Redtail CRM
Welcome to our official Redtail CRM feedback forum!
Do you have an idea? Do you recognize a good idea when you see one?
Use the Categories to indicate what part of the CRM your change request refers to, and browse the ideas of fellow CRM users to vote on requests that will impact your business.
Don’t forget to add comments to other ideas to let us know how your firm might use a feature better!
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1910 results found
Householding Data
Ability to view Household data. Meeting w client outside office and need ability to recall spouse and kids names!
4 votes -
Avoid repeat reminders from falling on a weekend.
It would be nice if repeat reminders would avoid falling on a weekend. For instance, I have a client who transfers $2800 monthly to an investment account on the 6th of every month. So I set up a reminder on the 7th to invest her money. Some months the 7th falls on a weekend when the market is closed, and I have to manually set a new reminder for Monday. It would be nice if this reminder would automatically push to the following Monday if it fell on a weekend.
35 votes -
Make adding a step to a workflow easier
Would it be possible to create an "Add a new step here" button on the workflow templates? Or something that allows you to drop a step in where you want it; instead of creating them at the bottom of the template and then having to move it?
18 votes -
UDF's at Household Level
I'd prefer the ability to add UDF's at a household level instead of a contact level. Of if they have to be by contact, make them mirror each other when a contact is in the same household as another contact.
34 votes -
link note to email
It would be great if you could create a linked note off an email (in a client's email history).
22 votes -
Imbedding Documents/Files into Workflow Tasks
I believe one feature that would transform Workflows into an even greater Redtail tool would be being able to upload/store documents and/or other resource/source/artifact files into individual Workflow Tasks. This added feature would, in my opinion, make a Workflow way more of a hub for office activities. If a specific document/file is in fact needed for a Task or is the product of a Task upon completion, being able to add it to a Task or, more broadly, a Step makes sense.
32 votes -
Customizable Landing Page
We are requesting the ability to create and modify a custom landing page in Redtail. There are a number of fields we'd like to view on one screen prior to meeting, and while meeting, with clients. A few of the fields we'd like to see at once are as follows:
• Name
• Address
• Phone/Email
• DOB (age)
• Children’s names
• Accountant
• Attorney
• Insurance Agent
• Stand-by- YES/NO
• Review Date
• Account Types
• Account Model
• Latest Tax Return on file26 votes -
Allow clients to self-schedule appointments directly through Redtail
By allowing clients to self schedule through Redtail, this would eliminate having to use a third party appointment app. The issue we are having when using third parties is that it does not link the contacts to the activity and it does not generate workflows as it is supposed to. I see many people have requested this feature. Is there any chance that it is a possibility in the near future? Thanks.
87 votes -
allow daily calendar to print like it used to without the Filter events box printing at the top
When you print the daily calendar, it prints the filter events box at the top - it didn't used to do that -
fix it please!14 votes -
Add a "Team" option when assigning new Tasks/Activities
We'd love it if you could add an option when creating a new task to assign it to a team instead of having to add individuals manually. When we add a new team member we have to go back through hundreds of tasks and manually update them to add the new teammate whereas if we could add a team, they would update automatically when we add a new team member to that team. This would be a HUGE savings of time for our company.
35 votes -
Ability to turn on/off the automatic notes generated from completed workflows & activities
When a Redtail Workflow or Activity is completed, the system automatically generates a note in the client's Notes tab. We would like the ability to control if that is automatic or not because we are having to go in and delete them manually to keep our notes section clean. We can always reference completed Activities and Workflow summaries, so this seems redundant, especially because the note that is generated is not detailed and rather more of a summary.
7 votes -
printer friendly workflow
When reviewing large workflows with a team, it would be helpful to be able to print the WF and note adjustments. Please add a pdf option to workflows that list steps, tasks, and outcomes.
17 votes -
Family Notes Showing Duplicates
When you either (A.) Copy a note to a client or (B.) Link the note originally to a client's spouse or other party. When displaying "Family Notes" it shows duplicates. It would be helpful if it did not do that.
4 votes -
Allow Customization of "Things to do today" and other widgets on Homescreen
Every person is different and every business focuses on different things -being able to fully customize the "widgets" on the home screen like reminders and workflow tasks would provide added efficiencies and provide a much needed "one-stop shop" for everything you need to accomplish for the day/week/month.
For example, the "things to do" widget ONLY shows things due that day. A running, chronological list of the "next 10 tasks" due would be way more efficient and impactful or at least displaying all overdue tasks alongside the ones due that day. The extra step-through process of trying to locate outstanding deliverables…
47 votes -
Allow for parallel flows through Workflow with dependencies on Workflow Tasks and not just Steps.
The inability to link Workflow Task dependencies and only dependencies between steps limits the workflow capabilities. Can't start on WF Tasks in the next step until the entire step is complete. Also, allowing for multiple flows through the workflow where WF Steps/Tasks can be done in parallel would be beneficial to real world where multiple sequential paths are frequent and they should be related in the same workflow.
31 votes -
Allow for parallel flows through Workflow with dependencies on Workflow Tasks and not just Steps.
The inability to link Workflow Task dependencies and only dependencies between steps limits the workflow capabilities. Can't start on WF Tasks in the next step until the entire step is complete. Also, allowing for multiple flows through the workflow where WF Steps/Tasks can be done in parallel would be beneficial to real world where multiple sequential paths are frequent and they should be related in the same workflow.
13 votes -
Option to change the note time stamp
Following up on T# 1392460
User was unable to submit idea , he never rcvd the link from noreply@trymagic.comWe'd like to be able to change the note time stamp view.
Within the first 7 days,it shows as "last monday" , "last thursday" etc
we'd like to be able to see the calendar date instead. 07/11/2144 votes -
Add time stamped notes inside the workflow
I would like the ability to add time stamped notes to workflows. We often have tasks that take several try's to complete such as a phone calls to a client to get answers to questions. I would like to be able to see the noted attempts of calls to the clients with a date and time inside the workflow step or task.
43 votes -
Opportunity Permissions for Non-Admins
For non-admins, remove the ability to assign a permission at the creation of an opportunity. We've had users permission themselves at creation and because they're not an admin, they don't have the ability to adjust or see any permission on that particular opportunity. At the creation of opportunity a permission ability for non-admins creates a situation, if they only select themselves, where it can't be adjusted or seen by other users.
6 votes -
being notified when entering a contact that is a duplicate
I receive about 10 leads a month from a marketing lead source. As soon as I receive a lead, I immediately enter into RT by first name, last name, email address and phone #.
There have been many times that I would receive a duplicate lead (without knowing or remembering) from the past. I wish that RT would inform me when a duplicate contact is being entered, specifically by email and/or phone #. I understand RT only informs of duplicate by EXACT first name, last name and tax id. Please considering updating and allowing at least email to be included…15 votes
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