Redtail CRM
Welcome to our official Redtail CRM feedback forum!
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1910 results found
Ability to export ALL account information
Instead of making us beg for each account detail to be an option for custom export, just allow all info within the account details profile to be an option for custom exports. We wasted a ton of time entering LTC information so we can summarize it for our clients just to be told that part of account information can't be exported. So unnecessary, why would you purposefully limit the system like that and then make us ask for years for it be improved. All info shold be exported or reportable.. no reason to make it so limited!!
15 votes -
Activities - Show On Main Page Past Due And Today's Activities
Activities - Show On Main Page Past Due And Today's Activities. I do not only want to see today's activities, I want to also see the past due activities that people have snuck into my activities list that I don't know to check for.
33 votes -
Past due tasks stay on Today screen
When I assign a task to myself or someone else, it will be on my today screen until the due date. If I don't get to it, and it goes to past due, it goes in the past due section. This would be fine, except every single calendar event goes there too, and it is useless for finding past due tasks. Like any good task list, they should stay on the Today screen until they are actually marked as complete. Unless I'm missing something, which is very possible....
53 votes -
review date
Just realized that if your first review is at the end on the month (ie 29,30 or 31st) and the next date falls on a month that does not have this day (example February of many months that only have 30 days) the review goes to the next scheduled day. So no instead of every 4 or 6 months the client isn't being reviewed until 8 months or a year. The date should at least go to the next valid calendar day not just skip it.
13 votes -
change database owner
RedTail does not currently allow the database owner to be changed to a different userID. This prevents that userID from ever being able to be listed as a 'disabled' status. This is problematic if an employee/userID who should no longer be listed as database owner is linked as it cannot be transferred to the appropriate person or if the person who is listed as database owner is terminated.
13 votes -
note document
When attaching a document to a note, the note category does not attach to the document. We have to go back and edit the document that was uploaded to reflect the category. it would be nice for the document to keep the category.
20 votes -
Two Factor Authentication - Remove option for "Remember This Device"
Force Two Factor Authentication each time a user logs in and don't let the user be the one that can turn this option on or off. All the major software suppliers now provide this option yet Redtail does not. This is a significant security flaw.
12 votes -
Change category type of multiple documents at once
It would save us a lot of time if we could edit the category type of multiple documents at once, instead of having to click through for each document. For example, when uploading several different estate documents for a client, it would be better to just have to click all the documents then change the category for all at once instead of changing the category for each individual document.
25 votes -
16 votes
Default Permissions
When working with multiple teams, there should be a way to default all records associated with a contact to the permissions assigned to the contact. It is a manual and multi-step process to ensure all activities, notes, etc related to a contact are set to the same permissions as that of the contact. This should be accomplished either through automation and/or be able to be set by the admin to apply throughout the instance. By defaulting to a set team and then having to make a manual adjustment to assign to a different user, team or role makes a lot…
7 votes -
Icon to show another user is in the same activity as you
We have an issue where two or more users are in the same activity at times (unaware someone else is in there as well) and because of this, notes that we type in are not saved. Can you show an icon or box or something to show that there is another user in the activity at that time? I know it would be difficult to save both user's notes or show real-time updates without saving, so an icon or notification would be great!
12 votes -
filter activity by category
Please add a function to Filter Activities by Category on the activities dashboard. Currently, we can only filter from Calendar view.
28 votes -
In the Workflow list, if there are more than one linked contacts, show names, not "2 contacts"
When there are more than one linked contacts to a workflow, list their names in the task list. How does it help to see "2 contacts"? under the names? And they do not alphabetize if you sort by contact.
76 votes -
copy note
When I copy a note from one contact to another (ie - from husband to wife), the date copied should be the date of the original note. It's currently set up to date stamp as today's date. So if I'm copying notes from over the last year from husband to wife, everything is showing up on the wife's page with today's date, which isn't helpful.
35 votes -
Extend Future activities view to 12 months for a client
Having the activities button say Past due and next 12 months would be wonderful. It would be very helpful to see what the future activities scheduled for a particular client are with the click of a button. The button there works fine, but it's not long enough. If I have something scheduled 6 months out and I wanna know what that is....or even know that it exists frankly, it's hard to get too.
Thank You
Mike Traxler, RT User at Tradepmr10 votes -
Filter Client Review Reminders for each individual advisor
We want to be able to filter the review reminders per advisor. Why is it still that you see everyone? It would also be helpful to be able to filter birthdays per user as well!
9 votes -
Audit History for Editing Notes
Notes could use an audit history to track edits made. Right now there is no way to edit notes because of compliance and it actually makes it harder to be compliant. Instead, people take handwritten notes or use the important information area in Redtail for notes. If people do make notes, they do not always realize they cannot edit and will keep copying and pasting new notes until their note is final. People do not read the comments and don't want to make a comment for a change in a field that was in a note template.
9 votes -
linked notes
When notes are entered, can they be ascending rather than descending with the most recent note at the top of the box?
8 votes -
Add account number field when creating an activity
We always have to click "create & edit" to add account numbers to a task. It would make it a lot quicker if we could just have an account number drop down field in creating a task so we can just click "create activity".
8 votes -
Install a pop up option
Install a pop up option that can be placed to pop up upon look up of client before going further. with a brief message pertaining to account.
example- Jane Doe does not want an email to be sent to Husbands work for the next appt. Upon look up of Jane Doe this message pops up and we can remove it or keep it and carry on....35 votes
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