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1910 results found

  1. Show multiday activities on today screen every day they span

    If I have a multiday task from the 1st -10th (of any month) the activity currently only shows on the today screen on the 1st. It'd love to be able to see that on the today screen every day from the 1st to 10th. I put some of them like that as I mean to fit them in my schedule sometime in that period but if I don't get to it day 1 I am more likely to lose track and now I can't just work off the today screen (which you should be able to do easier).

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  2. Automated Scheduling in Redtail

    Create & integrate an automated scheduling system within Redtail just like ScheduleOnce etc. which allows clients to schedule appointments themselves via a link we send to them. As well as automated confirmation and reminder emails and/or texts. Instead of connecting Redtail to an outside automated scheduling system, have those capabilities within Redtail. That would be so helpful to have everything in one place!

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  3. Notes that you have been notified of show up under notifcations

    We get emailed if we are notified of a note but there is no way to see a list in the website of the notes that we have been tagged in. I believe that under notes in the today section there should be a place to see all the notes that we have been tagged in. I think it would also be beneficial if they showed up under the bell icon. After all that is where notifcations are supposed to be in the website.

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  4. Life Partner

    When adding a life partner to a record, we need to have the link to show up to their record; not just a family name. It needs to look and functionality needs to be the same as the spouse.

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  5. Please Don't Make Next Task Dependent on Current Task Being Completed

    If multiple users are assigned to a Workflow and one user forgets or simply does not complete their current task, the rest of the tasks then don't get completed, leaving either a major bottleneck of work to later do or even worse, overlooked. Please allow the steps in a Workflow to not be dependent upon sequential completion. In talking to several other advisors and support staff at Orion Ascent, Workflows are not being used at all for this specific reason. Our prior CRM did not have this restriction and this is making the adoption of RedTail a much more difficult…

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  6. Please add a number of reports under a new Database Cleanup category

    I'd love to see reports for database cleanup. For certain things I can make quicklists for this effect (clients without DOB, SSN) but for others I cannot like clients without an address or phone number (since those searches are broken).

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  7. Add filter options for permissions report

    In the permission report please add the option to select no one under servicing advisor. Also add the option to filter by writing advisor as well. I want to compare a contacts permissions with the writing and servicing advisor they have so over time I can correct bad permissions since automations don't have a trigger of a changed writing or servicing advisor.

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  8. Know Your Client added fields / information for Financial Planning

    It would be helpful if under the "Know Your Client" tab we could have the ability to enter more information that is pertinent to financial planning. Some ideas I have are as follows:

    Social Security: Could add fields for age when claimed or planning to claim, start date of benefits, current benefit amount, etc.

    Estate Planning: do they have trust/ wills/ POAs in place, estate attorney/ POA contact information, Last beneficiary review date

    E-signature: Yes or No field on whether client is comfortable using this or not.

    I have other ideas too but these were some at the top of…

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  9. Need more operand options when setting up automations

    When setting up permissions I used advanced search and applied backoffice permissions to everyone where the writing or servicing advisor wasn't blank. I want to do an automation with the same thing but that operand function isn't available and I'll need to put in so many criteria to do the same thing and when we add new advisors I'll need to set them up as well.

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  10. forward email from email archive

    We often have to follow up on clients that were contacted by someone else in the office. In this follow up email we include the original email that was sent. It would great to include a forward option on the email archive so we can open the email that was sent and follow up with the client to show that we have already tried to contact them.

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  11. Allow to complete multiple workflow tasks on Today page without refreshing the screen every time.

    When viewing Today page, when I click "complete" next to a workflow to complete the current step, I have to refresh the entire page before I can click on complete again for that workflow or the next. It didn't use to be this way.

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  12. More Filters for Workflows Reports

    It would be very helpful if we could filter workflows by more categories in workflow reports including roles such as Advisor/Associate Advisor and by the current step. Additionally for the date range if we could have an all past due date range, this would be great. It would also be helpful to update a saved filter instead of having to create a new saved filter and remove the old after making edits.

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  13. Notification Emails need to be ENCRYPTED

    We have been aware of this issue for a long time now, but I think with the climate today it has become IMPERATIVE that Redtail encrypt notification emails generated from created and updated Activities. I believe many Redtail users put sensitive information in the subject and description such as account numbers (regardless of whether Redtail thinks we should) and then that information is being broadcast to the world in an insecure email if notification settings are not all set to "no". Our office knows of this security issue and we have everyone set their notifications settings to no, and are…

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  14. Add a Category of OUT

    Program the OUT category to have a Conflict message that pops up if someone tries to assign a task, call or appointment to the individual on a day they are marked Out. Currently there is nothing to catch it if someone assigns a follow-up item from Notes and they're not looking at the calendar to see that the person has themselves blocked out. (With the category option of OUT, you could still list a description like Vacation or whatever details the person wanted.)

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  15. Functional "Projected Revenue" and "Actual Revenue" Fields in Opportunities

    It seems incredibly strange to me the fields listed as "Projected Revenue" and "Actual Revenue" exist only for the sake of ornamentation.

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  16. Copy note to additional contact

    When copying a note to an additional contact, the comments and any attached documents should also transfer with the note!!!!

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  17. Contact Link Option for any filed listed as "Contact"

    It's frustrating that there are multiple fields where a contact can be listed yet, despite the fact that the contact being listed is also in Redtail, there is no option to create a hyperlink to that client. For example: Departments (under Business Clients), Primary Contact (under Misc. Client Information), Referred By (under Client Details), etc.

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  18. Notifying Colleagues

    I believe we are able to tag/notify other colleagues via the activity tab, but our team primarily communicates and documents via the notes tab. For example, my colleague and I were both working on a task together. If would be nice to tag her somehow to let her know about an update I've made or a note I have shared. Other than this, she would have to constantly check for new notes.

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  19. personal profile form

    I would like to list Beneficiaries and Key and/or Trusted Contacts on the Personal Profile form. Currently, as an inaccurate work-around, we are listing adult children as dependents so that they can be printed on the Personal Profile Form so we can update/check their information in our client meetings with their parents. If their contact information could be included without having to list them as dependents, that would be great!

    Alternately, if household/membership information could be printed on the Personal Profile Form, that would be helpful - or as other folks have said if we could customize the Personal Profile…

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  20. Assign Estimated Time to Complete to Workflow Templates!

    To better track capacity across our service team, I propose adding a feature to our workflows that allows us to assign an estimated time to complete for each workflow template. This enhancement would enable us to monitor and manage each processor's workload more effectively. It would be great if we could also have a capacity dashboard for each processor!

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