Redtail CRM
Welcome to our official Redtail CRM feedback forum!
Do you have an idea? Do you recognize a good idea when you see one?
Use the Categories to indicate what part of the CRM your change request refers to, and browse the ideas of fellow CRM users to vote on requests that will impact your business.
Don’t forget to add comments to other ideas to let us know how your firm might use a feature better!
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1911 results found
Additional/ Customizable Fields in the KYC Financials Tab
We want to see more Tabs under the Financials. Secondary Objective, Additional Experience boxes for other types of investments, Special Expenses and Special Expenses Time Frame just to name a few of what we need. Please allow customizable fields in KYC/ Financials or a whole new Suitability section in KYC.
14 votes -
Create option to "freeze" the 'all day' row
Please add the ability to "Freeze" the "all day" row in the calendar so that it holds at the top of the calendar even when scrolling to later times in the day. When scheduling for multiple users later in the day (so that you are unable to see the "all day" row), it is easy to forget when people are out of the office, it's a holiday, people are working from home, etc... If that row were frozen, far fewer scheduling mishaps would occur!!
14 votes -
Go directly to "Activity Details" when creating a new activity
We want to be able to go straight to the activity details page when creating a new activity. This would create some efficiencies for our team (fewer clicks for activity creation) but, more importantly, it would reduce duplicate email notifications for activities.
For example, right now, when we click "Add activity" and add the relevant details in the abbreviated "Create Activity" window, attendees get an "activity assigned" notification email as soon as we click "create & edit" and then another "activity updated" email once we actually have the opportunity to get to the activity details screen to add a description…
14 votes -
Employer Field - Add dropdown feature to list Employers the user can select from
Our office has dozens of group retirement plans. When adding a new employee contact record, we want our office associates to select from a list of employers. Currently the Employer Field is open to any text allowing office associates to enter employer any which way. For example. IBM may be listed as IBM or International Business Machines or Intl Bus Machines. Because we use the employer field in creating quick lists, it is not useful if the employer field is not entered consistently. This is why I suggest a dropdown. Our administrators can prepopulate the employers to be in the…
14 votes -
We need bulk Beneficiary Excel report-Please work on this report for us. trying to clean up our clients' beneficiary data.need the report
work on this report for us. trying to clean up our clients' beneficiary data.need the report in order to do this efficiently. We need to capture beneficiary data for clients' accounts to reach out to the missing ones and get the info.
13 votesThe suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Family Report
When running a Family report you can only do it on one client. Please consider a way to run a family report on all clients at the same time so you do not have to go to each client one by one to run the report. We would like to have one report that lists all family members for each client. When running a membership report some children do not have the same last name as their parents so they are not listed with the parent they are some where else on the report according to their name. It would…
13 votesThe suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Custom export template family relationship
Adding a field indicating head of household, spouse, child, family relationship, etc. in an overall custom export template would be immensely helpful in a myriad of ways.
13 votesRedtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Add feature to search archived emails by "to" field or "from" field
Currently email archiving only allows for searching off of contact or subject field. We really need to be able to also search off of "to" or "from" field.
13 votesRedtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps. This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Contact UDF
At our office we use a UDF that multiple users in our office edit on the our clients pages, and right now, we have no way of knowing who updated a contact's UDF last. In the UDF box, in addition to "name," "value," and "type," I would like to have a "Last edited" column that has the name of the user who last updated the UDF value, and the date and time of the that update. Preferably, that info would then also be part of the filter on the UDF reports page, and also one of the available check boxes…
13 votesRedtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Increased Limit on "Things to do Today"
Can we please increase the limit of the "things to do today" from 100 to unlimited or at least higher than 100 for those who have a lot of activities to accomplish in one day?
13 votesMore information is needed internally before a decision can be made. Nothing is needed from Redtail clients at this time.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Retriever for tailwag working with Mac computers
It would be nice to sync my Outlook calendar on my MAC with my redtail calendar.
13 votesRedtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Add documents to a contact record from the mobile app
It would be helpful to be able to add a document to a contact from the mobile app. when my office meets with clients outside the office we like to take photos with our phones of our handwritten notes that we give to the clients that way we can keep track and answer any questions. Ideally we would like to be able to upload that photo directly from our phones camera-roll directly to a clients notes or document section. Just like uploading a document in the desktop version.
13 votesMore information is needed internally before a decision can be made. Nothing is needed from Redtail clients at this time. This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Bulk update Know Your Client fields
I would like to be able bulk update the Know Your Client Fields. For example, every firm has to send out an ADV Offer Update and Privacy Policy Annually. These notices/offers go out on the same date every year all at once. We need to be able to then bulk update the date fields in Know Your Client for these as opposed to a one-by-one update which takes an extraordinary amount of time. Thanks.
13 votes -
add privacy option to activity templates
add privacy option to activity templates
13 votes -
email reminders on tasks that go uncompleted or possibly overlooked
would like a feature that will remind admin and advisors via email of tasks that go uncompleted or possibly overlooked.
13 votes -
Within Morningstar we are able to customize the benchmark we show for reports. Within Redtail the S&P is the default benchmark. Would love a way to customize the Morningstar reports utilized/printed within Redtail. Thank you!
13 votes -
be able to HTML email code.
We were previously able to code email's instead of simply typing into the body of the email. It was taken away for an unexplained reason. It was an incredibly helpful feature.
13 votes -
Adding a strikethrough option similar to how you can bold and underline text
I think it would be helpful to add a strikethrough text option just like how there is a bold text and underline text option. This would allow you to strikethrough the next when you have completed a step in the description box of an activity.
13 votes -
search tag groups
Our Tag Group page has a result of 6 pages. It would be nice to search the list instead of clicking through the pages.
13 votes -
Head of Household indicated in contact main profile
Would like see to within a contact record if they are the head of household without having to go into the family name to see if the individual is the head of household. Maybe add the house icon beside the contacts name in their main record?
13 votes
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