Add a 'Contact Category Change' Trigger Event for Automations
Just like the title states, adding a trigger event for Category changes would be incredible. Additionally, in the long run, being able to have unique trigger events, that are inputed by the user.

The suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Jaci Myers commented
This would be very useful for our business ! It would help marketing out a bunch!
Anonymous commented
This would be such a simple addition that would be very helpful. Please consider adding it soon.
Cindy Brown commented
Please add the option to add an Automation if the Contact Category is changed.
Anonymous commented
We use categories to track the progress on our prospective client pipeline. After a year of trying to get my team on board to use workflows, I designed them all beautifully and now they don't work correctly because this feature doesn't exist. :( Very confusing since it seems to be such a basic feature! Thank you very much for your consideration of adding this capability soon!
Anonymous commented
It will be an important and most useful feature to segment workflow for different categories of far as I can see it. Please consider to implement. thanks!
Dan Suiter commented
Yes, yes, yes! Please!!!
Leo O'Connor Jr commented
I need this! I use former client in the status for most people but when a client dies they are deceased in status and the category continues to denote they have open accounts until their accounts are closed, in which case I put their category as a former client. Now I am missing a workflow triggering for former clients if they happen to be deceased because you are stingy with the automation triggers.
Amanda Raney commented
There are 11 users of our database and all can change to contact category of the client. It would be great if there was a notification of a change in category so I can make necessary updates/changes to their records.
Patrick McNamara commented
Also, It would be nice to have an automation trigger when an activity has been changed. For example, when an appointment is scheduled and the appointment gets canceled. It would be nice to change the activity of the scheduled appointment activity and once a person changes the activity, from appointment to cancel, an automation is triggered for canceled appointments.
Sarah Tosto commented
When An Activity is created the category must be filled out to make automation work. If you go back into an Activity that is already set up and change the category it will not create a workflow. you have to either create work flow manually or delete Activity and start over. It would be great if a change in category would make the Automation.
Anonymous commented
Changing the category in an existing activity does not start a workflow. The only way for a workflow to start is to correctly provided the subcategory initially.
Can we have it like the address change, that if the subcategory is changed it will start the correct workflow.
Anonymous commented
We need this too, please add.
Anonymous commented
Yes, please, Add soon!
Anonymous commented
Yes please! We really need this.
Kerry commented
This would be super helpful!
Donald F. Morgan commented
Once a step is complete, have system create note.
Dean Burdette commented
We even have sales phases as well as client rankings and would like automations help link contacts into appropriate workflows. It is currently being manually done and this automation would help ensure that no one fell through the cracks.
Anonymous commented
Agreed! Our client service tiers depend on category. I.e. D clients are contacted annually, A clients quarterly and different staff members work on different client categories. If a D client retires & we gain their pension and rollover 401(k), they'd bump to a different category and should get an elevated level of service.
Derieck Hodges commented
1. Add the ability to generate an automation template for Contact Category changes.
2. Generate activities, not just emails and workflows, from an automation template.
John Litscher commented
It would be nice to have an automation that kicks in upon a change in Client Category (where we store A,B,C ranking of clients). Thanks.