UDFs should be able to be used in the advanced search feature.
It would be really helpful if we could use UDFs in the advanced search feature, allowing us to filter by more than one report. We need to be able to search by advisor AND specific UDFs. This would make UDFs much more useful, especially for RMDs.

The suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Angela Silbernagel commented
Joey Agrati commented
This is so essential. We use quicklists for everything in our office. Until we can search for them, UDF stands for Useless Defined Field.
Cooper Casillas commented
Yes, I don't understand why this isn't a feature yet. Please add the functionality!!
Lauren Schafer commented
I agree, this feature is very important. Would make using the CRM much more valuable for us.
Will commented
Turning up the volume on this. Pointless to have UDF's if they can't be used in Advanced Search.
Brett commented
We've decided that we will need to use Keywords and abandon UDFs due to the inability to create and save a quicklist that leverages our UDFs
Chuck Vercellone commented
One of my UDF's is the date of the last Client Data Sheet. Since these need to be updated every 2-3 years, it would be EXTREMELY helpful if we could do an advanced search on UDFs so we could easily find those that are out-of-date. We can run a UDF report but since it's just a report, we can't assign a bulk activity to any that make the list.
Jill Gruppen commented
To be able to search AND export all the information we need, we have to use keywords. The current set up for keywords in a custom export is not very clean, especially if we have numerous keywords chosen for our export. Being able to do an advanced search for UDFs or tag groups being an option to add to custom export templates would make life at our office so much easier!
Tom M. commented
+1 for creating a QuickList from a UDF.
Leo O'Connor Jr commented
Why isn't this a thing yet? I have a UDF Field that says 2018 annual review complete and I'd love to be able to seach for clients, with the udf 2018 annual review complete = no, and review month may so I can get a nice list of people to schedule meeting for this may (the UDF there in case we picked up a review earlier or that we at LEAST did an annual review much less anything more frequently.
MR commented
Using keywords for this purpose is not a valid substitute. This is a massive oversight.
Mike commented
Thanks for the date data type. Can we be able to have < & > searches? For example, I'd like to be able to search for contacts before or after July 1, 2017.
John McCarthy commented
Allow me to search for a range of data in a UDF. Also add UDF fields to the advanced search
Anonymous commented
Could you add additional filters in the UDF reports? It only allows one filter, and very often i need to sort by several categories- ex, school district, school building, teacher's contributing, amounts.
VB commented
wait we can't search by any of the UDF's? I am looking for a way and not finding it
Jay commented
Why is it not possible to search for UDF fields via advanced search similar to all of the other Redtail fields.
Anonymous commented
It would be helpful to be able to search for contacts that do not have a certain UDF assigned.
Chris Linneman commented
I've added a request for a Search Within feature. I think that would also accomplish what is being requested above.
Kim commented
To find UDF's by Contact, I'd like to see the ability to Filter UDF's in the "Advanced Search" and "QuickList" area of RT/TW. Also, it would be good to be able to Filter by Servicing Advisor in the Reports section, for UDF's and also for other available Reports.
robert williams commented
I like using QuickLists, but the criteria for creating one is limited. It would be very helpful if you expanded that search ability to any and all (including custom) fields, so we can better use our database.