Redtail CRM
Welcome to our official Redtail CRM feedback forum!
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1910 results found
View activities by household
It would be nice if we could see activities per household instead of per individual contact record and marked which contact the activity involves (both, person A or person B). This would reduce lost activities per household without having to switch back and forth between contact records. Especially now, some household members handle their investments individually and some investments together.
28 votes -
notes from outlook to redtail
We would love to see any Notes placed into Outlook be synced to the Notes section in Redtail via Retriever for Tailwag app.
9 votes -
Add Workflow Task Notes
We are currently having issues accessing the notes documented within the description box of workflow tasks. If task notes are are captured in the step notes box it can quickly become a jumbled mess. For example, we have a workflow with 2 steps and within those 2 steps are about 5 tasks all assigned to different people. Are the notes for all 5 of the different tasks assigned to different people supposed to be jumbled in a no particular order within the step notes box. So instead of seeing the notes for the specific task, we would have to go…
33 votesRedtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps. This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Life/domestic partner option in Family (in lieu of Spouse)
Add the option for life partner or domestic partner when creating a family in place of Spouse. The Other option doesn't show up in the Family on the "other" person's contact record. Utilizing memberships takes extra steps and you have to search for it by clicking More, then Memberships. Any time saved is beneficial.
Thank you for all the great attributes already!!
19 votes -
When adding a note to a client, it would be helpful if there was a prompt to link the note to their spouse.
I often forget to link a spouse to a note. For example; I send an email to a couple, and add it as a note in RedTail. Then, a few days later I might be in the spouses' account, and not see the note about the email I had just sent them. I don't always want to have notes in both spouses accounts, but it would be helpful if I was prompted to save it to the spouse when saving the original note.
Additionally, it helps other users going into the accounts to be able to see the notes in…
33 votes -
Contact Details - custom field
It would be great if there were one or two fields within the Contact Details section that could be customized. We'd like to assign a client service associate to each client, and while we can add this to the UDF section, it would be so much easier to locate if it was right there under or above "Servicing Advisor" in the Contact Details.
16 votes -
workflows sorting by current task 'user'
Are we able to sort workflows (on the main Workflows page that shows all) by 'current user'? We couldn't find where we were able to do - so if a certain 'user' is off work, we could just do a search for all the (current) Workflows/Steps/Tasks that were assigned to them and complete them.
4 votesRedtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps. This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Automatic Spouse Contact Record Should Inherit Permissions
An automation exists to permission new contact records to the associated advisor, so other advisors cannot see that advisor's contacts. This is a compliance requirement and Redtail has this functionality. However, When a spouse record is created automatically from a contact, it does not get the permissions that are assigned to the associated Contact - even though is has the same information as the contact that the automation uses to assign permissons.
This is causing a compliance issue as the spouse record can be seen by other advisors. Can you please 'enhance' the system to apply the same permissions to…19 votes -
When setting up the Next Review feature, it seems the option to update to annually on a specific day has disappeared. (Ie. annually on the first Monday of April). I can choose a date for annual review (ie. April 15 can be scheduled for subsequent years), but not the first Monday of April.
Also, it would be nice to keep the first review (ie. April 15, 2016) and then be able to change it in subsequent years. For example, this year we weren't able to meet until June 1, 2020. Going forward, I want to change it to June 1,…
28 votes -
notes in activity
It would be nice to be able to see all the notes, together, for a particular activity within the activity at least until the activity is marked complete. They tend to get mixed in with other notes in the notes section and it's hard to tell what is happening in that activity.
Or, it would be nice to have a button that would add the current date and time stamp to items typed in the description field.
16 votes -
Adding a flag or reminder feature in Notes
After adding a note, can we get a feature to flag the note or a reminder to go back to the note in "x" number of days? Currently, the only way I can remind myself of the note is to create a follow-up activity. Let's say I speak with a client who tells me that she/he will send me a document in three days. I make a note of the call in RT and set a reminder (instead of an activity) to flag the note in four days. In four days, I am reminded of the Note and if the…
7 votes -
Last Client Contact Report
Our company depends on constant communication with certain stakeholders in separate companies. Ensuring that we stay in communication with everyone can be difficult, because we have to check each individual contact in Redtail to see the last time we reached out to them. We would greatly benefit from being able to pull reports on when each contact was communicated with last-- by meeting, phone call, and email. This would ensure that there is not oversight in our client management. To be honest, I am extremely surprised this isn't already integrated into Redtail. Thanks for the votes, it is very well…
28 votes -
allow today view to to show our preference of today's activities
I want the ability to change the preference on Today to show Today's activities AND past due at the same time. Sure, it isn't for everyone, which is why I should be able to turn it on only if I'd like.
19 votes -
Send invite to contact when scheduling an appointment
Most programs today allow you to send in invite to the contact you have schedule some type of appointment with to add it to their calendar and accept or decline it. Why doesn't Redtail do this?
32 votes -
Custom Export needs to Include ALL Profile Information- why makes us wait years for this???!!!
I don't understand the logic behind not giving us the ability to export all fields of the contact record. You have added fields a couple at a time over the past few years, since you are already in there adding a couple fields, just add ALL the fields so you don't have to keep going back to the same topic and adding fields. That way you can focus on the thousands of other "enhancements", most of which are oversights, that have been sitting idle for YEARS!! Just make all fields exportable and be done with it!!!!
11 votes -
Edit a client note
Would love for their to be a feature where you can edit a note for a client after saving the note. Please let me know if there is already a feature for this.
25 votes -
'Complete' Client Reviews
For an industry that is very much reliant on keeping track of bare min YEARLY client reviews, this section needs a better tech focus. I would at least appreciate if the "Client Review" reminders could be 'completed' just like an activity.
36 votes -
Family tree
It would be nice to have a family tree view, so that you can visually see all family members linked as families or as memberships in on area.
89 votes -
Highlighting text feature
Please consider adding text highlighting to activities and notes. It's great to be able to insert emojis, however, emojis are not as useful as the ability to highlight text. At times, I have several things happening in one activity, and would like the ability to highlight some things that might still be outstanding (or even color code the text).
34 votes -
Thank you for adding the Forms CRS fields, however, the location of the fields isn't placed logically in the profile. We wanted to request that you change the location to the Written Agreements Review under Know Your Client.
Creating a task to remember to enter this data is an added step that we are hoping can be shortcut.23 votes
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