Dynamic Workflow Due Dates
In the old iteration of Redtail, the workflow due dates were dynamic and referenced when the previous task was finished. Right now, if one step is delayed for any reason, the next step in the workflow can be due in the past. This doesn't make any sense. Please include the options to have the time period in which they are due, reference when the previous task is completed.

The suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added. This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Mary Snow commented
This would be a huge upgrade for workflows. Some of our workflows depend on client actions, which can not be reliably predicted. This puts the whole workflow "past due". I can go in and manually change the target date for the whole thing to get all the due dates to update, but what a hassle! It sounds like this was already an option in the previous iteration of workflows - please bring it back.
Chris Sagan commented
This is sooo important. Please implement this.
Also, it would be great if future dated workflow steps could have a contingent date. Ie, it's due at the earlier of X after the workflow target date, OR X days after the step before it is completed... whichever is earlier.
This would improve the flow of tasks when projects are going quicker than anticipated, or quicker than the workflow's defaulted time line.
Bob commented
Need the ability to link/set the next step due date from the previous steps completion date, not just the Target date. i.e. Next step due date is 7 days after completion of current completed step. Allows for a more fluid and dynamic workflow that is not tied to a fixed start date.
Chuck Vercellone commented
Also need to take into account weekends. I have workflows for reviews set for 2 days prior to the meeting to ensure information has been reviewed and any new forms have been prepared. If the review appointment is set for a Tuesday or Wednesday, the workflow task falls on Saturday or Sunday - these should default to the Friday before when weekends become the task date.
William commented
This is much needed and Redtail should reassess their decision not to make this change (As noted on recommendation titled "Due Dates for Steps and Tasks")
Anonymous commented
I don't know how this isn't a feature already available. Some tasks are completely contingent on the prior step.
Brian Parke commented
There is another thread in the suggestions page called "Dynamic Workflow Due Dates" which currently has more votes than this thread. The idea is the same. I would advise anyone who up-voted this to also up-vote that thread!
Yvette commented
This needs to be optional because some of our workflows have to be tasked by date, whether or not previous steps were done.
Shannon Woolley commented
We get a bottleneck in our process when an employee is out of town, etc. It would be great to have the due date for the next step in a workflow based on the completion date of a previous step. So instead of the next step's due date being based on the original target date, it is based on when steps are completed. It makes the workflow more fluid and prevents us from having to go change due dates. For example, Person 1 is behind on phone calls (Step 2 in the workflow), so only when Person 1 has completed the phone call, does the next step (Step 3 of the workflow) get a due date for "sending a follow-up email" of 7 days after the phone call completion, rather than 1 day after phone call completion due to late execution by Person 1.
Chris Howard commented
past due workflow
Workflows should be designed to keep you on track for certain tasks based on when items are due. If steps/task are behind time then the workflows should be alerted to the user in some way. Red and bold or some how highlighted. The next steps should not be held up on a previous step that is not finished because it will only put the workflow that much further behind.Some workflows are step based and need the previous steps completed before the next does and some are time based where they need to be completed on certain days and others are a mixture. We need to have this options.
We personally have workflows that would need to be a mixture where certain steps need to be done but then the rest of the time flow is based on the dates of that completion of that step.
Jared Audette commented
After the initial "Step", each "Step" due-date should flow off the previous "Step" due-date with regard to the timeline. At current, if a step is taking longer than expected (transfer processing), the whole timeline is off for the remaining steps. Having the "workflow tasks to do today" on the home screen without the ability to account for weekends and the aforementioned "Step" delays seems like a miss. Thank you, Jared
Lisa commented
I am a newer user, and am not familiar with the previous version, but we struggle with this issue as well.
It would be great to see due dates populate based on the completion date of the previous step. I have missed several workflow tasks because they never showed up on my "Today" screen because it didn't get to my step until after the assigned due date.
Another help would be to have the option to see Past Due task filtering on "Workflows Due Today"
Melissa Thomas commented
I agree, it would save time and be less complicated on our front if setting the due date was similar to how it was before tailwag was introduced.
GLH commented
Many of our workflows include a step where support staff is checking in on something, e.g. prospect has scheduled a fit meeting, outside practitioners have implemented an estate plan or insurance. if the staff member checks in once, the client has not completed the task, then they need to adjust the due date of the step. That's fine, as they may decide to adjust the next due date out a month or more, depending on the circumstances. BUT, the issue is that none of the future steps/tasks adjust their future due dates. This means, that they need to go in and manually adjust the due date of every future step, every time we are updating workflows. this is very laborious and manual - which leaves room for human error. it would be better if the workflow would adjust all future due dates by the "new" adjusted date of the current step, i.e. the next step is supposed to happen in 4 weeks, and the next step in 6 weeks - and the actual due dates would automatically adjust for all future steps/tasks.
Marie Mayer commented
In addition to making due dates relative to the target date, there should be an option to make the due date relative to the completion of another task or step. This would allow for the situation of: if a workflow falls behind, all of the due dates should adjust automatically.