Redtail CRM
Welcome to our official Redtail CRM feedback forum!
Do you have an idea? Do you recognize a good idea when you see one?
Use the Categories to indicate what part of the CRM your change request refers to, and browse the ideas of fellow CRM users to vote on requests that will impact your business.
Don’t forget to add comments to other ideas to let us know how your firm might use a feature better!
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1910 results found
Is it possible to add a block under "Accounts" for RMD's? (Required Minimum Distributions?
Please add a block for "Required Minimum Distributions" - this is a Federal Law and requires the client to start the withdrawal at the age of 72.5 years old from IRA's, Roth's, etc.. The block would need: RMD Eligible (date), Fair Market Value, Current Year RMD Amount, Scheduled RMD (a simple yes or no), First Payment Date, Next Payment Date, Payment Frequency and Payment Method.
This would be a big help to balance Client records/assets.19 votes -
Activities by Contact Report - Add Servicing Advisor to Export
Please add Servicing Advisor to the excel/csv export of the Activities by Contact Report.
You can filter the visible activities by Servicing Advisor in Activities by Contact Report, but the export does not include the Servicing Advisor.
5 votes -
13 votes
filter workflows
It would be nice to have the ability to filter workflows for a specific date range.
7 votes -
Today page Account Types and Held Away Wheel
Closed accounts are reflected in the wheel. This needs to have an option to display only open accounts.
Anna Dujan
8 votes -
Create insurance account pages that actually make sense with insurance reports
I have been a user since Brian was giving the training and RT still hasn't created simple insurance pages with fields that only pertain to that type of insurance. Also, it is a scandal for a supposed CRM for financial advisors that there isn't an insurance report. Maybe Orion will help.
9 votes -
Uncomplete Notes Removed
When someone completes and activity and then uncompletes the activity the note generated saying it was completed is not removed from the contacts notes. This creates a false signal to team that task was done within notes not to mention duplicate notes of the activity being completed when done.
13 votes -
recurring activities
Have an option when choosing when the activity will reoccur, to be x days after the activity is completed. So if you make a monthly call for 1st day of the month, but you get behind and complete on the 15th day, the next call does not occur on the 1st but in 30 days. Otherwise I will be constantly manually adjusting my recurring call dates because I rarely get them done on the actual day they are due.
8 votes -
The ability to remove the PERSONAL PRONOUNS field in the Personal Profile form.
Allow the ability to remove the newly added PERSONAL PRONOUNS field in the Personal Profile form. This is embarrassing to our office.
12 votes -
task completed/appointment calendar
It would be great to be able to see task and calendar appts. still visible on calendar after being completed. Also, possibly adding feature to indicate if they were completed (maybe with different color).
4 votes -
Comments in Linked Notes
In Activities, under Linked Notes, it would be beneficial to add an indicator (maybe an astrick) to a note when someone has added a comment. There is no way of knowing if someone has commented, unless you open the note.
20 votes -
Add a "next" function
Please add a "next" function that would allow us to page back and forth between client contact pages in alphabetical order.
4 votes -
Bulk complete Workflows
I wish there were an option to bulk complete workflows. There are several abandoned workflows that I want to clean up, but I don't want to delete them. If I were able to complete them in bulk, I would be able to keep a record for compliance and it would be so much more efficient.
10 votes -
Task Rollovers
Tasks and Calls that are "Open" (not completed) should automatically rollover - otherwise they can get lost. As an alternative, allow this to be a choice under user preferences.
46 votes -
Holistiplan integration with Redtail
Integration with Holistiplan would be great for know your client, tax rate information, marginal taxes, income, AGI and more
18 votes -
ability to move note box
I would love to be able to move the note box around while it is open so that I am able to see more about that contact or even look at other contacts while working on a note. Currently if you are creating a note there is no functionality until that note is completed.
17 votes -
Sticky Notes to add to client file
Be able to add a "post-it-like" note to a client file so it stands out instantly. This could serve as a reminder to give them something next time they are in the office, or ask them about such and such....
I don't want to sift through client notes, or use a pinned note- this doesn't stand out enough.
43 votes -
Plz Increase Size of Note Text Box
Plz Increase Size of Note Text Box!
-It's difficult to add large emails or notes into the text box and then make modifications as the actual text box itself is very small.
-Email chains can be very long, so we modify them to reduce the length of each note so we can find the information later on much faster. Sometimes i do this by going through the note and deleting my personal email signature. But it can very tedious and time consuming (frustrating) when i can only see a tiny portion of the text i just copied over.
*It would…6 votes -
Updating opened or assigned workflows to sync to template updates
When updating a workflow template, existing workflows should have the option to be updated as well, without deleting the existing data. For instance the completed tasks should not be touched. If however, there are additional steps or rewording of steps/tasks, we should have the option to update assigned/opened workflows as well.
5 votes -
custom account names
It would be awesome to have a "custom account name" feature for accounts. This would be ideal for 529s and Trusts. Could be under "basic info" and displayed on accounts view of the profile either underneath product type or in-between account & tax qual type
4 votes
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