Redtail CRM
Welcome to our official Redtail CRM feedback forum!
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1910 results found
adding the feature of Nicknames to labels so that I don't have to cut and paste everything for my 400 holiday cards
currently labels pull the full name or family name. It would be also good to pull the nickname as people often use their preferred nickname not their full name.
12 votes -
Ability to add more than two people as account owners
When assigning ownership of an account to a contact, you can currently only assign two owners. I have several accounts with 3 or more owners, so the ability to add more would be nice.
3 votes -
7 votes
Orion Household Linking for Spouses
Currently, a contact in RedTail links to the Orion household with matching Tax ID. This is great, except when I try to link spouses to the household. Currently, the spouse would have a separate household. This is not practical since most couples want their assets together. Please look into the additional household members Tax ID being picked up for linking households in addition to the main Tax ID - or maybe there is a way to manually select a household to link a contact to.
10 votes -
Better Details When Hovering On Activity On Calendar
I was looking at what additional information showed up when you hover over an activity and the only new info was the attendee. For most people they only see their own calendars so that was obvious. It'd be more helpful if we could see the activity description when we hover as well as the activity type (in case we haven't memorized what each color means) and category.
6 votes -
Copy TASK notes into STEP notes inside workflows.
Often the first task of a workflow, has a bunch of questions that the originator of the workflow will need to answer.
The current workaround, is to copy the questions, then paste them into step notes, and answer them inside step notes, before proceeding to the next step.
It would save time to have a button to copy the task notes directly to step notes.
8 votes -
Indicate task notes exist in a workflow
In many workflows, we have task notes (instructions, templated emails, files etc.) embedded into the templates.
It would be good to have a visual indication in the main workflow page next to each task, if there are embedded notes. Just a little star or checkmark or something. This way, a user would not have to hover to see if there are embedded TASK notes.11 votes -
Roll out workflow target date by one day
I'd like to have a button at the top of a workflow to roll out the WORKFLOW target date by one day
9 votes -
Multiple linked contacts in workflows - Display their names, not "2"
Multiple linked contacts in workflows - Display their names, not "2".
Also, have a button that says "link to spouse" if there is a spousal contact present in the database. This would save users from having to search for the spouse.
49 votes -
RMD Information/Log
Please create a RMD information tab in the left side panel similar to the UDF, Notes and activates fields. We need a section where we can track all RMDs per year and if they were satisfied. RMD accounts can be satisfied in one account of across multi accounts so we need the ability to customize data and take notes and track if the RMD is completed for the year. We need the RMD data to stand separate from accounts section since we don't enter acct info in redtail. Currently we enter RMD instructions in the UDF, but we need a…
15 votes -
Would it be possible to add a per stirpes check box in the beneficiary section?
Add a box that could be checked mark if the beneficiary is set up as per stirpes
15 votes -
Combine Email/Call/Text Logs
Instead of adding call and text information to the notes, it would be great to have one tab for logging of all communication with clients that could be filtered out between emails, calls, and texts. We have a text-heavy clientele, and we're new to Redtail but already finding that text logging is bogging down our notes list.
11 votes -
filter by completion date
Would like the ability to filter by completion date. Currently it only filters by start or assigned date which doesn't help if I wanted to see a report of all activities that were completed last month for example.
9 votes -
LPL uses OnceHub
LPL uses OnceHub for linked calendar booking. It would be nice to have it integrated to RedTail. OnceHub only has Salesforce and InfusionSoft currently.
13 votes -
Configuration for Sent Emails to Auto-Save to Notes
Can we please get a way to manage e-mail settings to have all of our emails sent through Redtail automatically save a copy to the notes that way we do not always have to manually check the save to notes box at the bottom of the email screen? This creates too much room for error in the potential of forgetting to check that box and email history is important.
4 votes -
2 votes
Multi calendar option
I am writing because I work for 3 advisors and I'd like to make a suggestion. Do you think it would ever be possible to be able to have multiple calendar views at a time? Being that I work for 3 separate advisors, it would be nice if I could open a calendar tab per advisor as to better manage their schedules. Currently when ever you open a new tab the calendar automatically syncs to one view and you have to keep changing advisor per need. It would be nice to be able to have multiple calendars at once.
30 votes -
It would be very helpful if the integration with Precisefp also mapped the Know Your Client fields. This would allow us to send a digital Know Your Client form via Precisefp where the client could update or confirm the information.
2 votes -
Automated Scheduler Integration for Calendar
The Calendar Needs to be compatable with an Automated Scheduler Application like Calendly.
This would save a lot of time and allow clients and prospects to book themselves, be sent Zoom Invites Automatically with their confirmation and also be sent meeting reminders.
9 votes -
udfs mobile
Enable UDFs to be visible in the mobile app.
9 votes
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