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1910 results found

  1. 23 votes

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  2. add a plug in for outlook so you can save emails to the client's redtail contact

    With Smart Office we had a plugin/ widget so that we could post an email to their contact page. You either had the option to do it every time for everyone or you could do it manually. You could also click a button and it would send any attachments in the email to their contact page.

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  3. Calendly Integration

    Integrate directly with Calendly or have an online scheduler for appointments.

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    11 comments  ·  Calendar  ·  Admin →
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  4. client review

    Our client reviews are rarely on the same day (ie. the 6th month, every 3 months) having the option to manually enter or a click-box to make an activity in the calendar the "next review date" would be extremely helpful.

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  5. Opportunity Report - need date range in the filter so I can see when opportunities were opened

    need date range in the filter so I can see when opportunities were opened

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  6. Address Updates

    When updating a physical address, it should reflect on both of the spouses contact records. It only updates both spouses if it is a "Home Address" update. It should update both spouses if it involves the home address, mailing address, and the home phone #.

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  7. Add a time stamp to activities

    Add a time stamp at the end of every documentation or update on activities. When I previously worked with Junxure, they had a CTRL + J feature that would time stamp with initials of who wrote it.

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  8. Be able to link Workflow to Activity Templates so you can attach pending documents and tasks for group

    Link Workflow to Activity Templates so that you can see the task for the group, along with notifications and attaching supporting documents in workflow.

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  9. Bulk Data Uploads/Updates

    Is it possible to add a feature to the Admins for bulk uploads? We are going through a massive overhaul of all our contacts in Redtail requiring many updates to our contacts such as; status, category, key words, referral source etc . We have been exporting from Redtail and submitting tickets to have this data uploaded into our CRM. Can this be a feature added to Admins going forward?

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  10. Workflow created from note

    Being able to automate a workflow creation when adding a note would be great. I am trying to create an automation that will not take any additional time to set up, but allow us to make sure nothing "falls through the cracks". It would great to add a note (with a specific category) that would create a work flow. Say we receive new account paperwork from a client. It would be nice to add a note on the client page that says "Received new account paperwork in the mail", and when that note is created, it automatically starts a workflow…

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  11. attendees

    We should be able to tag a group instead of individual attendees to an activity. This way even if team members change, we don't have to keep updating the attendees.

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  12. Albridge feed

    Albridge feed improvements. When accounts come into the unlinked section the account title is visible, but once they are linked there is not any title. It seems like you could create a field for that to populate into the clients account section since it does come over in the feed.

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    This suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added. This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!

  13. Contact UDF

    At our office we use a UDF that multiple users in our office edit on the our clients pages, and right now, we have no way of knowing who updated a contact's UDF last. In the UDF box, in addition to "name," "value," and "type," I would like to have a "Last edited" column that has the name of the user who last updated the UDF value, and the date and time of the that update. Preferably, that info would then also be part of the filter on the UDF reports page, and also one of the available check boxes…

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  14. include tax bracket

    Custom Export include tax bracket from know your client section

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  15. Workflow in main Notes Realtime NOT once Workflow is done

    It would be extremely helpful to have the Workflow notes appear in the main contact notes, on real time, once each task is complete. Therefore all notes for the client are consolidated in one place not separate areas. Currently, as is is NOT efficient! Even with the workflow summary notes you only have them once the workflow is done not while its going

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  16. Outlook and RedTail Calendar Integration

    I would like meetings I create in Outlook to also automatically create a meeting in my RedTail calendar.

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  17. Segment contacts by different colors on contact page

    We would like to be able to segment clients in Redtail by a different color header on their contact record.

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  18. Junxure Time Stamp

    Within an Open Activity, there will be a sequence of notes, most recent on top, of what is being done with that particular activity. Junxure offered CTRL J which equaled (sample) "10/9/19 BMW 1:00 PM", it was great. I have offered this suggestion in Request #626395 8/21/17 and #695898 1/3/18.

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  19. Client review section.Would like to see "next dates" Quarterly, Semi-annual and Annually

    Client review dates:
    Instead of Weekly, Monthly.....
    Add: Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annually

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  20. List Management: Bulk Delete

    It would be very helpful to have bulk actions when managing lists. We are revamping how we do client status, category and source, and having to delete each individual status, category or source is not only tedious but taking an extraordinary amount of time. It would be awesome if we could simply select the ones we want to delete and delete them in a bulk action.

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