Client Review should read 'Last Review' and should be 'Overdue' if not completed on time
know your client, client review tab should read "last review" and if the next review is not completed on time, it should read "overdue"

The suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Chuck Vercellone commented
as of 10-15-2022 there are 1208 votes on this issue yet no movement! Why do we bother to provide feedback if they aren't going to listen?
Operations Manager commented
This idea was suggested in 2013 and as of 2019 not implemented and as of 2022 still not implemented. Again another huge fail for compliance. Technically the Client Review Report doesn't show reviews in the past and I have had a ticket open on that for at least 8 months. It's unbelievable how long it takes to get issues related to compliance resolved. I'm feeling less confident in using Redtail as they bill themselves as compliance focused. It has been 9 years since this was suggested and still not implemented, I'm shocked.
Chuck Vercellone commented
I am amazed that with Reg BI, Covid, and the myriad of federal regs that appear annually, improving the Client Review section would garner a higher level of urgency at Redtail. This category (as has the similar others) been on the list for some 5-10 years and the last notice posted from technology is 9-12 months ago. As we need to operate as fiduciaries (and the brokerage community is moving closer to that standard), we need better record keeping and processes to maintain our client relationships (and to provide CYA)!
Ryan commented
So many requests with hundreds of votes calling for improvement on the Client Review system. Please consider.
Anonymous commented
When we pull a contact's info there should a label of "Last Review" which we can update manually as we have client reviews. This would allow us to immediately know when the last client review was and run reports such as who has not had a client review in the last 6 months. I think its crazy that this is not in your system especially since its been in the works for 4 years. We have thought about changing CRMs solely due to this problem since review meeting and client contact is so important in our business.
Jessy Gilger commented
Has there been any update to this? This seems like a major area of improvement and has not been addressed in the last 4 years??
Justin commented
The automation of the next review date is great, however it is useless without the ability to see if the review was actually completed. From a regulatory standpoint we really need to be able to see what reviews where completed and when including past and upcoming would be great. If the automated templates could trigger an activity to be created based off of the next review date that would remain open until the "reviewer" completed the event that could work. The only other option is to create an event that can recur on X frequency and run reports based off of that. We have 30+ advisors that we manage and performing this in the current confines of the system is tedious to say the least.
Lisa commented
Two suggestions:
1. If a client is no longer active, have them automatically removed from review reports.
2. I understand the auto feature of when the next review happens, but there is no way to indicate in these fields that a review with the client has actually been scheduled, or that a review that is due has been done, or is past due. -
Joan Runke commented
When is this going to be implemented? The Review features are really cumbersome and do not reflect the reality of how most offices actually schedule or look at reviews.
Anonymous commented
Need to add a 'Ok to move forward" option so reviews don't get moved until completed. Useless the way it is set up. Just appears to be a rolling date and you can't tell if you completed all of the reviews.
Jodi Deldon commented
Review report is useless! We need a report of clients due in a month and those that are overdue. Not being able to filter on those criteria makes it impossible to use. Reviews in general are dealt with totally inappropriately in a software that is designed for financial offices. The Review date that is seen on the client's profile should be the last review, it should be simple to mark clients as a quarterly, bi-annual or annual review, I don't know about you but we don't meet with client's weekly, not do I need to meet with them on the exact same day every year! Redtail clean this up, make this the best feature of your software instead of the worst!
Chrissy Hatcher commented
Is this STILL under review?! Considering that a CRM is a Customer Relationship Management System, it seems that this should be a top priority.
At our firm, we need to know the dates for the previous three (at least) client reviews, and we need to be able to run a report towards the end of the year that can show us who has not had their third and final review of the year, or who has not had one at all.
It's also not realistic that you could schedule a client on the first, second, or third day of a month in a reoccurring fashion as that is just not how scheduling with human beings works. It would be nice to have an idea of which clients should be having a review within the next month based on their review frequency(i.e. quarterly, or annually). Right now, we are manually updating UDF's on a regular basis and it's a huge time killer. Just to update the first, second, and third review dates of all of our clients takes about 2 days.
Another issue we've run into is in Know Your Client. The system will push a date automatically to the next date without even notifying us (the users) that the review is overdue. It should continue to be displayed as overdue until it is marked as a completed review somehow.
As a firm, we would like to see more ways to customize our Redtail CRM system based on our needs.
Joan Runke commented
Please change the "past due reminders" feature in Tailwag. Right now, if you have a 30, 60, or 90 days past due setting so you can see which client reviews were missed, it also shows clients who already had a review. In the old system, if you set the "first review date" as the actual last review date and put in the next review timeframe (i.e. 6 months) the first review (or actual last review) dropped off the calendar. Now it is impossible to tell which of the client reviews on the "past due" are actually PAST DUE. Setting your preferences "0 days" past due does not solve this problem because you might need to see back 30, 60, or 90 days to see which clients were missed in the review process. In Tailwag, you can't tell which client reviews were updated with a new "first review" (last review) date because they all show up.
Emily Kendall commented
YES!!! the system should have a way to track meetings occurred using the type of note. Or even being able to run a report that looks at client review date, and filter on note type and dates.
Matthew Schiller commented
Once client is set for reminder for next review, and it shows the client under "Today's Reviews", the reminder for the client should stay there until the advisor clicks off that it is completed. This would be helpful, because I use this as a reminder to call a client for their periodic review frequency. The problem is, if the mark ends on a weekend, a day where you are out, or you don't get to it that day, the reminder falls off. This renders this potentially great tool to useless.
Leo O'Connor Jr commented
For client review. If the first review date is 1/1/16 and they are annually I would like a list of the review dates as they are passed by so we can input whether they are completed (and if so when) as well as if we failed to do the review, or if we have it scheduled at least. (Being able to customize which action type/category combinations triggered this completion and moved out the date would fix it [also adding a failed/canceled] option to an activity Then I could look up what reviews are due and not yet scheduled or done.
Jess Lewis commented
We had a feature in the old CRM that would remove a client from the Client review report once the client was scheduled and had a set appointment.
With the new CRM when I run the report, I am still showing clients who have scheduled appointments and have been seen, yet they still show up on the report.
Example: If I run the client review report ( I run a 7 days past due and 7 days ahead) and Joe a client is scheduled to come in 7/5/2017. We contact him, put him on the calendar for a week out 7/12/2017. The following week I run the report and his name is still listed on the report. After he has been scheduled and seen in our office.
If there is a way to have these client removed from the report after they have been scheduled?? It would be very helpful for our office.
Jessy Gilger commented
Please this is necessary. See Gina Pederson's comment.
Has RedTail been reviewing this since July 2014?
Paul Sharkey commented
Would be nice if there was a preference at the database level as to whether or not the next date automatically updates. We have about 150 firms using Redtail and the ones that use the review feature are pretty split on this.
This is the one most important thing that will make the program more useful.