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62 results found

  1. Redtail should push Drivers License data to Smartworks Government ID data fields.

    I should never have to enter the same data more than once on any Redtail integrated product.

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  2. Holistiplan integration with Redtail

    Integration with Holistiplan would be great for know your client, tax rate information, marginal taxes, income, AGI and more

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  3. rightcapital

    Is it possible to integrate with RightCapital?

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  4. FMG Suite (Segregate FMG Email Sent Notifications)

    Please Segregate FMG Email Sent Notification into its own Sidebar category, possibly under "Marketing" just like you Segregated out Redtail Speak Messages. Notes is getting too cluttered with all notifications.

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  5. ScheduleOnce integration with Redtail Calendar

    Full integration with ScheduleOnce.

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  6. yCharts Integration

    With yCharts growing as quickly as it has been as an alternative to Morningstar Workstation, it would be nice to have it integrated with Redtail so that we can quickly run reports/analysis on client portfolios and/or research different investments in one place.

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  7. RightCapital

    I'd really like to see a RightCapital integration. Thanks!

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  8. LPL uses OnceHub

    LPL uses OnceHub for linked calendar booking. It would be nice to have it integrated to RedTail. OnceHub only has Salesforce and InfusionSoft currently.

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  9. Phone call Relaying/Forwarding integration

    Something I LOVED on a previous CRM was the ability to click the phone number, and it would call your phone, you answered, and it would call that client for you through the phone system (it didn't matter what phone system you used, so individual app integration didn't matter, it just called your phone number to make the call for you). So much easier and faster than dialing the number, and creating a new event/note that I made a call to that person that day. It automatically logged that call and I could add notes.

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  10. myrepchat

    Can you segregate text messages from notes into its own category.
    so instead searching for text messages in notes.. I would Access the text messages under a text messages category heading on the side bar.

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  11. Orion Household Linking for Spouses

    Currently, a contact in RedTail links to the Orion household with matching Tax ID. This is great, except when I try to link spouses to the household. Currently, the spouse would have a separate household. This is not practical since most couples want their assets together. Please look into the additional household members Tax ID being picked up for linking households in addition to the main Tax ID - or maybe there is a way to manually select a household to link a contact to.

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  12. lpl integration with meeting manager

    LPL now has a feature through Clientworks called meeting manager. It would be helpful if the meeting notes entered into meeting manager would feed into the redtail notes. They have also introduced their own version of a CRM and it would be useful for that to integrate as well.

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  13. My Rep Chat Note Categories

    Currently MyRepChat integration notes import with no category, making it impossible to pull any kind of report on these from the client level. The integration should either autofill the category to the default Redtail note category, or include a feature allowing the user to select a note category for MyRepChat integration.

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  14. Integration with Empower

    Would like to have an integration with Empower

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  15. Integrating Clientworks Calendar with Redtail Calendar

    Integrate CW calendar with Redtail calendar.
    For those of us using Meeting Manager having the Clientworks Calendar integrated with Redtail Calendar would be helpful with carrying over appointments.

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  16. Retriever/Once Hub Calendar - no manual entry of reschedules/changes

    It is not time efficient to manually enter a reschedule or change in Redtail that has been made by a client or advisor for an appointment in Once Hub. All items, whether a new appointment, change, or reschedule should also be reflected in Redtail. If needed for this to happen, manually deleting the original appointment in Redtail is a one click and acceptable.

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  17. Please setup a two-way integration with Laserfiche.

    The two-way integration with Laserfiche will allow for forms completed to populate client information, initiate workflows and tasks. Let's get this done. Thank you.

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  18. Securian Financial - Minnesota Life Insurance Applications

    Please create an integration between Red Tail and Securian Financials' Minnesota Life E-Application iPipeline system so that clients basic information is auto populated. Thank you!

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  19. google forms or Microsoft Forms

    Why is there no integrations with this? I would send this to the client to fill out, as far as "intake," and i would take the responses, and integrate them into RedTail CRm in the account, or contact, afterwhich they would integrate with Docupace.

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  20. Provide an option to REMOVE THE AUM from dashboard

    I LOVE the AUM on the dashboard. It was great to see it grow over time. However, now I've switched BDs to Commonwealth and no longer have access to Albridge data. My feed will no longer update. For all the reasons it is cool to see your AUM it very much sucks to see a goose egg at every log on. Seriously, this could eventually be a deal breaker for us, Redtail.

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