Add roles to the main page for a contact
Instead of having the redundant "Servicing and "Writing" advisor on the main page under contact details, put the Roles in these spots. Because the roles are associated with workflows, It is important to have them in an easy to see place instead of on a random page that is easily forgettable.

The suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added. This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Jeffery Ottosen commented
Please do this!!
Jeffery Ottosen commented
Michael C. commented
I can't agree enough with this - Roles are a key feature of scalable workflows yet they are hidden at least two clicks off the main page in possibly the most out-of-the-way place possible on a contact record when they should be front and center in the Contact Details section. Please move them there, and ideally offer the ability to fill in all 3 at once based on pre-defined teams (with the option to edit individuals as needed).
Mike Tarrant commented
Yes, please add roles to main page under client details, near/adjacent to writing and servicing advisor.
Alisha Macom commented
I agree with Ginger Young's comment posted on 6/21/2018
Ginger Young commented
Actually, we use the Servicing Advisor and Writing Advisor in our practice, and we like having it where it is on a contact's main page. We are not opposed to seeing the roles listed below the Servicing and Writing Advisor fields, but we definitely do not want them removed from the main page. We are in the middle of two very large book transitions and need to see the Servicing and Writing Advisors at a glance when answering a client phone call to know which advisor services their account. It differs from the Writing advisor about 50% of the time in our firm.
Kevin Kelly commented
Yes please to help workflows ACTUALLY WORK better.
Anonymous commented
Pat Hinchey commented
this revision is long overdue
Temp Davis commented
Yes please to help workflows ACTUALLY WORK better.
Leo O'Connor Jr commented
Also, get your wording consistent. On the main contact page the system uses the terms Writing Advisor and Servicing Advisor but those aren't found in the roles. Are those really additional roles on top of Advisor, Associate Advisor, and CSA? Those are roles that for the best chance of using the system well you will want identified for each client so they should be added when a contact is added and be as visible as servicing and writing advisor is.
Anonymous commented
I would also suggest that the roles be at the top of the page by the record name so its easily viewable when a record is opened. this would allow us to know who the 'CSA' or "Assoc Advisor' is without having to oepn up the contact record further or scroll down (which you can't do if you have a window open).