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1910 results found

  1. view all contacts on calendar page

    Our team does not find it helpful to have multiple contacts on one activity consolidated on the calendar page. We rather see the multiple contact names at a quick glance rather than having to scroll over the activity.

    The new enhancement may be helpful to others but possibly not to all users. Do we have the option to opt out of this enhancement?

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  2. Roles & Permissions Changes & Customizations

    1. I've voted for many similar posts but want to reiterate how important it is for our team (not just admins) to be able to see who is assigned as a contact's Advisor, Associate Advisor and CSA. Workflow tasks are assigned to these people but our staff can't make sure their set up correctly.

    2. I don't understand the point of having a Servicing Advisor and Writing Advisor AND THEN also the above roles? Why not just have those three listed on the contact's main screen. It's redundant and confusing. Simplification would be greatly appreciated.

    3. We use different terms for our roles.…

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  3. Separate Websites by "TYPE" the way Phone and email are separated.

    Separate Websites by "TYPE" the way Phone and email are separated.

    Phone and email have separate tabs when doing a “custom export”. The client has one line with all the phone numbers in a separate tab (same line) and emails in separate tabs (same line) but “websites” puts all the client information on separate LINES per website.

    There only 3 choices for Websites: home, other and work. With people working from home and using their website, plus a side hustle with it’s own websites, it would be nice to export websites in the same manner as phones and emails.


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  4. add "Memberships" to custom exports

    add "Memberships" to custom exports

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  5. add email address and advisors to Memberships columns

    add email address and advisors to Memberships columns

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  6. Retriever/Once Hub Calendar - no manual entry of reschedules/changes

    It is not time efficient to manually enter a reschedule or change in Redtail that has been made by a client or advisor for an appointment in Once Hub. All items, whether a new appointment, change, or reschedule should also be reflected in Redtail. If needed for this to happen, manually deleting the original appointment in Redtail is a one click and acceptable.

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  7. Add AST (atlantic standard time) time zone to Redtail for users in Puerto Rico

    There currently isn't an AST time zone option in the Preferences. We have some advisors that are located in Puerto Rico.

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  8. Workflow reports should organize by date

    I cannot organize the Workflow Report by estimated completion date. I select the Est Completion Date and would like to organize by that column. However, it's not properly configured. It will appear as if it is organized by most recently completed, but it's organized numerically by mistake. So it shows as 1/16/2023 and then further down 2/01/2024 etc. This makes it extremely hard to view the workflow report and difficult to use it. If I switch the filter the other way, it still doesn't work.

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  9. show power of attorney on contact details

    If client has a Power of Attorney, there should be a field readily visible on the main client record screen. A customizable field could work for this too. There should also be a way to link that POA's Redtail contact (not thru family set-up) to the client's contact record.

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  10. Primary Contact - Add link to that person's record

    Within the Primary Contact box, include a link to access that person's record within Redtail. For any additional information on that person now, you have to go under "Memberships" to find their record or search for their record. If the link is provided, you just click the link and it takes you directly to their record.

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  11. Make a way to where we can search seminars by name.

    Make a search bar where we can search for seminars by name, date, location, etc. This would make it significantly easier than by just scrolling.

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  12. Calendar landing page timeline view

    When I change the calendar view timeline, to a different week or month, then leave the calendar to view a client or something different in RedTail, I would like to come back to the current date view when I return to the calendar. Not where I had left the calendar timeline view when I previously on the calendar. i.e.; If I am in the current month view of July, change the calendar to September, then leave the calendar and when I return, I would like to return to original month view of July, not September.

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  13. Add a timestamp or timeline to Financial's

    Under the "Financials" Tab at the bottom of the profile, it would be nice if we could see when they were last updated (and possibly add a 'confirmed' timestamp if the financials haven't changed) to know that they are current. As an office where assistants reference this information from the Reps and the Reps are often remote, this would make it so much more convenient if we could see that they recently updated the financials after speaking with the client.

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  14. Increase the number of Departments Customize Fields.

    More customizable fields than just four for departments would be helpful. Name, email, online, phone, or contact. The majority of the departments I work with have phone numbers, fax numbers, email addresses, websites, and login credentials. The fax number is now shown to me under the Contact card on the right. I have to linger over the department fax number till the name displays in order for me to know whether it is the correct one. Having to look at twelve different work fax numbers strains my eyes greatly.

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  15. jeremiaht

    Having a separate login/pswd combination for the support site is asinine.

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  16. Make it an option on calendar to change it from saying "Two Clients" to the clients name

    Make it an option in preferences to change the way the client pops up in calendar. Right now if there is more than one person it shows up as " Two Clients", "Three Clients" etc. It would be much more convenient if the contacts name popped up automatically without having to hover over it, just how it was before the new update.

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  17. please put names back and remove icon for multiple client names

    Please add names back instead of icon when listing multiple clients. We like seeing our client names instead of having to click them. When printing out calendars, it makes us have to take more steps!

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  18. Calendar Issue - Need to turn off "2 contacts" consolidation and hovering requirement

    The recent update last week provided a new "feature". I'm a financial professional. I like a quick look to see who I have coming up for an appointment or activity. I do NOT want to have to hover over a calendar item to see a list of names. I want to see their names listed for a quick glance WITHOUT having to hover. I want the option to turn of the new "feature" you've added that consolidates the names. Instead of showing me the individual names, if there are multiple people, it now lists "2 contacts". I was told that…

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  19. memberships

    When linking contacts, e.g., parent to adult child, the terms "Linked Contact" and "Linked Contact is" are confusing.

    1) Why not use "Relationship to this contact"?
    2) If I make one contact the parent, shouldn't Redtail automatically make the other contact a "child"?

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  20. Add Alerts Feature to Dashboard

    There should be a place where you can go to see recent updates on your activities so you can take action. We get emails, but there are so many in number that they can get lost. What if it's added to the notification bell or something that way it is less likely to be missed.

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