Redtail CRM
Welcome to our official Redtail CRM feedback forum!
Do you have an idea? Do you recognize a good idea when you see one?
Use the Categories to indicate what part of the CRM your change request refers to, and browse the ideas of fellow CRM users to vote on requests that will impact your business.
Don’t forget to add comments to other ideas to let us know how your firm might use a feature better!
For help with or questions about features and functionality in Redtail CRM, you can contact our support team at or check out our HelpDesk articles on getting started.
1910 results found
More contrast on Contact Record Page, too much white- boxes run together
One suggestion I'd make with the latest update is readjusting the contrast in colors on the contact page for each individual client. Currently there is minimal contrast between the different boxes of Contact Card, Contact Details, Adding a Note, etc. It makes it difficult to see where boxes start and end now, things start to run together now.
2 votes -
4 votes
Overwhelmingly bright, and not enough definition between sections
This new layout is fine, but the screen is painfully bright. It literally hurts to look at. Everything feels washed out, and there is not enough definition between categories. Some defined contrast between background and the widgets would be greatly appreciated.
3 votes -
Not a fan of the new red lettering in the contact card area
Would like to get rid of the red lettering you just started in the contact card.
1 vote -
Differentiate between the areas on.
The new layout needs to have shading for the side boxes - too much white on the screen. Need to be able to see the different "areas". Maybe shade or put back some type of outline.
3 votes -
New Look
Not a fan of the new look. Bigger does NOT equal better - now less fits on the screen and more scrolling is required. Please bring back the old layout!!
3 votes -
Please make an option for an automated response like a doctors office or a hair appointment, etc. that we can customize. Example of MY response: "Thank you for confirming your appointment on (date merge field) at (time merge field). We look forward to seeing you!"
1 vote -
Please make an option for an automated response like a doctors office or a hair appointment, etc. that we can customize. Example of MY response: "Thank you for confirming your appointment on (date merge field) at (time merge field). We look forward to seeing you!"
1 vote -
CRM Updates 3/21/24
The updates that were rolled out 3/21/24 make the screens hard to read. It would help if the background had a darker shading or there were lines to help visually break up the screen somehow.
3 votes -
calendar dots
I would like the option to remove the new pink dots with user initials from the monthly calendar. I understand that they may be useful for some, but for me, they take up a lot of visual space and are not helpful.
3 votes -
Deleting Workflow Alert Message
Currently, if you add a workflow from a profile's main page vs. from the workflow page, it works however it does not tell you if additional profiles have this workflow assigned to them. If you delete that workflow- and it happens to be attached to other households- it deletes the workflow on the profile you are currently working with along with the additional households who have this workflow attached to. If you choose to delete the workflow you get a message asking "are you sure you want to delete this workflow", the message should be edited to also alert you…
1 vote -
calendar subscription link
for those of on Mac and can't use the retriever, it would at least be helpful if we could subscribe to an "iCal" of sort, so at least our events would show up on our devices, even if we couldn't necessarily edit them there.
1 vote -
move chat bubble
Can you make the chat bubble moveable so I can move it out of the way of the account balances when looking at the account listing for a client? Having it moveable will allow me to place it in a less obstructive spot.
10 votes -
Primary/Lead and Secondary/Assist "assigned to" options for Activities
I would like to be able to have a Primary and Secondary label for the "assigned to" individuals. We often have tasks assigned to two people and sometimes we duplicate efforts. It would be helpful if the creator of the activity could assign who he wants to take the lead as Primary or Lead. Alternatively, if I have an activity with two people assigned but the second is just there as an FYI, it would be great if I could say I'm taking the lead so the other person knows not to work the activity.
4 votes -
Move the chat button to bottom left side of page, rather than right.
Can we move the Redtail chat button to the bottom left side of the page, rather than the bottom right. It's current placement gets in the way of seeing dates when information is added.
3 votes -
REMOVE chat bubble or make it MOVEABLE
Please remove the chat bubble or place it on the left hand side with the menu. It currently blocks your view of activity details such as time entered regardless of window size you are viewing it. It interrupts many of our daily activities and we either want the ability to move it, have you remove it, or place it on the left hand side out of the way of viewing the CRM system.
15 votes -
REMOVE chat bubble or make it MOVEABLE
Please remove the chat bubble or place it on the left hand side with the menu. It currently blocks your view of activity details such as time entered regardless of window size you are viewing it. It interrupts many of our daily activities and we either want the ability to move it, have you remove it, or place it on the left hand side out of the way of viewing the CRM system.
9 votes -
REMOVE Chat Bubble or make it MOVEABLE
Please remove the chat bubble or place it on the left hand side with the menu. It currently blocks your view of activity details such as time entered regardless of window size you are viewing it. It interrupts many of our daily activities and we either want the ability to move it, have you remove it, or place it on the left hand side out of the way of viewing the CRM system.
12 votes -
match custom export headers match mail merge fields
match custom export headers to mail merge fields. the default settings table has underlines in the headers and your mail merge fields do not. they should match for no errors and brand consistency.
3 votes -
allow users to remove the linked attendees initials from tasks and meetings
Please allow users to remove the linked attendees initials from tasks and meetings. All it does is take up space and I have to scroll down to see all my tasks for the day. As a solo practitioner the initials serve no purpose and we should have the ability to remove them.
3 votes
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