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1910 results found

  1. Enhancing Consistent SSO Integration Across Multiple Redtail Databases

    Enhancing Consistent SSO Integration Across Multiple Redtail Databases


    CPS Investment Advisors services external Co-advisor firms, culminating in our establishment of a primary home Redtail database along with 24 supplementary Redtail databases. While with Orion we have a single unified database, Redtail specifically suggested the deployment of distinct databases as the only way to partition clients. This ensures each outside co-advisor firm we service only sees their own designated clients. This proposal was grounded in the commitment that navigating between these databases would be fluid by “Switching” into our other Redtail databases in managing all clients that we service across…

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  2. An appointment feature where we can automatically rollover tasks

    A feature when we are adding tasks to the calendar, that if the producer(or appointment setter) doesn't mark them as complete then they automatically rollover to the next day on the producers calendar. That way a client doesn't get lost in the shuffle.

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  3. Updating Activities

    When updating an activity, please have the e-mail that is sent identify what was changed on the original activity.

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  4. Marking Activities Complete

    I would like to have the option to NOT have a note created when an activity is marked complete. It clutters up the notes section.

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  5. With two step authentication, it would be nice to have two users

    It would be nice to have two users for the two step authentication. Can you create a way for someone to give permission for someone else to access their email account.

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  6. Enhance text search capabilities (Exact Phrase and Exclude Term)

    Really this applies to all text searches.

    In addition to the simple word searches we can currently run, it would be very useful if we could search for exact phrases (as you would use quotation marks to denote in most internet search engines) AND to exclude words and phrases from searches (commonly denoted by the use of a minus sign immediately before the exclusion term).

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  7. Have the ability to print the to-do list

    It would be nice if the to-do list could be printed.

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  8. color

    Allow us to set rules so that activities on the calendar will change colors according to the value of the % Complete field

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  9. spouses employer on custom export

    Please please please add more fields for spouses. We would love for spouses employer to be added as just job title is there now. Thank you.

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  10. Please add UDFs to the mobile app. There is important info an advisor needs to see before a meeting when on the road.

    Please add the ability to view UDFs on the mobile app. We need to see this to see important information before a client meeting when on the road.

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  11. Please add the ability to see ORION reporting on the mobile app

    Please add the ability to see ORION reporting on the mobile app. This would be helpful to see performance and stat when on the road.

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  12. Reports for Activities to filter sort by Completed and by % Completed

    Reports for Activities to filter sort by Completed and by % Completed

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  13. LInkedIn will always have the most up to date Job title, that should automatically update in Redtail

    When a contact is connected to LinkedIn, their Job Title information will be automatically updated with the most current and accurate data. It would also be convenient if their picture was uploaded automatically, like on my iPhone.

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  14. add pdf to comment

    It would be very helpful to be able to add a pdf to a comment, not just the original note, especially since the pdf may not have existed or been relevant at the time of the original note.

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  15. allow admins to send emails on behalf of other reps

    Allow admins to send broadcast emails on behalf of Reps. I regularly send out broadcast emails for the financial reps to their clients. In order to do it now I have to log in as the Rep.

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  16. identify what accounts have been linked after running auto link

    The Autolink complete email notification will be much more useful if it shows who the client was and/or what accounts were linked.

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  17. linked note

    It would be ideal to be able to see if an ACTIVITY has a linked note.

    When a NOTE has a linked activity, the note will indicate as much (lower right corner). However, if an activity has a linked note there is no such notification on the activity itself so you never know.

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  18. Salutations

    On the salutations area of adding a new contact, there is an option for Sergeant but no other rank. It means alot to military and first responders to be recognized for their rank.

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  19. Give us a way to auto paste to spreadsheets

    Maybe link office 365 to redtail or have its own spreadsheet page. Instead of just listing info like writing on a sheet of paper, have it with text boxes that then paste onto a pre-organized spreadsheet that can be saved/linked to onedrive.

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  20. Activity email should have link

    When we receive activity update emails it would be helpful if there was a hyperlink to the activity so we don't get lost by having to log in and get distracted by other to do's. Tis is becoming a deal breaker for my team

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