none, you run into issues regarding allowing assistants or brokers and teams to see email communication.
Joe K. commented
Each day that passes I find myself entering more and more e-mail addresses for the same company. Think this would be a great addition,
Joe K. commented
The ability to enter a company e-mail address in e-mail and have all employees e-mails show in history.
Example: One company I work with has 20+ employees who e-mail me. It would easier to enter just the domain in e-mail 2 versus entering 20+ e-mail addresses.
Clair Crossland commented
EMail History only captures messages from a maximum of 3 senders. I may get messages from 5 or more individuals at a vendor and those may change frequently. It would be great to be able to list EMail 3 as *.domainname in order to capture all email from that company.
Jay commented
It would be helpful to be able to view and change the email viewing permissions per client similar to how client viewing permissions work. That way you could allow certain staff to view some email but not all. Currently it is either they can just see their own emails or everyones.
Marty Peterson commented
I agree, if there were a setting that could be set to NOT archive emails for the logged in user's email address, that would accomplish this. We need the assistant to have visibility between the advisor and the client, and the advisor needs to have visibility to the emails between the client and the assistant. However, I don't want the assistant or the advisor to be able to see "unrelated" emails where no client communication is involved. It should not be ok for the broker or assistant to be able to add the various users email address as dummy contacts just to "see" all of their archived email. Perhaps the DB owner would have access to a list of email addresses that can be added that could not be provisioned on contact records...this may accomplish this goal as well.
Eric commented
Yes, what's more, if permission is open, then any employee can enter another employee's email into ANY record and see all of their email communication! However, if it is restricted, then the restricted employees can ONLY see email in which they are involved. So, if I have a lengthy email exchange with a client, my assistance can't see that.
Biltmore commented
This is a huge source of concern for my firm as well. The backup email archive is very time consuming as well and just an extra step to request in an already very busy environment.
Anonymous commented
Please allow viewing and Search of the entire email archive based on USER, and Entire domain.
Currently it is setup that only emails linked to a contact can be viewed.
This creates a compliance problem because as CCO I cannot view all inbound and outbound email.Currently a backup of the archive is the only way to make sure I can see all email.