Redtail CRM
Welcome to our official Redtail CRM feedback forum!
Do you have an idea? Do you recognize a good idea when you see one?
Use the Categories to indicate what part of the CRM your change request refers to, and browse the ideas of fellow CRM users to vote on requests that will impact your business.
Don’t forget to add comments to other ideas to let us know how your firm might use a feature better!
For help with or questions about features and functionality in Redtail CRM, you can contact our support team at or check out our HelpDesk articles on getting started.
1910 results found
Expand automation
We need the ability to automate updates to opportunity stages, creation of activities, and changes to contacts based on workflow tasks marked complete.
We also need the ability to automate creation of activities and contacts based on changes to opportunities, such as the stage.
3 votes -
iCal integration
I desperately need Redtail to integrate with iCal so I can see my Redtail appointments on my Apple iPhone. The Redtail "app" is not good. But, more importantly, I need to synchronize my work life with my personal life. This is, by far, the #1 reason why I am thinking about switching my firm to another CRM platform.
1 vote -
larger photo
The photo field is entirely TOO small. The space where the client photo is located is totally under utilized. The photo area should be square (not round) and LARGER. Simply move the client name field more to the right and enlarge the photo to take advantage of the area.
3 votes -
move chat button?
Can we have the ability to move the little chat button at the bottom right of the screen? It covers up the time stamp on activity details.
1 vote -
Set a default text box size for the "description" field.
There should be a feature that allows us to set a default size for the "description" text box field within an activity every time you open it. Currently, you have to manually adjust the size of the field every time you open an activity. Allowing us to set a default would get rid of this clunky adjustment every time a new activity is opened up to work on.
6 votes -
full dates on note history
Notes less than a week or two weeks old summarize the date of the note: e.g. "Last Tuesday at 1:14 PM". It would be more useful to list the full date - Tuesday, March 12th @ 1:14 PM.
6 votes -
Create report of accounts for specified issue date range
Currently this custom export template will pull ALL accounts from any client that has even just one account for the specified date range. The report should only pull the accounts for that specified date range.
3 votes -
Bulk Actions - can only do one bulk action at a time
There is a glitch in the system. When I pull all my Platinum clients and select from the list to do a bulk action, it will take it the first time. But if I then deselect all and select a new group for another tag group it fails. I have to back out of my search, start the search again, and select all the clients again before it will let me do another bulk action. Today I tried pulling Gold clients right after I did the Platinum clients and it wouldn't take my bulk action without backing out. It wastes…
1 vote -
Need ability to Notify team in comments
Not being able to notifiy a user when a task is complete, causes us to open yet another dialog box withing the clients portal causing a lot of unnecessary dialog boxes to filter through.
3 votes -
Have the notes option available for households
In households, have a notes option so we don't have to post the same note on each separate client. This is helpful we we do a household review of accounts or the note item affects all the members of the household.
1 vote -
Workflow template for learning Redtail
Providing ideal video sequence and exercises between videos.
1 vote -
Default "today" in Calendar (all views)
Can you please make "today's date" the default view whether we select to view by day, week, or month. Rarely, when I click "Calendar" on the left hand side menu options does it direct to "today's date". This should be a simply programming oversight but it's been like that for years. Please fix.
1 vote -
color coding user
The new color-coding feature for the users on the calendar is causing confusion. Employees have the same initials. We realize you can change the colors, but then you have to memorize the colors. We have a ton of users. Perhaps add middle initials.
3 votes -
option to create activities for certain users that will only show on their calendars
option to create activities for certain users that will only show on their calendars so everyone else does not have to see their activities. This is different than the selecting to only see certain users on the calendar.
3 votes -
Post a warning when adding additional team members to a chat room that the action cannot be reversed. Also insert a confirmation screen.
When accidentally adding a team member to a chat room it is impossible to remove the member again.
3 votes -
calendar print out
Please, please, please bring back the old print calendar that prints the whole day with all time blocks, instead of the new condensed version that stacks all activities on top of each other. We use this calendar as a day view & want to be able to manually update throughout the day.
3 votes -
Format Size of daily calendar boxes
Please integrate an option to have the calendar view return to the prior format in regards to the box size for the daily appointments/tasks. The circle with advisor initials is wasted space and causes the box to the double in size, making my daily calendar almost impossible to navigate. HELP!
1 vote -
When printing the calendar the assignee of an appt or action that shows ups on the desk top in a colored circle DOESN'T show when printed. We would like it to show on a printed calendar as it does on when the calendar is open on the desktop. This would help all of staff to know who's task is who's.
Also, the lines and space when there is a gab in time between appt's on the calendar disappeared during the recent update. There used
to be space and lines in between contacts on the calendar showing an empty space in…1 vote -
Print Calendar
Leaving the calendar printable like before, where it showed the calendar as is, allowing us to fill in the space. Just like it was before.
3 votes -
I like the way that buttons with a user’s first and last initials were added to activities in the Calendar. It would be great to also have t
I like the way that buttons with a user’s first and last initials were added to activities in the Calendar. It would be great to also have those buttons on tasks (ie, the initials of the assignee).
3 votes
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