Redtail CRM
Welcome to our official Redtail CRM feedback forum!
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1911 results found
Notice of Contact with same name
We previously were able to see a notice at the top of the add contact page that a contact already exists with the same name. This isn't showing up anymore and was really helpful since we have a lead source that generates several leads per month. Can we get this added back?
6 votes -
Showing "Versions" of notes
I understand why notes cannot be deleted, but when there is a typo or a bit of information is entered in incorrectly, rather than just adding a comment, it would be nice to edit/fix the note, but still leave the original. Like having the ability for a note to have multiple versions that are all viewable at any time, but the most recent being the one viewed from the "latest notes".
6 votes -
full dates on note history
Notes less than a week or two weeks old summarize the date of the note: e.g. "Last Tuesday at 1:14 PM". It would be more useful to list the full date - Tuesday, March 12th @ 1:14 PM.
6 votes -
Set a default text box size for the "description" field.
There should be a feature that allows us to set a default size for the "description" text box field within an activity every time you open it. Currently, you have to manually adjust the size of the field every time you open an activity. Allowing us to set a default would get rid of this clunky adjustment every time a new activity is opened up to work on.
6 votes -
Please include the "Location" field in the Activity Template.
Please include the "Location" field in the Activity Template.
6 votes -
Self-Scheduling Feature for Clients
This would be extremely helpful to our firm (and many others). It would give us the ability to do everything through Redtail and eliminate third party websites.
Using third party websites interferes with our workflow procedures and leaves a lot of room for error. If everything was seamless through Redtail, we could avoid workflow errors and missing contact links. Having a self scheduling feature would also eliminate synching issues that we come across a lot with third party integrations.
Features that would be very helpful, if self-scheduling would be implemented:
- Allow clients to schedule a meeting themselves (like Calendly)
- Allow…
6 votes -
Ability to click and drag the Redtail Support Chat Icon
While I utilize and appreciate the support chat feature in the bottom right of the screen, it would be nice to have the ability to drag and move that icon to a different corner or area of my screen.
I often have the browser in a smaller window when having multiple items open on my monitor and accidentally click the support chat icon when attempting to hit other links instead. Having the ability to move the icon to the left of my screen would be beneficial, as I do not select items in that area as often as I do…
6 votes -
Feature to move and sort tasks on today page
I would love a feature that allows me to manually move tasks on the today page so I can put them in the order I want to do them. This would help me prioritize and move down my list of tasks rather than jumping around. I also wish there was a feature that allowed me to group tasks. To explain, we are going through a merger right now. There are tasks I need to complete, and then there are tasks that I need to be on so that I can follow along, take notes, and monitor, but there isn't always…
6 votes -
Add Activity
Can you please change the Highlight from the "Create Activity" button to "Create and Edit Activity" button?
6 votes -
Workflow Step Due Date - Add date of creation
Normally when workflows are created we have to select the due dates for the step based on "before target date", "on target date", or "after target date". Can we add an option for the due date to be "day of creation" or possibly choosing a time that is based on "after creation date.
Because the target date option are causing so much confusion.6 votes -
drag drop workflow tasks
In the calendar, we should be able to drag / drop workflow tasks to different dates just like we can for other activities. It is cumbersome to move workflow tasks b/c you have to open the task, change date and save.
6 votes -
Adding CSA to the clients contact details section, while maintaining writing and servicing advisors. Not just under roles and permissions.
Adding CSA to the clients contact details section, while maintaining writing and servicing advisors. Not just under roles and permissions.
6 votes -
customizing the order of users
Would like to be able to set the user order in the user dropdown list other than just alpha by last name
6 votes -
Allow Seminars to export Attendee List into Excel Format
Allow Seminars to be able to export an Attendee List into Export format into modifiable lists similar to the Contact Lists. This would benefit especially if invites are being sent out to email addresses and not primarily home addresses. Excel is easy to work with when it comes to modifying and specializing lists to fit our office needs. Hope this is a good idea!
6 votes -
Give users the ability to change the tabs in the contacts view.
Allow users to choose which tab is shown first on the contacts pages.
Currently the "Past Due and Next" tab is shown. I want the "Notes" tab to be shown so that I can see the notes on a client, I do not use the "Past Due and Next" feature at all.6 votes -
Contact Link Option for any filed listed as "Contact"
It's frustrating that there are multiple fields where a contact can be listed yet, despite the fact that the contact being listed is also in Redtail, there is no option to create a hyperlink to that client. For example: Departments (under Business Clients), Primary Contact (under Misc. Client Information), Referred By (under Client Details), etc.
6 votes -
Notification Emails need to be ENCRYPTED
We have been aware of this issue for a long time now, but I think with the climate today it has become IMPERATIVE that Redtail encrypt notification emails generated from created and updated Activities. I believe many Redtail users put sensitive information in the subject and description such as account numbers (regardless of whether Redtail thinks we should) and then that information is being broadcast to the world in an insecure email if notification settings are not all set to "no". Our office knows of this security issue and we have everyone set their notifications settings to no, and are…
6 votes -
Add filter options for permissions report
In the permission report please add the option to select no one under servicing advisor. Also add the option to filter by writing advisor as well. I want to compare a contacts permissions with the writing and servicing advisor they have so over time I can correct bad permissions since automations don't have a trigger of a changed writing or servicing advisor.
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Let us be able to delete all items in lists
For account types (and other lists like activity type, etc) there are some choices I am not able to delete. I'd love for that not to be the case so for account types every account type available and shown to us are the ones applicable to us. I am never going to call an account type brokerage or cash & equivalents because I use type as registration type and those two aren't mutually exclusive. That list in particular is cluttered up with 50+ undeletable fields of which I'd only keep 15.
6 votes -
Add "Next 7 Days" Icon Next to the "Day" "Week" and "Month" Icons on Calendar View
Add "Next 7 Days" Icon Next to icons "Day" "Week" and "Month" on Calendar View. On Thursday, I am not really in need of see what I did on Monday.
6 votes
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