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1910 results found

  1. Please give us a way to modify the order of options on the left menu bar.

    Please give us a way to modify the order of options on the left menu bar. Specifically, the contact submenu that appears when on a contact's profile page. For example, we should be able to put 'Memberships' at the top directly under the Company-contact's name on the left menu bar. That way we can see all the individuals associated with that company quickly.

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  2. Account UDF

    When creating a UDF with the list of values, it would be great to have the ability to create an "other" option with an editable field (even if small limited in characters)

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  3. To Do List

    I see it's been posted a few times but I just want to reiterate, a running To-Do List would be an invaluable feature to Redtail. It would be great to simply be able to add items to the list and then re-arrange based on priority. This would be for simple and one-off tasks where a workflow might not be appropriate or necessary and would help keep my desk clear of sticky notes. Would be ideal to make sure it appears on the phone app too. Please add this (seemingly) simple feature.

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  4. Financials' Section - Customizable Labels

    Make the Labels in the Financial Section Customizable for whatever type of financials are important you. For example, we wouldn't put a specific Strategic Allocation Model into a clients profile because they might have several different accounts with different models. We personally would like to use those fields to show a clients Income Sources and amounts. Those labels should work like UDF's where you can put in whatever types of Financials your group is tracking.

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  5. Remove client anniversary reminder if client is terminated

    I continue to get client anniversary reminders on terminated clients even though I have entered their client termination date.

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  6. Name in "Referred By" window be hyper-linked to Contact's Record

    Under Contact Details - Referred By - Could the name of the person be (hyper-linked) to their contact record? This would greatly reduce my clicks to get to the person's Contact Record who referred.

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  7. Calendar Integration with Calendly

    Currently we have to work around 4 different google calendars to get the Calendly feature for scheduling. With the world shifting to digital, is there a possibility of RT integrating with Calendly so our office can have a scheduling system off our 1 CRM calendar?

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  8. Opportunity Notifications

    We are hoping Opportunities may be set up similar to the Activity and Workflow features in regards to notifications. We have multiple Users and multiple Teams in our database. We would like a large Team to have Permission to view the Opportunity but have the capability to turn off notifications on actions/updates done to Opportunities.

    Thank you!

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  9. Expand Automations to include trigger events around specific workflow or activity templates

    We need the ability to utilize automation when certain workflow or activity templates are added or completed. Example, when a workflow for new client on-boarding is completed- assign the "schedule financial planning implementation meeting" activity template. Or when a "client trade" activity template is completed, set off the "client money movement" workflow.

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  10. Automation Added based on Trigger Activity Added - More Conditions Needed

    Please add more conditions when selecting Trigger Event Activity Added such as:
    Created by equal to User X
    Created by equal to Team Y
    Activity Template equal to Template ABC

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  11. myrepchat

    Can you segregate text messages from notes into its own category.
    so instead searching for text messages in notes.. I would Access the text messages under a text messages category heading on the side bar.

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  12. combine note

    It would be helpful to combine outside notes to existing activities instead of deleting the note and re-recording it within the activity or recording it multiple times. For example If I have a phone call with a client that pertains to two activities, I could make one note then link that note to the other activity.

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  13. Orion Integration Report

    There needs to be a simple way for us to see which contacts have been linked to the Orion Integration. The only way currently is to go to the client, click on integrations and see what pops up. Some sort of report or field for each contact would be helpful to audit the integration.

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  14. From app add more than 1 contact to a note

    Very frequently notes would apply to multiple contacts most commonly spouses. The desktop version handles this just fine, but from the app it is impossible to have more than 1 contact linked to the note. for now that means I make the note then go to the note and copy and paste to the spouse.

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  15. Family Tree Mapping

    With so many complicated family trees of divorces, 2nd and 3rd marriages, and children mixes among, I would like an improvement on the family tree mapping. I want to be able to look at a client and see their relationships to other clients in a more visual way than just the memberships tab. Thank you.

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  16. Please provide unlimited trigger options

    In order to make systems more automated and instead of having to manually create a bulk action to send a broadcast email, I would like to have some emails automatically sent when an Activity Category is changed within a workflow.

    Because Redtail Automations are frustratingly limited and only provide an option to email user, email team, link workflow or set field, there should be a way within Redtail to have a review confirmation email, no reply email or thank you email to automatically send when changing the activity category or if there is another trigger and action that would get…

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  17. Activity notes in mobile app

    In the mobile app, we're currently unable to view or add notes linked to an activity. Since the workflow limitations cause work-arounds using activities, the ability to review and/or add notes to an existing activity would be helpful. We need to have a consistent experience whether we're working via the browser on our computers or the app on our mobile devices. The incompleteness of the mobile app in this manner makes it difficult to fully embrace the functionality of Redtail if we're unable to count on the consistency across platforms.

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  18. Link opportunities to the calendar. Particularly link close dates.

    When creating an opportunity, link the close date for the particular opportunity to your calendar. It prevents adding another step and makes using the Opportunity function seamless.
    Anna Dujan

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  19. Phonetic Spelling/Pronunciation Field

    Contact field that explains to the user how to pronounce a client's name

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  20. Default Permission

    It would be helpful to be able to say "any contact added by XYZ user should be assigned a default Permission of ABC". The current options in the Automations do not allow for this.

    We have multiple users in our database that only work under one team. It is an extra step for them to remember to add their Permission each time they add a contact and even harder to remember to go in and update any contacts that are created automatically as Employers or Spouses etc.

    Having this set to happen automatically would be a huge time saver and…

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