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36 results found

  1. Being able to notify someone when adding a link note to an existing activity

    There is no drop down menu in the linked notes section to notify team or users. Can this be added please?

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  2. When adding/updating activity being able to notify a user not just a team

    When you add a new note you have the option of two drop down menus: notify team and notify user. I would like the same option for adding/updating activities, can you add notify user to activities please.

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  3. Being able to turn off notifications for "guest" users

    Our team wanted to rollout suite sync in hopes of being able to schedule meetings easier, have visibility of our calendars outside of redtail, etc. We were very excited about the 1:1 sync with outlook as we were hoping to use MS Bookings. Though, when we started syncing our teams calendars and were notified that the guest users that were created from existing outlook events were receiving redtail notifications. After further googling, there is absolutely no way to turn these notifications off. ABSOLUTELY INSANE! This basically makes the 1:1 sync of outlook to redtail unusable! The worst part is that…

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  4. Have the full name including middle initial and suffix show on activity email notifications so recipients know which contact to go to

    Please show full names on an activity email notification so recipients know which contact record to go to. We have several father/sons who have a different middle initial or a Jr/Sr listed. This would be helpful for recipients of the notification to know which contact to go to for the activity.

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  5. Automatic daily birthday (and/or anniversary) reminder emails sent to advisors

    It would be nice to receive an automatic email every day with a list of clients' birthdays/anniversaries.

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  6. Ability to tag team members for notifications

    Our team would love the ability to tag each other in tasks/opps/workflows etc so that we collaborate on items and receive a notification when a team member needs input. If we were able to type @ and our team member's name, so that they can be tagged in the description, comment etc that would be EXTREMELY helpful.

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  7. Turn off pop up reminders

    We used to be able to turn off reminders for calendar items. This changed with the last update. Please put this back into preferences. If I want a reminder, I will set it myself.

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  8. Notification Emails need to be ENCRYPTED

    We have been aware of this issue for a long time now, but I think with the climate today it has become IMPERATIVE that Redtail encrypt notification emails generated from created and updated Activities. I believe many Redtail users put sensitive information in the subject and description such as account numbers (regardless of whether Redtail thinks we should) and then that information is being broadcast to the world in an insecure email if notification settings are not all set to "no". Our office knows of this security issue and we have everyone set their notifications settings to no, and are…

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  9. Client Account Security - Verbal Passcode

    If a client wishes to have for us to request a verbal passcode when they call us, it would be handy to have an immediate notification or popup each time that client's profile or accounts are accessed.

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  10. Notify A Specific User

    In a non-workflow task Redtail gives the option to notify a team, but you can't notify a specific user. We have a large Advice team, but a task notification likely only applies to their specific clients so we really need the option to just notify a single member of our office.

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  11. Link in email notification

    Have a link in the email notification to the activity and/or to the client.

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  12. Need ability to Notify team in comments

    Not being able to notifiy a user when a task is complete, causes us to open yet another dialog box withing the clients portal causing a lot of unnecessary dialog boxes to filter through.

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  13. URGENT - private client information is being sent by Redtail via email to users - SECURITY RISK

    URGENT: private client information is being sent by Redtail via email to uses. In our office, we have ALL email notifications turned OFF for this reason. However, some notifications are still sent. For example: bulk operations, like combining client accounts. When the email notification is sent, it includes PRIVATE CLIENT INFORMATION. We MUST have a way to turn off these additional notifications plus Redtail needs to CHANGE their email notifications so as not to include ANY PRIVATE CLIENT information. Redtail could and should be LIABLE for sharing this information in an INSECURE email! This is a huge SECURITY RISK.

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  14. Custom Reminder Feature

    Custom Reminder on the Reminders Dashboard for things like RMD's, Payments, etc.
    Also it would be nice to be able to take the reports and pull them into the reminders dashboard and customize them.

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    When we receive an email notification "a note has been created." It would be useful if that email notification include the template name of the note created.

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  16. Hyperlink directly into activity from email notification

    We get email notifications when someone has updated an activity, however, there is no hyperlink in the notification email that would easily connect you to the activity for your reply.

    Adding a hyper link option in the notification email would save a number of steps.
    Current process...
    1. Get the email, read the activity and prepare reply needed.
    2. Open a browser, go to redtail.
    3. Navigate to the client.
    4. Find the activity and click on the activity to open it.
    5. Write reply and submit.

    The suggested new process:
    1. Get the email, read the activity and prepare…

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  17. Email Notifications- Activities vs. Notes

    Currently when a user marks a note with the "Notify User/Team" the User/Team gets an email with a link to log in to Redtail to view the note.
    Unlike an Activity when saved and completed the Title and the Description are completely displayed in the notification email.

    Can we have the notes fully display in the email. This would help keep teams all on the same page (especially when working remote).

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  18. Add client name to subject line in email notification

    It would be nice to have an option of putting a client name in email notification that a note has been added. It would be a great reference feature for now and in the future if we needed to pull up the notification by name through the email subject line

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  19. Allow to notify when putting notes into a task from the calendar

    Please allow for notifying a member when putting notes in on a task from the calendar also would be very helpful if you could individually notify more than one person.

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  20. On Email notifications, put linked contact's name at the top of the email (with type/subject)

    On Email notifications, put linked contact's name at the top of the email (with type/subject) rather than at the bottom where we have to scroll all the way to the end of the email to see who it is for.

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