Redtail CRM
Welcome to our official Redtail CRM feedback forum!
Do you have an idea? Do you recognize a good idea when you see one?
Use the Categories to indicate what part of the CRM your change request refers to, and browse the ideas of fellow CRM users to vote on requests that will impact your business.
Don’t forget to add comments to other ideas to let us know how your firm might use a feature better!
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1910 results found
Add a "TOP" button when scrolling down on pages
Add a "TOP" button when scrolling down on pages such as notes, activities, etc. where we can easily click one button to return to the top of the page vs scrolling back up to be able to move away from that page. OR freeze the side bar menu so we don't have to scroll up and can just click the page we want to go to.
4 votes -
Give users the ability to change the tabs in the contacts view.
Allow users to choose which tab is shown first on the contacts pages.
Currently the "Past Due and Next" tab is shown. I want the "Notes" tab to be shown so that I can see the notes on a client, I do not use the "Past Due and Next" feature at all.6 votes -
Work on Multiple Steps Simultaneously
Would be great to be able to complete/begin tasks on next steps while current step is still in progress. Not uncommon to be waiting for an external signature, certified mail receipts, etc. to complete a step, however, the completion is not pertinent to stop the workflow. Would appreciate being able to override the step completion requirement.
10 votes -
add incoming emails from Synced account to notes for everyone to see
Be able to add an email that we receive from Synced account to the notes section, to save the email and also allow everyone on the CRM to see the email.
7 votes -
Case Creation
I would like to request the ability to create cases that can be assigned to client accounts and for an internal Case Queue to manage/close these cases.
2 votes -
Calendar appointment location field
It would be great, when adding an appointment in the calendar and the clients name is included in the appointment, when clicking on the "Location" data field, all addresses associated to the clients profile are listed in the dropdown to select for adding to location.
1 vote -
Remove Workflow Summary from Notes not permissioned report. There is no way to permission this summary. Maybe create another report to check summaries or allow the option to permission.
3 votes -
It would be very helpful if we could permission the workflow notes.
When you write a note on a workflow, there is not a way to permission that note. It clogs up my notes not permissioned report that I clear out weekly. Or make it so that those notes don't appear in that report.
3 votes -
Customizable Contacts Home Page
Ability to customize contact page home screen so that we can see all contacts in a list with their primary number/address/last meeting date/ age/ etc. Salesforce has this ability and it greatly streamlines our workday.
1 vote -
It would be great to be able to create a reoccurring task for a specific date and to have the task continue to rollover to the next day if the task is not completed. When the task is marked done, the task could then move to completed activities along with the completed date.
1 vote -
Allow Seminars to export Attendee List into Excel Format
Allow Seminars to be able to export an Attendee List into Export format into modifiable lists similar to the Contact Lists. This would benefit especially if invites are being sent out to email addresses and not primarily home addresses. Excel is easy to work with when it comes to modifying and specializing lists to fit our office needs. Hope this is a good idea!
6 votes -
Client View
It would be great if there is a toggle on the calendar to switch on Client View. This way we can look at the calendar with a client to schedule a meeting without other client information showing. Client View would hide the linked client names and other identifying information, just showing blocked out times for already scheduled meetings.
3 votes -
"Are You Sure?" prompt when hitting "cancel" after adding a note.
Can we add an "Are You Sure?" prompt when hitting "Cancel" after adding a note?
The "Save Note" button is very close to cancel and would be useful in the numerous cases when I go too fast and hit "Cancel" instead of "Save Note".
7 votes -
When merging a record, it appears as a new record. Because of that, when we have an automation created that links a workflow to a new prospect, a workflow is being tied to this prospect. They are not new but look that way when records are merged.
3 votes -
Client Profile Sheet/ PDF Report
Please make available for us to incorporate or adjust custom field information concerning our clients. This will facilitate the compilation of essential details into a concise, one-page PDF report, i.e. the client's CPA/Tax advisor, Estate Attorney, investment model, required minimum distribution data, IRA beneficiary particulars, etc. Such a report will greatly assist us in preparing for client meetings by providing a comprehensive overview of their significant information.
9 votes -
Know Your Client Financial Fields - Add Suitability and Assets Held Away
The the financials tab, in addition to the objective, experience, tax info, and net worth, there should be a Assets Held Away section and then have that broken out by type of assets. Stocks, bonds, mutual funds, annuities, savings, others, etc. where you can either enter the dollar amount or percentage to add up to 100% or assets held away. This would help with the Finra suitability requirements.
Riding on the coattails of others, please add more fields in the financials section to be more specific! Thanks.
3 votes -
Create Dynamic Tag Groups
There should be two types of tag groups that can be created: static and dynamic. Currently, all tag groups are static. I would like the ability to create a tag group that will automatically add contacts that meet certain criteria. Essentially, I want a combination of a quick list and a tag group. The marketing software that we use has the ability to import tag groups and sync them nightly, but it is tedious adding each advisors new contacts to tag groups manually.
11 votes -
Allow calendar events to be scheduled on a specific day of every month, for example: the first of every month.
I would like to be able to schedule a calendar event on a specific day of every month, regardless of what day of the week that falls on. I have an activity I do on the 1st every month. I wanted to put this in as a recurring activity, but I had to list it as "the first monday of the month" and then I had to manually go into every event in the series and change each instance to the first of that month.
3 votes -
Your workflow tasks reordering glitch
When I pull up my workflow steps from the today page, every time I complete one task, the remaining will refresh in a different order. For example, if I knew I could complete three tasks in a row, I would love to be able to quickly click complete on those three. However, after completely task #1, the 2nd task might now be at the very bottom instead of next in line. It's causing our team to accidentally complete tasks they didn't do when they're trying to move along efficiently.
1 vote -
Stop returning to top of page automatically
Can you stop Redtail from automatically refreshing my page and taking me back to the top of my activities list???
3 votes
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