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1911 results found

  1. Orion Advisor Integration - Link the Redtail client back to the Orion Household during auto-link

    When using autolink to load Orion accounts to Redtail, also automatically link the client back to the household in Orion so the 2-way synch will work without manually having to link every household. We auto-linked about 800 accounts and then found out we have to go through the clients one by one and manually link them back to a household in Orion. The matching Social Security number was the key to uploading all the accounts from Orion. Why not then link the Redtail client to the Orion household at that point?

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  2. Workflow - Delete Steps after Workflow Launch

    The ability to delete workflow steps after a workflow is launched (similar to how you can delete tasks if necessary).

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  3. to be able to search by a nick name or a street address or even a email address

    If we could search by contact nickname, address or email address for marketing it would really save a lot of time searching information that might need to be updated.

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  4. activity font

    It would be helpful if we could change the default font, to a larger font, in the body of the activity.

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    We have a LOT of custom export templates because we have a large staff and everyone has different needs. How about allowing each user to mark the templates they use as Favorites so that they can just look at the list of templates that they use instead of having to scroll through everyone else's?

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  6. Option to choose privacy for activities when creating them

    Notes let you choose the privacy options while creating. It would be nice to have that feature when creating activities.

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  7. workflows

    It would be nice if we could view workflow tasks like we do activities and have the option to filter by who assigned to and filter dates. I know there is a workflow report but you have to consistently reset the filters and it is not as user friendly.

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  8. Financials' Section - Customizable Labels

    Make the Labels in the Financial Section Customizable for whatever type of financials are important you. For example, we wouldn't put a specific Strategic Allocation Model into a clients profile because they might have several different accounts with different models. We personally would like to use those fields to show a clients Income Sources and amounts. Those labels should work like UDF's where you can put in whatever types of Financials your group is tracking.

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  9. printer friendly workflow

    When reviewing large workflows with a team, it would be helpful to be able to print the WF and note adjustments. Please add a pdf option to workflows that list steps, tasks, and outcomes.

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  10. ability to move note box

    I would love to be able to move the note box around while it is open so that I am able to see more about that contact or even look at other contacts while working on a note. Currently if you are creating a note there is no functionality until that note is completed.

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  11. Change background color of current day on calendar.

    When I open the calendar daily, I would like to see the current day bolded in the background of the calendar box.

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  12. Ability to set a template or default when creating opportunities

    Ability to set a template or default when creating opportunities. Let users set a default for all of the areas in preferences. For example: Type being defaulted to New Business.

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  13. Have the Timeline Link Directly to Acitivities

    When I'm checking on the timeline, I can see my coworkers edited an activity, but since it doesn't specify to whom the activity is for, I don't always know where to find it. If I could click the activities in the timeline and have it link directly to the activity page, that would save me a lot of headaches.

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  14. Add Automation Trigger for Account Status Change

    I want to know when someone marks an account closed in Redtail so it triggers a workflow that makes me clear out any account level UDFs and to see if that was a client's last account where it would then trigger them to be a former client.

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  15. Being able to import contacts ourselves

    Seems like an unnecessary added step to have to send in to Redtail for implementation. Wouldn't it be more efficient to allow the client to import a bulk upload to manage themselves?

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  16. Would like to have date on UDF updated when activity is completed, e.g., "Last Review Date" updates when "Review" activity is completed.

    We use UDF's, "Last Review Date" and "Next Review Date". Would like to have RT automatically update these UDF's when a Phone Review or Review type activity is completed.

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  17. On the Today page, under Contact it will give either a contact's name or say 2, 3, 4, 5 etc. contacts. It would be helpful if, when there is

    On the Today page, under Contact it will give either a contact's name or say 2, 3, 4, 5 etc. contacts. It would be helpful if, when there is more than one contact that it say the contact's name, and 2 others... or something similar.

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  18. opportunity archive

    We'd like a way to archive opportunities by year so the information at the top (Closed Won and Closed Lost) is for the current year only rather than since the beginning of time.

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  19. Client Goals

    Add section in client header to list top 3 client goals. Ie, retirement, college funding, etc.

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  20. 16 votes

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