Redtail CRM
Welcome to our official Redtail CRM feedback forum!
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1910 results found
Exclude Attendee Import in Suite Sync
Suite Sync imports all meeting invitees as guests.
When conducting a large meeting with external guests, emails are blasted out revealing EVERY guests contact information.
This is both a security liability and an incredible inconvenience to attendees, directly impacting customer experience.We need to be able to (some combination of):
- Disable external attendees from being added as guests automatically
- Prevent guests from receiving notifications to changes by Redtail users
- Don't share guest contact information on email updates to other guests
- Mark meetings as Private in Outlook to prevent them from syncing to Redtail
- Warn that…6 votes -
I'm not thrilled with the new format listing a bubble for the 'attendee' of the meeting, tasks, etc. Could we get rid of the bubble. thanks
I'm not thrilled with the new format listing a bubble for the 'attendee' of the meeting, tasks, etc. Could we get rid of the bubble? thanks.
3 votes -
Appointment Mode Toggle at Type of Calendar
Have an obvious easy to click toggle at top of calendar so when you go to schedule a meeting you can click the toggle so you only see Appointments and can view the entire monthly calendar without having to scroll back and forth on the screen because all the tasks and other items are showing.
1 vote -
Bring back Full Names of Attendees in Calendar as an option aka I don't like the dots.
Give users option of having dots for attendees on the calendar or going back to full names. You just changed it and now it makes the calendar huge and harder to read with large gaps between items. Also, people have the same initials a lot of times, I know you can change colors but it still is not ideal.
1 vote -
Attendee Dots on Calendar as a Preference Option
Allow us Users to have the new roll out of the Attendee Dots on the calendar as a Preference Option. Even while being able to change the colors, it is still very over-stimulating, and harsh on the eyes for many. For folks that also suffer from anxiety, this is extremely hard.
Thanks!!3 votes -
New "Linked Attendees" initials eat up too much space on the monthly calendar. Should be a way to use the old method or remove entirely.
New "Linked Attendees" initials eat up too much space on the monthly calendar. Should be a way to use the old method or remove them entirely.
1 vote -
Bring back the Today button on the calendar
Please bring back the 'Today' button on the calendar as it was used very frequently when scheduling and finding appointments. It is now very inconvenient to use the calendar which is the main task we use Redtail for.
3 votes -
Purple Bubbles - HORRIBLE IDEA
Get rid of the purple bubble and put things back the way they were.. Its a useless change and enlarges the calendar for absolutely no reason. Terrible idea.
3 votes -
today on calendar
Please add "today" button back to calendar page to return to today from wherever you are!
1 vote -
Make Linked Attendee circles on Calendar optional, please!
With the 2/29/24 update to the Calendar, circles showing the initials of the Linked Attendees were added to each task. While I can see that this is a useful feature, it would be great if this were an optional, turn-on/turn-off feature. For instance, I am the only user/linked attendee on my account, so it just has my initials on every single task, which is totally unnecessary (for me and others like me). It just crowds up my calendar and makes it harder to see the bigger picture. It is really bothersome. Please consider making this optional. Thank you.
3 votes -
ability to remove new attendee dots on calendar
Having initial dots on the calendar just adds to the confusion. Having the ability to 'choose' if they are there would be benificial.
3 votes -
hide linked attendee initials
The new (3/1/24) feature showing linked attendees initials on all activities has no utility for sole practitioners like me. Redtail should provide an option to hide the initials on calendar activities so that valuable screen space is not cluttered with irrelevant info.
3 votes -
Switch calendar back to how it looked prior to 3/1/2024
The blocks on the new calendar are too big now. Please switch them back to how they were before. Also, there should be a feature to remove the user initials on the caledar task, especially if there is only one user. The initials are distracting. Also, they removed the button to easily switch back to the current month. Please put that back on.
3 votes -
Give option to revert back to the previous calendar settings (old Redtail CRM)
The calendar needs to have a feature that allows you to pick how you want the users' names to show. The old way showed the full name of the user the tasks belonged to. The new way uses just the initials with a large circle around them. The new way takes up too much space and makes the task/activities boxes much larger than they need to be. Please give an option to pick how we want to users' names to show in the activity/task boxes.
3 votes -
calendar today button
Add the "today" button back on the calendar. The update you literally just made to the calendar does not make it easier to navigate and having that "today" button made it quicker and easier to get back to where you need to be on the calendar.
3 votes -
Attendee Dots
These look terrible. The plain text was so much easier to read. This change makes my calendar harder to read and highlights the least important part of the calendar event.
Please revert to plain text so those of us without perfect vision can continue to use Redtail.
3 votes -
Remove the attendees from the calendar view!
The newest update has little bubbles for who is attending, but it completely clutters our calendar. We should have the option to hide that from the calendar view. We can scroll over to view attendees. Please undo this update, or give us the option to remove it from our view.
3 votes -
Pontera enables retirement savers to get help
managing their workplace 401(k) accounts from their trusted advisor. Providing an integration to Pontera would allow for advisors to stay within the Redtail CRM while working on client 401k accounts in addition to tracking the AUM under Redtail.3 votes -
Adding an advisory fee tab in Know Your Client
This will allow, advisory forms and quick questions to be answered and completed with clickng on the know you tab section. The Know You tab section has clients net worth and other parts which would be need to complete advisory agreement but not a way to track the fee.
1 vote -
Allow the ability to filter two different columns on the Workflow page at the same time.
Currently on the workflows page you can only filter one column at a time. This is frustrating because when I filter by Owner it gives me all of my tasks but I don't know which one is most important without peering through a few target dates.
I would like the ability to sort my workflows by two columns at the same time (i.e. Sort by both Owner and Target Date at the same time). This would save a lot of time for me to quickly figure out what priorities are for the day.
You could implement three click stages on…
3 votes
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