Redtail CRM
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1911 results found
The attendee bubbles on activities make every activity on the calendar double the size. Additionally, they are completely unnecessary.
1 vote -
Please bring back the today button on the calendar page.
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Bring back the original 'This Week' toggle button.
We wish you would not have removed the 'this week' button between the day/month buttons. Now, when we schedule something a few weeks/months out, we now have to manually scroll back to the current week. Previously we could just hit the 'this week' button and be immediately there. It wastes time for sure.
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Bring back the "Today" button on the calendar
When the buttons with the initials of people in a meeting was added, the Today button was removed. I used that often when I was looking out on my calendar to schedule a future appointment and then wanted to get back to the current week quickly.
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today button
Bring back the "Today" button on our calendar.
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bring back the "Today" button on the Calendar PLEASE
I am lost. The "TODAY" button on the calendar is sorely missed. When you are booking months and weeks in advance, it is nice to select TODAY and are back to the task and meetings at hand.
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Remove the Attendee's initials in the "Ball" icon from Activities
The recent CRM updates auto-populate the attendees's initials in the task in a "ball" icon. This makes the calendar way too busy and I can't view as many activities on my screen.
If I'm viewing my own activities, it's redundant to have my initials taking up visual real estate in the calendar.
Please provide an option to turn this feature OFF or get rid of it all together!
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Linking Contact Activities to Accounts
For contact records with multiple accounts, it would be helpful to select the account to which the activity pertains.
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shrink the calendar activities on Calendar view to same size as before the updates.
I view RedTail from Calnedar view. The update expanded the "all day" activities to take more space (maybe the one line for the dot). The additional space pushes my daily scheduled events down to a second page. I prefer seeing everything on one page.
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In the main Workflow dashboard it would be nice to see columns showing the Servicing/Writing Advisor associated with the Linked Contact as well as who is responsible for the Current Step.
As well as the ability to filter the list just to the Servicing/Writing Advisor associated with the Linked Contact similar to Activities.
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Calendar View - Please Take Away Icons
I prefer the old view of Redtail's calendar, we do not need the circular icon on each event indicating the initials of who is involved in the event. It takes up too much space and impacts the overall view of the month. Please take away those icons. Thanks you.
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mark workflow tasks urgent
Mark workflow tasks urgent (similar to activities)
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remove the circle with the initials you added to all the activities
Please remove the circle you added to all of the activities with the user's initials - or at least give us the option to turn it off. It's unnecessary information that's distracting and is taking up valuable screen real estate. Previously I was able to see the entire subject line of the activity, but now I just see the first few words and the only other thing that's visible in the activity is that annoying circle.
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Would we be able to move the blocks for Workflows and Tasks around on the screen to create a custom experience?
Would we be able to move the blocks around on the screen to be able to create a custom experience? Personally, I would much prefer to have workflows at the top since those are usually more time sensitive than tasks.
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Our current situation: We are a smaller company with two offices and 2-3 employees in each office. We all view the same calendar but have c
Our current situation:
We are a smaller company with two offices and 2-3 employees in each office. We all view the same calendar but have chosen our own colors to mark our appointments, tasks, etc.Problem:
We would like to have all of our calendars automatically use the same colors when creating an appointment, task, etc. without having each employee manually input the # code for the color.Example:
I create an appointment for tomorrow where another employee will have to attend. I create the appointment and tag the employee. On my computer its blue but for the other employee…1 vote -
Calendar - View by Month
Reduce the size of each scheduled activity showing on the calendar.
The recent enhancement significantly increased the size of each activity block, making it more difficult to view one month without much scrolling.1 vote -
When printing the calendar the assignee of an appt or action that shows ups on the desk top in a colored circle DOESN'T show when printed. We would like it to show on a printed calendar as it does on when the calendar is open on the desktop. This would help all of staff to know who's task is who's.
Also, the lines and space when there is a gab in time between appt's on the calendar disappeared during the recent update. There used
to be space and lines in between contacts on the calendar showing an empty space in…1 vote -
Format Size of daily calendar boxes
Please integrate an option to have the calendar view return to the prior format in regards to the box size for the daily appointments/tasks. The circle with advisor initials is wasted space and causes the box to the double in size, making my daily calendar almost impossible to navigate. HELP!
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Default "today" in Calendar (all views)
Can you please make "today's date" the default view whether we select to view by day, week, or month. Rarely, when I click "Calendar" on the left hand side menu options does it direct to "today's date". This should be a simply programming oversight but it's been like that for years. Please fix.
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Workflow template for learning Redtail
Providing ideal video sequence and exercises between videos.
1 vote
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