Add Clients by Region Mapping/Reporting
When setting review appointments it would be great to be able to see an area map with pin points of clients addresses in order to make the most of traveling to certain areas.

The suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Jason commented
Add contacts/customers to pins on maps, with custom color pins & pics/avatars
Anonymous commented
Please add this feature. I handle schools and not everyone that works at the school, lives nearby. This would be nice to select several tag groups and have them plot on a map to make calls for reviews.
Teresa S commented
I know you can export your Florida clients to a spreadsheet and upload them into Google Maps. Then it will display your clients along with directions.
Scott Thaxton commented
I would like to click on the Florida map to see all of my clients and their proximity to each other so I can spend the month of February visiting them for reviews!!!
Anonymous commented
GREAT IDEA!! I was just getting ready to add this as a new idea. Looks like you did in 2012.
Also, a quick link to them click on the pin and have it go to your map for directions on you cell.
Ken commented
This would be great. Impressive & ideal would be to have the ability to set a radius on the map, then export a report/attach workflows to those profiles!
Dan B. commented
This idea would apply to contacts and activities.
With the abundance of mapping services available now, Redtail could offer a number of new functions and features.
1. Map Addresses - Within a contact record, provide a button that opens a Google, Bing, Map Quest map showing where a contact is located. This map could offer directions as well.
2. When creating a new Calendar Event/Activity, allow the user to select a location (Advisors office, clients home, clients work, other manually entered address) and link to a map.
3. Create a map from Qucklist or advanced search. This function allows a user to create a list of all A Clients (example) and shows them on a map. Another example would've all prospects entered in the last 10 months. Showing these on a map provides actionable intelligence on effectiveness of marketing efforts.The possibilities are huge.
Thank you for clarifying this request.
Sue commented
I understand this can be done by advance search, but it was not what I was looking for. I would like to see a map with pins showing number of clients residing in each zip code. For example, Tucson has 54 zip codes. It would be so wonderful to see at a glance where the bulk of our clients live.; The advance search doesn't quite demonstrate it that way.
Anonymous commented
This doesn't help when you don't know where the zip codes are in relation to each other. Or where they're located in the state. We have clients who live in surrounding states. I can run a report for a state and the zip code, but without a map, I have no idea if they're 10 miles apart or 5 hours apart.
Anonymous commented
This would also be helpful for planning out of town meetings. We could easily get a list of clients within a certain radius and contact that group to schedule.
Sue commented
We'd love to see a feature that plots the number of clients who live in specific zip codes on a map. For example, it'd be a great at-a-glance feature to see how many clients live in a certain area when planning venues for events.
Dawn commented
To help schedule appointments in different areas, it would be helpful to export the list of clients to a map, to help see which clients are in the same location. To make it even more useful... have the pins color coded , either by client's level and / or assigned to different agents.
Anonymous commented
Thank you! We need this! Maybe allow us to select if we only want to search contacts or do a global search. A few other choices would be great as well.
Julia commented
It would be great if you could select a group of contacts and them map them to see where they are in relationship to one another. This would be great for planning travel.
Phillip Christenson commented
There is currently a search bar at the top of the dashboard but it can only search for contacts. What would be great is a general search so we can quickly find anything in Redtail. For example, I would like to search for "infogroup" because I know there is a task to follow up with infogroup. The results would show, contact records, workflows, tasks, etc all related to the keyword infogroup.
Anonymous commented
It would be great to have a visual of where the people or businesses are located. In addition, it would connect to a Quick List so I could search for people in a certain area.
Anonymous commented
On one map - so you can utilize for different marketing strategies
Suzanne Rodriguez commented
You can! If you look at your client record you will see a little flag under the red word "home" in the address box. right click on that and "map address". It's awesome!