Redtail CRM
Welcome to our official Redtail CRM feedback forum!
Do you have an idea? Do you recognize a good idea when you see one?
Use the Categories to indicate what part of the CRM your change request refers to, and browse the ideas of fellow CRM users to vote on requests that will impact your business.
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1911 results found
export from advanced search
We need the ability to export a list that we run in contacts advanced search and be able to select the fields that we export.
15 votes -
Linking spousal activities and notes
There should be a way to link all previous notes and activities to a spouse, even if they are added years later.
15 votes -
Hover for activity to see description on the contact screen
When in the Activities tab for our entire database, you are able to hover over the activity and a small popup window displays the description of the activity. I would like the same functionality when you are on an individual contact page viewing activities. It saves a lot of clicks.
15 votes -
ScheduleOnce integration with Redtail Calendar
Full integration with ScheduleOnce.
15 votes -
Color code or allow hiding of completed workflow tasks.
Color code or allow hiding of completed workflow tasks so I can tell, with a glance, which workflow tasks need my attention.
15 votes -
Retirement date alert
My office is adding in all clients retirement date, and it would be nice to be able to get an alert for upcoming client retirement date so that a manual activity does not have to be created.
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workflow report bulk actions
Please allow bulk selection/changing/actions on the Workflow Report and Workflow Task report. For example, being able to select multiple and completing them all at once
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Add the ability to use check boxes and drop downs within Activity Templates.
15 votes -
Bulk UDF Additions
When setting up an account, it would be very helpful and time-saving to select UDFs from a list and add them all at once, then go back and edit them with the needed information.
15 votes -
Ability to export ALL account information
Instead of making us beg for each account detail to be an option for custom export, just allow all info within the account details profile to be an option for custom exports. We wasted a ton of time entering LTC information so we can summarize it for our clients just to be told that part of account information can't be exported. So unnecessary, why would you purposefully limit the system like that and then make us ask for years for it be improved. All info shold be exported or reportable.. no reason to make it so limited!!
15 votes -
being notified when entering a contact that is a duplicate
I receive about 10 leads a month from a marketing lead source. As soon as I receive a lead, I immediately enter into RT by first name, last name, email address and phone #.
There have been many times that I would receive a duplicate lead (without knowing or remembering) from the past. I wish that RT would inform me when a duplicate contact is being entered, specifically by email and/or phone #. I understand RT only informs of duplicate by EXACT first name, last name and tax id. Please considering updating and allowing at least email to be included…15 votes -
A global setting that would put spouses name in the Additional Linked Contact field automatically
We are selection the spouse's name with every married client for the Additional Linked Contact field. What if there was a Global Setting the defaulted the spouse into that field. You could always delete it if you did not want the note copied to her contact.
15 votes -
Bulk Actions for Accounts
If you run a report for accounts or pull up accounts by type you are not able to do any bulk actions except export. I would like to be able to bulk delete closed accounts, or bulk edit account sections such as account type, account manager, account company instead of having to do it on an individual basis.
15 votes -
Use RedTail Login for RedTail websites
Every time I visit this site (the feedback area) it's a deal to get logged in. RedTail credentials should be used to login.
15 votes -
Allow to choose to use actual dates in notes
Forcing notes to use date reference like "last Monday" "last Tuesday" etc can be very confusing. Allow us at least to toggle back to the actual dates for those terms please!
15 votes -
FMG Suite (Segregate FMG Email Sent Notifications)
Please Segregate FMG Email Sent Notification into its own Sidebar category, possibly under "Marketing" just like you Segregated out Redtail Speak Messages. Notes is getting too cluttered with all notifications.
15 votes -
Linking of Contacts, Accounts to Opportunities and Opportunity Notes
Opportunities can link contacts on the "big picture" side. We would like to see the ability to link an account to opportunities as well, either pending or existing accounts.
Additionally, we would really like to see all notes made in the opportunity automatically link to any linked contact or account. We currently have to do a double entry on the contact level, which makes it easy for someone to miss and potentially leave the note stuck in the opportunity. For the accounts, we have to make sure the contact linked, then go to the contact record, then link the account…
15 votes -
Need more Automation options!!
Specifically for Account status - closed
15 votes -
Would it be possible to add a per stirpes check box in the beneficiary section?
Add a box that could be checked mark if the beneficiary is set up as per stirpes
15 votes -
RMD Information/Log
Please create a RMD information tab in the left side panel similar to the UDF, Notes and activates fields. We need a section where we can track all RMDs per year and if they were satisfied. RMD accounts can be satisfied in one account of across multi accounts so we need the ability to customize data and take notes and track if the RMD is completed for the year. We need the RMD data to stand separate from accounts section since we don't enter acct info in redtail. Currently we enter RMD instructions in the UDF, but we need a…
15 votes
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