Redtail CRM
Welcome to our official Redtail CRM feedback forum!
Do you have an idea? Do you recognize a good idea when you see one?
Use the Categories to indicate what part of the CRM your change request refers to, and browse the ideas of fellow CRM users to vote on requests that will impact your business.
Don’t forget to add comments to other ideas to let us know how your firm might use a feature better!
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1910 results found
Need more Automation options!!
Specifically for Account status - closed
15 votes -
Integrate Redtail with DocuSign so we can upload information directly from the CRM into the DocuSign fields.
Integrate Redtail with DocuSign so we can upload information directly from the CRM into the DocuSign fields.
26 votes -
Categorize documents
Would you please add a feature that would allow us to categorize a document as we upload it. At this point we have to upload the document and then go back into documents and categorize. This is especially a pain in the booty when uploading documents directly to a note or activity.
30 votes -
Contact Record
Contact Record - when adding an employer, a new contact record is automatically created for the employer/company. The status is listed as non-specified. Would like to see RT automatically list the company as BUSINESS or EMPLOYER. I am cleaning up our database and I have tons of NON SPECIFIED records. If I delete the record, IT DELETES IT FROM THE CLIENT'S CONTACT RECORD. Not good... Also, if i change the status of the client to prior client or if I delete a client, the contact record for the employer still remains. It should transfer along with the client contact record.…
13 votes -
See who was notified in Notes
We need to see who we notified when a note is created and sent to another user. We have no way to verify when we notify someone of important actions or information pertaining to a contact. This can can cause mistrust and frustration from clients when things don't get done. This can also create internal issues when you know you checked a button to notify someone but they say they did not receive an email. This seems a very simple feature to add in Notes.
12 votes -
Add a visual status of tasks on the Activities List
At least add an icon like the exclamation point that means in a holding pattern. A visual status or percentage done on the list of tasks would be nice. Basically, I would like a way to differentiate activities in the list that I am waiting on someone else or some information before proceeding. That way it does not clutter the list of to do's when I am seeing what I need to do.
6 votes -
Linking of Contacts, Accounts to Opportunities and Opportunity Notes
Opportunities can link contacts on the "big picture" side. We would like to see the ability to link an account to opportunities as well, either pending or existing accounts.
Additionally, we would really like to see all notes made in the opportunity automatically link to any linked contact or account. We currently have to do a double entry on the contact level, which makes it easy for someone to miss and potentially leave the note stuck in the opportunity. For the accounts, we have to make sure the contact linked, then go to the contact record, then link the account…
15 votes -
client review
Client Review dates should reflect as a HOUSEHOLD. I think it would be very helpful if we could update the head of household's client review date and that it would automatically update the spouses client review as well.
12 votes -
NOTES -- Create limited "Draft" and permanent "FINAL" saves.
We understand that notes are permanent and cannot be edited/changed-- that's the way it should be. We REALLY NEED, HOWEVER, TO BE ABLE to first save a "rough draft" of a note (perhaps with a 3-hour limit) so it can be spell-checked, cleaned-up, items forgotten added, items poorly stated cleaned-up, etc. We are NOT suggesting the ability to change a note that has been saved as FINAL. once it's SAVED IN FINAL, NO MORE CHANGES. But give us a limited "draft" option, especially for phone/verbal PC notes. (Please vote your support for this change if you agree. Thank you.)
16 votes -
Color code CRM calendar based on people and not activity type.
Be able to color code based on people. For instance, in our firm we have 5 people. It would be nice to have different colors assigned for each person on the CRM calendar that way we can correlate the color with the person. Right now we are able to color code based on activity type like (appointment, task, out of office, etc) but this way all 5 peoples appointments are the same color.
21 votes -
UDF Report: More Filters
It would be helpful to be able to filter the UDF report on contact status. I may need UDF info clients, and not prospects, for instance.
7 votes -
Need to be able to give users access to see "roles".
The "Roles" need to be seen by users, not just administrators. Please make it possible for users to see the "Roles" without being an admin. It makes no sense that a user (who is not an admin) cannot lookup who the "Associate Advisor" or "CSA" for a particular client is.
14 votes -
add field for client pets and their names
Please add a field for client Pets with their names! We are a dog-friendly firm with a lot of pet-friendly clients and we use the best dog-friendly CRM around... So, we would love to be able to add client's pet type and name to a field so we can reference their pets by name quickly when chatting with clients in the future. :)
4 votes -
Time Stamps on UDFs
It would be helpful if we had a time stamp for the last time a UDF was updated next to the UDF. It would not be part of the Excel sheet data if we were to pull a report using a Custom Export with the UDF on it. It would just be to tell the last time that field was updated for the database users.
12 votes -
Linking notes
when you go add a note the linked contact option should already have the contact that they share a family name with; or have it as a default setting you can choose
2 votes -
Activity Pinning
It would be a great resource for activities to be pinned at the top of an activity list. Listing an activity as a high priority with the exclamation point only goes so far. The date does not roll, so if the user doesn't know to update his columns by priority or if it changes, then the activity goes back to the original date. Going thorough and rolling each activity every morning is inefficient. If there was an easy way to PIN a certain activity to the top it would stay at the top of your list no matter what.
8 votes -
Look up by last meeting held over 180 days.
I previously used another CRM and was able to look up all clients with meetings held over 180 days for scheduling current service meetings. With Redtail, I'm forced to schedule the date and time 6 months out, which much can change. I'd rather run a report on whom I haven't seen in 6 months, then send a global email for appointment scheduling.
8 votes -
Ability to Tag Multiple Users When Adding a Note
Right now, we only have the ability to tag one user when inputting a client note. it would be very very useful if we were able to tag multiple users since in many instances, the information is pertinent to more than just one other teammember. Thanks
16 votes -
Provide report that would show info for all members of a family/household
Provide a unique ID or something in a report so we can know which contact records are associated with which households. Show info for all members of a family/household.
9 votes -
FMG Suite (Segregate FMG Email Sent Notifications)
Please Segregate FMG Email Sent Notification into its own Sidebar category, possibly under "Marketing" just like you Segregated out Redtail Speak Messages. Notes is getting too cluttered with all notifications.
15 votes
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