Redtail CRM
Welcome to our official Redtail CRM feedback forum!
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1910 results found
We are new to Redtail but would greatly appreciate a Calendly integration
We definitely need a Calendly integration for our practice
29 votes -
Hyperlink directly into activity from email notification
We get email notifications when someone has updated an activity, however, there is no hyperlink in the notification email that would easily connect you to the activity for your reply.
Adding a hyper link option in the notification email would save a number of steps.
Current process...
1. Get the email, read the activity and prepare reply needed.
2. Open a browser, go to redtail.
3. Navigate to the client.
4. Find the activity and click on the activity to open it.
5. Write reply and submit.The suggested new process:
1. Get the email, read the activity and prepare…28 votes -
Calendly Integration
I feel like a broken record asking for this but how is there not an integration with Calendly yet? We run our entire calendar through Redtail but we are on the verge of switching to Outlook simply because they have a native integration with Calendly. This would save our team time, money, and resources. There has been "internal discussion" at Redtail about this for some time now but never once have we received a substantive update or any progress. Is there any timeline for this integration? Thank you for your consideration!
38 votes -
print note history
The good point to keep notes in the client file is to save on paper and keep all the notes in once place. However, it would be nice to have the option to select and print out more than one note at a time if needed. To expand on that, the ability to print out the whole note history if needed. The option to only print out one note at a time is helpful, but if more than one is needed, the option to do that should be made available as well. Thank you for your consideration.
13 votes -
past due activities view should be default view
When looking at Today, I'd like to see "Past due" as well as "tue today" activities as a default
16 votes -
search bar
I used to be able to enter a phone number or address in the search bar and the client would come up. It doesn't seem to do that now, did you take that away? I found it very helpful (esp when caller ID shows only the number.) If it is no longer available I would like to suggest it be re-added.
28 votes -
Color Options in NOTES
I would like to see color options for alpha and numeric for Notes so besides being BOLD the line or word could also be a certain color like you can to din Word and Excel.
42 votes -
Save Before Closing Warning
When you are updating a task, there should be a window that pops up to ask if we are sure we would like to close this page without saving progress. Far too often I forget to save when looking for something else in the CRM and it would be nice to have a warning that catches some of my human error.
30 votes -
put date on all notes and activities not "today"
Put date on all notes and activities instead of "today","last Monday", etc.
When looking at a printed note at a later date, there is no way to know what the date of the note was when it shows "Today at 4:22pm".
The date from day one will save confusion over what date was last Monday, etc.....34 votes -
13 votes
Outlook 365 Integration
Create Outlook 365 plugin or integration where I can assign tasks, etc directly from email. For example, a client emails me a action item/task, I can press a button in outlook 365 and turn it into a task associated with that client and assign it to support staff. Wealth Box does this!!!
69 votes -
Add a date field under Financials in the Strategic Allocation Model section
Having a date field in this section would be great. Understanding risk tolerance needs to be updated every three years, this would be an excellent option to add so we can track when the risk tolerance paperwork will expire.
12 votes -
Sort Opportunities
It would be nice to sort opportunities by projected revenue instead of $ amount. If I add an opportunity to charge for a plan, there is no way to sort this because there is no securities involved.
24 votes -
Ability for team members to see when someone is working on a task
When a task is assigned to a team, it would be very nice for all users on that team to be able to see when a task is being worked on by another team member. This way 2 team members do not both work on the task simultaneously
41 votes -
Import Tool
Perhaps I'm missing something, but I find no area where I am able to do a custom import. It would be helpful to have the ability to import a CSV file to update contacts, workflows, activities, etc. Most CRM systems have this capability.
21 votes -
browser tabs
I like to open multiple browser tabs (firefox) in Redtail for clients/contacts I want to work on. Each tab currently says "redtail" and often I will have to click each one to show what contact it represents. It would be super helpful if these tabs showed the contacts last name instead of redtail.
10 votes -
Add Contact Roles as options for Custom Exports
Seems silly that you can't export a list of clients and see who their Advisor, Associate Advisor and CSA are.
27 votes -
Notes--being able to link a contact to a note you have already posted.
as it is now, you can only link a contact to a note at the time of creation so in order to link a contact you would have to delete the note and recreate it in order to link. it would be much easier if there was a 'link contact' feature under action just like there is a 'link account' feature action.
22 votes -
Option to allow steps to be active/triggered on the date they are due regardless if the previous step completed
We need workflow steps not to be hindered by the previous step being uncompleted that the next step isn't triggered for those steps that have a date.
We use the step tasks as reminders on the specified date to run certain reports on that date. If the step before it isn't fully completed, it shouldn't prevent the next step being active on the date it's due. I know you can skip steps with outcomes and there are "ways around" certain things I've read in Retail's comments on similar requests... but that is not what I'm talking about and that doesn't…16 votes -
Allow activities to automatically roll forward every day
We just transitioned from ACT. In ACT all activities that were not completed during the day automatically rolled forward to the following day. There was no need to check for incomplete activities in ACT. It would be very helpful to incorporate this feature into RedTail.
23 votes
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