Add Additional Fields to the Client Review Section
The Client Review section is lacking. For compliance purposes, advisers need to track when the contact the clients for meetings. Please add the following fields in the Client Review Section:
1. Date Last Met
2. Date Last Contacted
3. Preferred Meeting Place
4. Preferred Contact Method

The suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added. This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Melissa Drummond commented
Date last met is a crucial addition that needs to be made ASAP so that it can be added to custom exports. I see this has been on the agenda since 2019... but it is 2023...
Kimberly Yarnall commented
Just started working at a firm and new to Redtail. I have searched high and low how to add such date to a custom export, then jumped into this forum to find it doesn't exist.
Adding in that the above suggestions would be extremely helpful for tracking, especially point #1 (Date Last Met). Ideally, it would flow automatically from the calendar.
Ryan commented
Still having to use an excel spreadsheet to stay up to date on who I have done reviews with and recording when I last met with them for a review. Please consider this feature. Most importantly we need the ability to put in last review date. There is no need to know when their 1st review was. And then need to be able to schedule reminders for scheduling reviews.
Anonymous commented
This would be fantastic! Really help with compliance :
Ken McGuire commented
This is a proper request that will improve all users experience with Redtail.
Anonymous commented
This would be fantastic! Really help with compliance :)
brian loy commented
Yes, please add these. They will improve efficiency in client servicing and help satisfy compliance. Thank you for continuing to improve RT and listening to your clients.
Jolie commented
My advisor leaves the last meeting in the "Activities" field as past due so I can see it easily. It would be so helpful if she did not have to sift through thousands of past dues. If RT were to implement this, it would be easier for us to go to one spot to see last meeting. Thank you!!!!
Laura commented
We keep track of this in other software as well as running reports, but having it in Redtail would save us a lot of time and trouble.Thanks for implementing this idea!
Sue Lubbers commented
It sure would be nice to have an at-a-glance spot that lists review meetings rather than have to hunt thru completed activities and notes. The review section is not very useful as it stands now.
Rebecca H. commented
Yes, please add these features, as well as the additional ones mentioned in the comments.
As a new assistant in my office, I am not completely familiar yet with which clients my advisor meets with out of the office and which clients he meets with in the office. I would especially love a "Preferred Meeting Place" field, so that I am better prepared when contacting a client for a meeting.
A notes section, would be immensely helpful as well. Right now, I am logging the review meeting contact history (whether a call was made or email was sent, date of call or email, if a VM was left, etc.) in the general notes section. If I did not have to go back and forth from the notes section to the review section, it would be great. -
Caroline commented
Can we add a "Notes" field in the Client Review Section as well?
Mike Sedlak commented
This has 118 votes now. Let's get development working on this. Redtail is suppose to be tailored to the finance industry. It is a compliance requirement to touch base with the clients every year. This is a core part of the business.
Ryan commented
For fee based advisors this is a vitual feature for running our businesses. Please consider a full restructure as soon as possible. The recommend the following features:
1. Input who generally meets (Client & spouse, or other family member, etc.)
2. Input where meeting occurs (office, home, phone, etc.)
4. Review frequency
5. Reminders for those reviews
Lisa commented
We cover several office locations. A "Preferred Location" would be great!
Anonymous commented
We have a lot of elderly clients all over the city and our rep meets them half way or goes to their home sometimes. Could a note be added next to their name next to contact photo?
Ashley Koenes commented
On client review reminder reports I think it would be good to add the type of review the client is whether its a mailed, in office, and advisors going to the clients house and the clients contact information
Brennan commented
Yes please add the date last met in the contact somewhere!